
“Good night, Yammine.”

“Good night, Chief,” I reply.

The cell door __36__ and I hear Chief's keys clinking as other doors clang shut further down the row. I step into my little cell and sit down. I glance up at the window, covered in mesh(铁网),and think to myself, “This isn't a life, it's just a(n) __37__.”

Being __38__ makes me feel as though I'm being buried alive. I am a puppet(木偶) with people __39__ strings so that I eat, sleep and wake when they want me to.

I lie on my bed as night __40__ and think the same thoughts __41__. I think about how it all went so wrong, and imagine how I will __42__ for all the time I've lost.

Every day I live the same routine and nothing changes except the people. Prisoners depart for other prisons, or get __43__. Others __44__ from different prisons, or fresh from custody. It's a __45__ revolving(旋转) door.

When I committed my __46__, I was a lost young boy, but now I am __47__. Walking around the yard, I would notice my fellow prisoners reading books and writing letters to friends and family, which upset me as my __48__ at school was limited.

I longed for the day when I'd be able to sit in the sun, enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper or book __49__ my choice. I also longed to write letters to my friends and family, sharing my thoughts and feelings.

I decided not to waste my time inside and, __50__, make the most of all the resources available to me. I started to learn and was __51__ to realize my dream.

Now, after five years' persistence, heartache and hard work, I have __52__ my goal. Having __53__ a course as a reading adviser, I can now help others to read and write. And I have even started a creative writing workshop at Junee Correctional Centre. Learning to read and write at a highter level has given me the inner strength to present myself in a more __54__ manner.

And the day I've dreamed about has come true: I now enjoy my cup of coffee with a book in my other hand. Learning to read and write has changed my life and this article is my first piece of “proper” writing, and it won't be my __55__.

1.A. opens     B. closes       C. breaks    D. sticks

2.A. existence  B. appearance  C. offence  D. holiday

3.A. at school  B. at home  C. in hospital  D. in prison

4.A. pulling  B. shaking  C. winding  D. casting

5.A. becomes  B. drops  C. feels  D. falls

6.A. once and for all  B. over and over again  C. once again  D. for good

7.A. do up  B. make up  C. fix up  D. mend up

8.A. revealed  B. sentenced  C. punished  D. released

9.A. reach  B. get  C. arrive  D. go

10.A. continually  B. occasionally  C. accidentally  D. rarely

11.A. mistake  B. crime  C. error  D. fault

12.A. caught  B. home  C. found  D. trapped

13.A. attendance  B. absence  C. allowance  D. assistance

14.A. in  B. of  C. over  D. by

15.A. however  B. instead  C. thus  D. nevertheless

16.A. devoted  B. dedicated  C. determined  D. decided

17.A. gained  B. recognized  C. arrived  D. achieved

18.A. attended  B. completed  C. started  D. organized

19.A. positive  B. negative  C. sensitive  D. passive

20.A. best  B. worst  C. latest  D. last

























1.上下文,根据上文的Good night可知,他们在道别,所以此处是门关起来了。





6.句意理解,根据the same thought可知,此处指的是同一个相反在脑海中反反复复地出现。 once and for all一劳永逸 once again再一次 for good永久地

7.上下文,根据all the time I've lost可知,作者要弥补所失去的时间。

8.上下文,根据depart离开 可知,囚犯要么去别的监狱,要么被释放

9.句意理解,有的人是从别的监狱过来,有的是刚刚进监狱(fresh from custody)


11.词组搭配,commit my crime当我犯罪的时候 ,此处是作者对过去进行回忆

12.上下文,根据I was a lost young boy可知,当时我在人生的道路上迷路了,现在别人已经找到我了。因为是被捕的,所以是被人找到了我

13.上下文,根据at school可知,作者指的是上学(attend school)的时间不多。

14.of my choice作定语修饰book,意为我选择的书



17.词组搭配,我实现了我的梦想, achieve one's dream

18.上下文,根据I can now help others to read and write可知,我完成了课程,所以才有能力帮助别人。

19.句上下文,根据Learning to read and write at a highter level has given me the inner strength 可知,此处指的是积极方面的





How I Turned to Be Optimistic

  I began to grow up that winter nigh when my parents and I were returning from my aunt's house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America.We were on the bus then.I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me.I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.

  I do not remember myself crying for this reason again.In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives.When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see-the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.

  The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but the idea did not come to me at once.For the first two years in New York I was really lost-having to study in three schools as a result of family moves.I did not quite know what I was or what l should be.Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me.Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other.I was often sad, and saw no end to“the hard times.”

  My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home.I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews With lmmigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.

  From my experiences I have learned one important rule:almost all common troubles eventually go away!Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little!I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.


How did the author get to know America?

[  ]


From her relatives.


From her mother.


From books and pictures.


From radio programs.


Upon leaving for America the author felt ________.

[  ]










For the first two years in New York, the author ________.

[  ]


often lost her way


did not think about her future


studied in three different schools


got on well with her stepfather


What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?

[  ]


She worked as a translator.


She attended a lot of job interviews.


She paid telephone bills for her family.


She helped her family with her English.


The author believes that ________.

[  ]


her future will be free from troubles


it is difficult to learn to become patient


there are more good things than bad things


good things will happen if one keeps trying

Benjamin Banneker was a farmer,inventor,astronomer writer and antislavery supporter.He created the first American—built striking clock.
That fall,as usual,Benjamin rode to the nearby town for supplies.He couldn’t wait to get to the end of the road and buy the things his mother wanted.Then he could have a good talk with the folks in town.The truth was,as much as Benjamin loved his mother and father and three sisters,what he really enjoyed was talking about books or math problems or what was happening in other parts of the colonies(殖民地).
It was about l0 o’clock by the sun when Benjamin arrived at a store.He ordered a bolt(一卷)of white cloth for his mother and looked around for someone to taik to.Benjamin’s heart jumped like a rabbit when he saw a friend holding a gold watch.Benjamin had always wanted to figure out how clocks and watches worked.The friend saw Benjamin and let him sit down for a good talk.
Late that afternoon,Benjamin rode home,slowly.He didn’t want to harm the watch that his friend had let him borrow.That nigh after supper,Benjamin carefully laid the watch on the table and pulled the candle closer.“This is a watch,”he said.“A man in fown lent it to me,and now I’m going to take it apart and draw the pieces.Then 1’11 put it back together again.Benjamin held his breath and gently took the back off the watch.
Every evening for a week,Benjamin sat at the table with the watch.He copied eaeh tiny
wheel and pin.When the week was up,he put the pieces back togelher and returned the watch to its owner.Then Benjamin got a good night’s sleep.
The next day when the farm work was done,Benjamin went into the woods to 1ook for just the right pieces of wood.Not too old,not too dry,not too green,not too soft.
For two years,Benjamin farmed all day and worked on his wood pieces at night.In1753,two years after he had borrowed the watch,Benjamin put all the pieces together.Benjamin had made his own clock.
1.The most likely reason the author wrote the passage was to__________.
A.show the influence Benjamin Banneker’s family had on him
B.present reasons for Benjamin Banneker’s fascination with clocks
C.explain Benjamin Banneker’s reason for becoming an inventor
D.give an example of Benjamin Banneker’s strong will and intelligence
2.Benjamin especially looked forward to going to the store to __________.
A.avoid work on the farm    B.purchase white cloth
C.meet interesring people    D.show his new clock to others
3.Why did Benjamin most likely hold his breath when he took the back off the watch?
A.He feared his friend might want to get the watch back.
B.He was very nervous about taking apart a precious object.
C.He wanted to time how long it would take to finish the job.
D.He was afraid that broken watch parts would fly into his face.






  Benjamin Banneker was a farmer,inventor,astronomer writer and antislavery supporter.He created the first American—built striking clock.

    That fall,as usual,Benjamin rode to the nearby town for supplies.He couldn’t wait to get to the end of the road and buy the things his mother wanted.Then he could have a good talk with the folks in town.The truth was,as much as Benjamin loved his mother and father and three sisters,what he really enjoyed was talking about books or math problems or what was happening in other parts of the colonies(殖民地).

    It was about l0 o’clock by the sun when Benjamin arrived at a store.He ordered a bolt(一卷)of white cloth for his mother and looked around for someone to taik to.Benjamin’s heart jumped like a rabbit when he saw a friend holding a gold watch.Benjamin had always wanted to figure out how clocks and watches worked.The friend saw Benjamin and let him sit down for a good talk.

    Late that afternoon,Benjamin rode home,slowly.He didn’t want to harm the watch that his friend had let him borrow.That nigh after supper,Benjamin carefully laid the watch on the table and pulled the candle closer.“This is a watch,”he said.“A man in fown lent it to me,and now I’m going to take it apart and draw the pieces.Then 1’11 put it back together again.Benjamin held his breath and gently took the back off the watch.

    Every evening for a week,Benjamin sat at the table with the watch.He copied eaeh tiny

wheel and pin.When the week was up,he put the pieces back togelher and returned the watch to its owner.Then Benjamin got a good night’s sleep.

    The next day when the farm work was done,Benjamin went into the woods to 1ook for just the right pieces of wood.Not too old,not too dry,not too green,not too soft.

    For two years,Benjamin farmed all day and worked on his wood pieces at night.In1753,two years after he had borrowed the watch,Benjamin put all the pieces together.Benjamin had made his own clock.

1.The most likely reason the author wrote the passage was to__________.

  A.show the influence Benjamin Banneker’s family had on him

  B.present reasons for Benjamin Banneker’s fascination with clocks

  C.explain Benjamin Banneker’s reason for becoming an inventor

  D.give an example of Benjamin Banneker’s strong will and intelligence

2.Benjamin especially looked forward to going to the store to __________.

 A.avoid work on the farm    B.purchase white cloth

 C.meet interesring people    D.show his new clock to others

3.Why did Benjamin most likely hold his breath when he took the back off the watch?

  A.He feared his friend might want to get the watch back.

  B.He was very nervous about taking apart a precious object.

  C.He wanted to time how long it would take to finish the job.

  D.He was afraid that broken watch parts would fly into his face.






  Benjamin Banneker was a farmer,inventor,astronomer writer and antislavery supporter.He created the first American—built striking clock.

    That fall,as usual,Benjamin rode to the nearby town for supplies.He couldn’t wait to get to the end of the road and buy the things his mother wanted.Then he could have a good talk with the folks in town.The truth was,as much as Benjamin loved his mother and father and three sisters,what he really enjoyed was talking about books or math problems or what was happening in other parts of the colonies(殖民地).

    It was about l0 o’clock by the sun when Benjamin arrived at a store.He ordered a bolt(一卷)of white cloth for his mother and looked around for someone to taik to.Benjamin’s heart jumped like a rabbit when he saw a friend holding a gold watch.Benjamin had always wanted to figure out how clocks and watches worked.The friend saw Benjamin and let him sit down for a good talk.

    Late that afternoon,Benjamin rode home,slowly.He didn’t want to harm the watch that his friend had let him borrow.That nigh after supper,Benjamin carefully laid the watch on the table and pulled the candle closer.“This is a watch,”he said.“A man in fown lent it to me,and now I’m going to take it apart and draw the pieces.Then 1’11 put it back together again.Benjamin held his breath and gently took the back off the watch.

    Every evening for a week,Benjamin sat at the table with the watch.He copied eaeh tiny

wheel and pin.When the week was up,he put the pieces back togelher and returned the watch to its owner.Then Benjamin got a good night’s sleep.

    The next day when the farm work was done,Benjamin went into the woods to 1ook for just the right pieces of wood.Not too old,not too dry,not too green,not too soft.

    For two years,Benjamin farmed all day and worked on his wood pieces at night.In1753,two years after he had borrowed the watch,Benjamin put all the pieces together.Benjamin had made his own clock.

1.The most likely reason the author wrote the passage was to__________.

  A.show the influence Benjamin Banneker’s family had on him

  B.present reasons for Benjamin Banneker’s fascination with clocks

  C.explain Benjamin Banneker’s reason for becoming an inventor

  D.give an example of Benjamin Banneker’s strong will and intelligence

2.Benjamin especially looked forward to going to the store to __________.

 A.avoid work on the farm    B.purchase white cloth

 C.meet interesring people    D.show his new clock to others

3.Why did Benjamin most likely hold his breath when he took the back off the watch?

  A.He feared his friend might want to get the watch back.

  B.He was very nervous about taking apart a precious object.

  C.He wanted to time how long it would take to finish the job.

  D.He was afraid that broken watch parts would fly into his face.

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