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The modern Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, it include 2 sets of Games, the Winter and the Summer Olympics. Both held every 4 years. All countries can take part in. Only athletes who have reached the agreeing standard for their events will be admitted into competitors.

Women are not only allowed to join in and play a very important role in many events. A special village is built for the competitors to live in. The great number of buildings such like stadiums, swimming pools and gymnasiums are built for competitions. It¡¯s a great responsible and honor to host the Olympics. The olive wreath has been replaced by medals, but the motto of the Olympics is still ¡°Swift, Higher, and Stronger¡±.


Yacouba Sawadogo is an African farmer who has been travelling across the deserts for the last 30 years£¬using ancient farming techniques to fight the threatening deserts.

His story dates back to the 1980s when Africa suffered one of the worst droughts in its history£®During that period£¬rainfall reduced by as much as 80£¥£¬killing almost all the plants£®Most local people moved away to different places£¬but Yacouba stayed back£®Instead of giving in to the violence of nature£¬he decided to take control and change the face of the land completely£®

Unable to read and write£¬and with no access to modern techniques and tools£¬he started to employ an old African farming practice called ¡°Zai¡±£®The practice involves planting seeds in small holes filled with eco-friendly manure(·ÊÁÏ)£®The holes fill up with and keep the water that falls during the rainy season£®This provides moisture(Ë®·Ö) and nutrients for the growing plants during the dry periods£®Also£¬the manure attracts ants£¬which help break up the soil further and increase its ability to take in water£®

Within two decades of starting his revolutionary work£¬a forested area of about fifty acres came up on the land of the African desert£®Yacouba featured in a documentary titled ¡°The Man Who Stopped the Desert¡± through which he became known to the rest of the world£®To the great joy and relief of Yacouba£¬what the documentary focused on was put into the re-establishment of local forests and a training program for the farmers who wanted to 1earn Yacouba¡¯s technique£®Today£¬¡°Zai¡± is being widely practiced in the region£®

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A training program for African farmers£®

B. A documentary about an influential African farmer£®

C. The serious situation of environment destruction in Africa£®

D. An African farmer fighting deserts with old farming methods£®

2.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Yacouba advertised his farming practice through the media£®

B. Yacouba¡¯s efforts have made a great difference£®

C. Rebuilding forests is no tough job at a11£®

D. Deserts no longer threaten Africa£®

3.Which word can best describe Yacouba?

A. Determined£® B. Knowledgeable£® C. Curious£® D. Creative£®

The concept of a working holiday is fairly simple£®It is a vacation which normally lasts for several weeks or even months£¬during which you divide your time between work and recreation£®The typical working holiday includes some manual labor and sightseeing£®You can usually get room and board in exchange for a few hours of work£®For instance£¬Australia and New Zealand encourage working holidays by offering one-year visas to people between the ages of 18 and 30£®Countries all over the world offer the chances to work or volunteer and live in a new environment£®All you need is a return ticket and enough cash to live on£®

While some people choose to work in restaurants or hotels£¬others may do fruit picking which is perhaps the most popular type of work£®Be prepared for long working days in the orchard£¬which may last up to ten hours a day£®If you are not ready for this£¬a more leisurely job with shorter hours is possible£¬but you will not make as much money£®Another option is volunteering in foreign countries£®For example£¬you can work with disabled children in Bolivia and practice your Spanish£¬research dolphins and whales in Italy£¬or build schools in rural towns in Ghana£®

A working holiday is a great way to broaden your horizons since it gives you the chance to explore a country£¬practice a new language£¬and meet people from all over the world£®These kinds of adventures sometimes have a really big impact on those who have experienced a working holiday£®They often say that it was one of the best memories of their lives£®Be aware! Even though some working vacation programs pay£¬not all of them do sometimes you end up paying to go on working vacation£®However£¬a working holiday can get you off the beaten track and into spots the average tour bus would never go near.

1.What can you get in exchange for a few hours of work?

A. Recreation and money£® B. A return ticket£®

C. Free transportation£® D. Meals and shelter£®

2.What¡¯s the second paragraph mainly about?

A. The idea of a working holiday£® B. Ways to spend a working holiday£®

C. Great places for a working holiday£® D. Volunteering in foreign countries£®

3.What does ¡°the beaten track¡± in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Roads in poor condition£® B. Broken railway tracks£®

C. Routes taken by many tourists£® D. Spots where you might get beaten£®

4.What does the writer remind readers to do in the last paragraph?

A. Check what you must pay for£® B. Meet proper people£®

C. Be prepared for adventures£® D. Broaden your horizons£®

Family traditions are things that families do together regularly. 1.They can be repeated daily, weekly, monthly or once a year. It is important for families to follow their traditions even as their children get older. Here are reasons:

Family traditions create good feelings and special moments to remember. They are fun things to do. 2.And they are the memories that will last a lifetime.

3.Being a part of a family is more than living in the same home or having the same last name. It is about relationships and family bonds. Since family traditions are something you do together, they create a stronger sense of belonging to the family.

Family traditions help teens a lot when they are trying to figure out who they are, which job teenagers often do. A family encourages a teen to be a part of it and its traditions provide a strong base for teens to stand on.4.

5.Every day teens face some very difficult issues. Knowing that they are secure and have a family to turn to is a powerful tool to use when they are in trouble.

A. Family traditions give teens a sense of security.

B. Family traditions help parents inform their children of the family¡¯s values.

C. These things can be enjoyable activities or a certain food that a family likes

D. Family traditions give every member of the family a strong sense of belonging.

E. Enjoying them together as a family will create positive feelings in each member.

F. Old family traditions are important but easily forgotten in today¡¯s society.

G. It¡¯s very important when they¡¯re looking for their sense of self.

Just like rice and Noodles are different from bread, snacks in China are a world apart from those in the UK and the US. For one thing, I never imagined that sunflower seeds(¿û»¨×Ñ) would be so popular here. I found people having them while waiting for tables outside restaurants, before dinner and, of course, while watching TV. I also saw that a plate of sunflower seeds is always on tables during the Spring Festival holidays.

I had seldom tried sunflower seeds when I came to China. In the UK, young people love their snacks. In fact, young people in Britain eat more snacks than people of the same age in other European countries. A recent Survey has discovered that 64% of under 20-year-olds snack between meals, according to an article on a British website. In comparison(¶Ô±È), 58.7% of young people snack in Germany, 53% in France, and only 40.7% in Spain.

In Britain, we always looked forward to our favorite potato chips and chocolate bars after school. In U.S. One of things that I found the most wonderful when I first visited the US was the number of snacks in their supermarkets; I was surprised to find huge shelves just for snacks were bigger than some stores in the UK. Snack tastes in the US are much the same as in the UK.

All in all, it¡¯s probably best for your health if you like sunflower seeds rather than potato chips and chocolate. But eating these delicious snacks sometimes couldn¡¯t be wrong, could it?

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. The most popular snack in China.

B. Snacks in the UK and the US.

C. Snacks young Western people like.

D. Some tips for choosing snacks in the UK.

2.According to the British Council, snacks are most popular among young people in_______.

A. Britain B. Germany C. France D. Spain

3.What surprised the author when he went to supermarkets in the US?

A. How the snacks tasted.

B. The size of the snacks¡¯ packages.

C. The lack of choice when it came to snacks.

D. The large number of snacks.

4.What does the author think of potato chips and chocolate?

A. They don¡¯t taste as good as sunflower seeds.

B. They are unhealthy, so people should stop eating them.

C. It¡¯s better eat them with sandwiches and fruit.

D. It¡¯s fine to enjoy them sometimes although they are unhealthy.

Most teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. But many teens have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect sports performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may be linked to weight gain in some people. How can we get sleep we need? Here are some ideas:

¡ñ1. You¡¯ve probably noticed how much running around kids do ¡ª and how soundly they sleep. Take a tip from a little child and get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just don¡¯t work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up.

¡ñAvoid alcohol and drugs. Lots of people think that alcohol or drugs will make them relaxed, but that¡¯s not the case. Drugs and alcohol disturb sleep. 2.

¡ñSay goodnight to electronics. 3. You¡¯d better make your bedroom a tech-free zone, at least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.

¡ñKeep a sleep routine. Going to bed at the same time every night helps sleep. 4. So you can relax by reading, listening to music or spending time with a pet.

¡ñExpect a good night¡¯s sleep. 5. Say, ¡°Tonight, I will sleep well¡± several times during the day. It can also help to practice breathing exercises or gentle yoga poses before bed.

A. Be active during the day.

B. Do some extreme sports.

C. Either of them will make a person wake up at night.

D. Expert recommend using the bedroom for sleep only.

E. Creating a set bedtime procedure can improve this relaxation effect.

F. Instead of worrying that you won¡¯t sleep, remind yourself that you can.

G. You can consult a doctor who will give you suggestions on how to sleep well.

When my kids were small, I started a tradition in our house of giving eight gifts over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah(¹âÃ÷½Ú). I liked the idea of_________a candle every night and giving my children a gift to unwrap to _______. It was easy to go into a toy store and pick up something _______less than $10 each, or even $1 each (at the Dollar Store). My children didn't ask for anything much in particular and they _______whatever they got.

As the years progressed, I _______the tradition of eight gifts for each night of Hanukkah.

But this year, Hanukkah _______something else. My special-needs son decided that he wanted to _______a computer, and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it. When I wouldn't _______that, he decided he wanted a PlayStation. Then Amazon gift cards. Then money. And it became clear that it wasn't going to happen, he got _______.

I keep________him that Hanukkah isn't about greed or materialism. It's about the miracle of an oil lamp that ________for eight days. It's about being________of our heritage. It's about freedom.

But he ________. I know deep down that his obsessions(ÃÔÁµ) are out of his ________, and definitely out of mine. Having a special-needs child is as________as it gets. Some days are better than others and not all holidays________the way I hope. But despite his unrealistic requests, he's a(n) ________child who is showing me the true meaning of life.

And as we enter a new year and light the ________approaching the time, I welcome his differences ________I learn how to turn negative requests into________ones.

1.A. buying B. donating C. lighting D. drawing

2.A. celebrate B. present C. send D. play

3.A. with B. for C. of D. from

4.A. ate B. threw C. liked D. drank

5.A. held up B. gave in C. handed in D. kept up

6.A. made B. became C. found D. designed

7.A. build B. buy C. use D. watch

8.A. rely on B. learn from C. agree to D. dream about

9.A. calm B. happy C. selfish D. upset

10.A. telling B. warning C. promising D. accusing

11.A. lays B. hangs C. waits D. burns

12.A. tired B. proud C. afraid D. lack

13.A. nodded B. slept C. insisted D. failed

14.A. mind B. sight C. control D. place

15.A. wonderful B. dangerous C. interesting D. challenging

16.A. run out B. break down C. work out D. put down

17.A. strange B. amazing C. bad D. energetic

18.A. candles B. lamps C. torches D. lanterns

19.A. when B. as C. unless D. until

20.A. relative B. possible C. reasonable D. positive

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