
【题目】You are so __________ your car.

A. silly not have locked

B. silly not to have lock

C. silly not to have locked

D. silly not to lock


【解析】考查“形容词+动词不定式”的用法。句意:你没有锁车,真是太傻了。根据句意可判断,应该用have locked表示过去没有锁车。to lock表示将来的事情。


【题目】A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she would play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill. she loved her parents and her family*she desired to live in such a house and all day about how wonderful and exciting it must feel to live there.

At the age when she gained some skill and sensibility (识别力)she her mother for a bike ride outside the garden. The little girl knew where she was heading! Down the hill and across the valley, she rode to the of the golden house.

As she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she that all the windows were and rather dirty.

So and heart-broken, she didn't go any further. She and all of a sudden she saw an amazing . There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!

1 A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. But

2 A. dreamed B. worried C. asked D. shouted

3 A. span>different B. scientific C. musical D. basic

4 A. begged B. blamed C. invited D. paid

5 A. madly B. rapidly C. exactly D. possibly

6 A. windows B. steps C. center D. gate

7 A. getting B. introducing C. leading D. moving

8 A. felt B. learned C. concluded D. found

9 A, transparent B. bright C. plain D. wide

10 A. anxious B. angry C. serious D. sad

11 A. turned around B. cheered up C. settled down D. dropped in

12 A. hill B. valley C. background D. sight

13 A. imagined B. decided C. realized D. guessed

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