
Are you   1  for a place in the southwest of China? If your answer is “yes”, why not pay a trip to Shangri-la, which is   2  mysteries and beauty.
The world “Shangri-la” first appeared in the 1993 novel Lost Horizon   3  the British writer James Hilton. He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers   4  together and snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, with fields of long grass covering the earth. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay   5  forever.
Three mountains are covered with snow and tower   6  the land. These snowy mountain tops form   7  beautiful picture that we can’t wait to fly there.
Lakes,   8  by vast grasslands, look like diamonds. Sheep, cows, horses and animals feed   9  on the green grass and the forests around are   10  to lots of birds and animals. In this heavenly world, people live in perfect harmony with nature.
A.full ofB.lack ofC.short ofD.fill with
A.with B.byC.forD.to
A.calmB.stillC.youngD.the same
A.so aB.such aC.suchD.so
A.coveredB.surrounded C.separatedD.divided


小题1: 根据If your answer is “yes”, why not pay a trip to Shangri-la可知这里想说你渴望去中国的西南部的一个地方旅游吗?be thirsty for 渴望,故选B。
小题2:这里想表达香格里拉充满了神秘与美丽,full of充满 lack of缺乏 short of缺少 fill with这里应该是 filled with ,故选A。
【小题3由“ ……写得”用by,故选B。
小题4:这里想说三条河连接在了一起,put放 got得到 joined连接 formed形成,故选C。
小题5: 根据In this heavenly world, people live in perfect harmony with nature.
可知在这个完美的地方居住着发现了永远保持年轻的人们,calm镇定的 still静止的 young年轻的 the same一样的,故选C
小题6:这里想表达在土地上,over(部分或全部覆盖)在……上面 above在…… 正上方 on在……上 beyond超过,故选A。
小题8:湖被广阔的草地包围,covered覆盖 surrounded包围 separated分开 divided分离,故选B。
小题9:这里想表达羊、牛、马和动物们主要以周围的绿草和森林为食,simply简单地 deeply深深地 mostly主要地 finally最后,故选C。
小题10:根据to lots of birds and animals.可知香格里拉是鸟和动物们的家,故选D。
They say that soon, we will be able to receive more than 500 television networks on cable or by satellite. Some people think that it’s useless to have that many channels. Their usual criticism(批评) goes something like this: "I already get more channels on my TV than I have time to watch. No one needs to see that much TV. There’s not enough time in the day to watch all that!"They also say that most of what’s on television now isn’t worth watching in the first place.
I think they’re missing the point. If the local library wanted to add another 5,000 books, would we say, "That’s silly, we’ll never have time to read all those books"? The point is that we would have more choices.
I don’t believe that most people should watch more television. And if we had 500 or even 1,000 channels to choose from, we wouldn’t have to spend more time watching TV. We would, however, have more programs to choose from. That means that the quality of our viewing time would be improved.
I think the more channels we have, the better. Give me more choices! If they’re not worth my time, I’ll just hit the "off" button.
小题1:The purpose of writing this passage is to ______.
A.make a suggestion B.express an opinion
C.give important information D.complain about cable television
小题2:From the passage we know that the author wants to ______.
A.read more booksB.rent more TV sets
C.have more choices D.watch more sports
小题3:The number of television channels is ______.
A.increasing fast
B.decreasing fast
C.never going to be more than 1,000
D.the same as that of books in the library
小题4:To make his point, the author compares the development of TV networks to that of ______.
A.schoolyardsB.computersC.libraries D.satellites
小题5:What does the phrase "hit the 'off’ button" refer to?
A.Go to the library. B.Switch over the TV channels.
C.Turn off the TV.D.Have more TV networks.
Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west coast. Even since she was a young girl, she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn’t changed her mind. After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (BA) in English and her teaching certificate(证书). Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master’s degree ( MA ). With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blake’s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M, Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make our examinations, check assignments at all, Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.
小题1:How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?
A.four yearsB.eight yearsC.twelve yearsD.twenty years
小题2:According to the article, which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?
A.a doctor’s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree
B.a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree – a doctor’s degree
C.a master’s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree
D.a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree – a master’s degree
小题3:How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?
小题4:Which of the following sentences is not true?
A.Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United States.
B.Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.
C.Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degree.
D.The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of may other high schools in the states.
Moving to a new city and state was difficult for me, especially in winter. Little did I know that a Colorado snowstorm would greet me after I had been in my new home for only a week.
I just missed home. But more than the old house and the beach, I missed Stacey, my best friend. And I missed our lovely tea. Going to a sweet little tearoom, we had discovered was a special treat for us. The place was a Victorian dream, with delicate teacups and tablecloths with flower prints. The hat shelf near the front door swept us back to childhood. Stacey and I became little girls, trying on different hats until we found the perfect one for our dress-up tea party. We would then choose a lovely table and order our tea. That was a precious time, filled with laughter between scones(煎饼) and sharing our lives between tiny cucumber sandwiches.
Springtime descended upon Denver, and the sun lightened my heart. But I still fought loneliness almost every day. I decided to explore the Denver area. While my husband went to the office, I took time to see what our new area had to offer.
One day, I was walking along the street when suddenly the words "Tea Leaves" caught my eye. A tea room? Here, in the land of loneliness and pain?
I walked through the doors, and tears came to my eyes. It was a beautiful room, not Victorian, but simple and lovely.
I sat down and ordered a pot of tea, a cucumber sandwich, and some scones.It felt silly and wonderful --- and it felt like home. For the first time since moving, I felt as if this new city and state could be, would eventually be, my home. I would come back here and bring new friends. When Stacey visited, we would come here.
I lifted my cup and made a silent toast. I toasted Stacey, whom I missed  ly, and I toasted the sweet little tearoom that lessened my pain.
小题1: The author's hometown ______________.
A.never snows
B.is still warm in winter
C.has a long history
D.is in an area by the sea
小题2:  The underlined word "treat" in Paragraph 2 probable means ____________.
A.delicious foodB.something pleasant
C.serviceD.a kind of tea party
小题3: We can know from Paragraph 3 that the author ______________.
A.didn't adapt to the new life
B.felt comfortable in the new environment in spring
C.didn't feel lonely any more in spring
D.wanted to actively adapt to the new environment
小题4:Which of the following about "Tea Leaves" is true?
A.It made the author recall her childhood.
B.It looks silly and wonderful.
C.Cucumber sandwiches and scones are its specialties.
D.It touched the author.
小题5:We can infer from the text that the author would probably ____________.
A.open her own teahouse
B.ask the owner of the teahouse to decorate it like a home
C.make new friends in Denver
D.go back to her hometown to visit Stacey
We’re surrounded by chemistry in everyday life. Sometimes it is easy to see, like when your science teacher does a big experiment in class. At other times, it can be pretty hard to see everyday chemistry at work, but nearly everything you touch or use has some element of chemistry in it.
Something as simple as toothpaste contains at least three chemicals, if not more. It is the mixture of them and its chemical reaction that keeps your teeth clean. Other things you use every day are created by chemistry, such as hair products, shampoo and soap. Adding detergent (洗涤剂) to water involves chemistry. Without chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes or skin. Chemistry not only helps us make products for use, but it also helps us understand the world around us. Chemistry helps us understand what the ozone layer (臭氧层) is and how it protects us. Chemistry also gives us sunscreen to protect us from the sun. Thanks to chemistry, we know bleach (漂白剂) can’t be mixed with vinegar(醋), because it can produce poisonous gas.Without chemistry, we wouldn’t have fireworks displays on important days.
Chemistry plays a big role in food preparation. Cooking food causes it to go through a chemical change. That is why cooked food often tastes different from raw food. Baking is a great example of chemistry. Too much or too little of any ingredient(成分,尤指烹饪) makes a difference to the result of baking, for example, the dough (面团) won’t rise or the cake will be flat.
Chemistry isn’t something that just lives in a lab; it’s something that you meet hundreds of times every day. Knowing how chemistry works will give you a greater understanding of the science behind some of the simplest-looking things.
小题1:What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.Chemistry is easy to see around us.
B.Sometimes chemistry is hard to see around us.
C.How a science teacher does a big experiment.
D.Few things in everyday life contain chemistry.
小题2:The following actions are about chemistry EXCEPT _____.
A.cleaning teeth with toothpaste
B.washing hair with hair products
C.using soap to get the oil out of clothes
D.washing your face with water
小题3:The underlined word “poisonous” in Paragraph 3 means _____.
A.harmful B.healthy C.fresh D.pleasant
小题4:Which one is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?
A.One can’t find chemistry when cooking food.
B.Chemistry plays an important part in food mak-ing.
C.That dough rises is nothing to do with chemistry.
D.A flat cake is the result of too many ingredients.
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Chemistry Around the House
B.Chemistry in Science
C.Chemistry for Dinner
D.Chemistry in everyday life
Lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relaxation from hot weather. But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take great care. Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning.
Here are some tips to keep your kids safe in the water:
At the Lake or Pond
·Don't let little kids swim alone without adult supervision— lakes or ponds may be shallow near the bank and are suddenly deep sharply further out from shore.
·Ponds and lakes may hide jagged rocks, broken glass, or rubbish.
·Make sure kids wear foot protection; even in the water, they should wear socks or water shoes.
·Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm.
·Most boating accidents, particularly among teenagers, are related to alcohol(饮酒). Be sure teens know about the dangers of alcohol, on and off the water.
At the Beach
·Teach kids to always swim when and where a lifeguard is on duty. Unlike the calm waters of a swimming pool, the beach has special dangers like currents and tides(暗流). Check with the lifeguard when you arrive to find out about the water conditions.
·Tell kids never to stand with their back to the water because a sudden wave can easily knock a child over.
·Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim parallel(顺行地) to the shore or should tread (踩)water and call for a lifeguard's help.
Whether at the lake or at the beach, teach your child to get out of the water during bad weather, especially lightning.
小题1:Which is the right behavior when swimming at the beach?
A.Go off the water without a lifeguard on duty
B.Go on swimming in a heavy rain
C.Go off the water before checking the water conditions
D.Call for help if caught in a dangerous wave
小题2:A child should_________ at a lake.
A.swim on his/her own
B.be careful about weeds and grass
C.swim without shoes on
D.drink only a little wine
小题3:Swimming at a beach is more dangerous than in a pool because          .
A.there are no lifeguards at a beach
B.there are currents and tides at a beach
C.the waters of a beach are more calm.
D.the waters of a pool are warmer
小题4:The passage is probably written for          .
A.students at schoolB.kids who want to learn swimming
C.parents with little childrenD.coaches who teach kids to swim
小题5:In which column(栏目) of a magazine can you find this passage?
Monday: Here I am, in the middle of nowhere. This camping trip idea is not getting off to a very good start. It’s raining and the tent leaks. The hiking seemed to take forever, and I still can’t understand how it could all have been up hill! How did I ever let my brother talk me into this? When we get home—if we ever get home—he’s going to have to do something great to get back on my good side. Maybe he should sponsor a shopping spree(狂购)at the mall!
Tuesday: Things are looking up. The sun came out today, so we were able to leave the tents and dry out. We’re camped at the edge of a small lake that I couldn’t see before because of the rain and fog. The mountains are all around us, and the forest is absolutely beautiful. We spent most of the day dragging out everything out of our backpacks or tents and putting it where the sun could dry it out. Later in the afternoon we tried to catch the fish for dinner, but the fish were smarter than we were. At night we built a fire and sang songs happily.
Wednesday: We hiked to the far side of the lake and climbed to the top of a small peak. From there we could see how high the other mountains were and how far the forest spread around us. On the way up we passed through a snowfield!
Thursday: I caught my first fish! We followed the stream that fed the lake. After about two miles, we came to a section that Carol said looked “fishy”. She had a pack rod(竿), which can be carried in a backpack. I asked to cast it, and I caught a fish on my first try. Carol caught a few more. But they were just too pretty to eat for lunch so we put them back in the stream.
Friday: I can’t believe we are going home already. It will be nice to get a hot shower, sleep in a real bed, and eat junk food, but the trip has been wonderful. We’re already talking about another camping adventure next year where we canoe down a river. It’s hard to believe, but I think this city girl has a little country blood in her veins.
小题1:The writer went on this camping trip because________.
A.she enjoyed camping
B.she wanted to go fishing
C.she was influenced by her brother
D.she was tired of staying at home
小题2:The whole morning of Tuesday, the writer ________.
A.hiked along the lakeB.dried out her belongings
C.climbed the mountainD.caught the fish for dinner
小题3:It can be inferred that Carol had a pack rod with her because ________.
A.she could not afford to buy a regular fishing pole
B.she needed it to get their main source of food
C.she thought the writer of the journal might need it
D.she expected to go fishing while they were hiking
小题4:It is likely that the writer will ________.  
A.go on another camping trip
B.invite Carol to go fishing together
C.make her brother buy her something
D.convince her brother to go camping
"Everybody loves a bargain." One person’s useless, ugly, or broken object can be another person's bargain.That is why so many Americans do not throw things away.They put them outside their houses.They put on a "For Sale" sign.And, as simple as that, they have a yard sale.
The sellers put a paid announcement in a local newspaper.It tells, when and where the yard sale will take place.These sales are very popular during weekends in spring, summer, and autumn.Early in the morning, all the things to be sold are carried out of the house.Then they sit all day in the sunlight—like tired guests at a party—waiting for someone to take them home.
Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale.Sometimes, there are more clothes than anything else.Cooking equipment is also popular.So are old toys, tools, books, tables and chairs.
Then there are objects called "white elephants".A white elephant is something you think is extremely ugly or useless.It may be an electric light shaped like a fish.You feel a sharp pain whenever you look at it.To someone else, however, it might be a thing of beauty and joy.
Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing that they collect.It may be old toy trains, for example, or paintings of dogs.Experts say more Americans are collecting old things now than ever before.Most people who go to yard sales, however, are not looking for anything special.They might buy an object simply because it costs so little. They enjoy negotiating(谈判)over prices, even if they really do not need the object.Later, they may hold their own yard to sell all the things they have bought.
小题1:What kind of things will go to a yard sale?
A.Things people no longer use.B.Things of great, value.
C.Things out of season.D.Things of beauty and joy.
小题2:A white elephant refers to something _____.
A.that can cause a feeling of pain
B.disliked by the owners while appreciated by others
C.that looks like a golden fish
D.sold at the lowest prices in the old newspaper
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about a yard sale?
A.It is held outdoors.B.It may not be held on a cold day.
C.It can last for a whole day.D.It is usually held with a party.
However urban life strikes you, cities worldwide have been growing ever more rapidly. Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world, but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World. Almost all the world’s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countries
By the year 2030, for the first time in history, 60 percent of the world’s people will be living in cities.
This is actually good news in some ways. “Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,” says Marc Weiss, chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development, “ both for the nation and for families.” Industrial and commercial activities in urban areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries of the world“ there’s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city’s problems is to keep people out of them,”Weiss continued. “But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city.” For better or worse, urban-watchers are clear on one point: The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities. Those cities will be bigger than ever. And yet, population numbers by themselves don’t determine a city’s prospects; after all, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Hamburg, Germany, have the same population. Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor. “City problems,” one authority points out, “mostly have to do with weak, ineffective, and usually unrepresentative city governments.”
小题1:The passage mainly discusses ______________.
A.Big cities.B.City life.C.Population.D.Gross Domestic Product.
小题2:According to the passage, in the year of 2030 _______.
A.there will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million.
B.rural area will be extinct.
C.most people will live in cities.
D.the third world will keep abreast with the developed world.
小题3:In the author’s opinion, _________.
A.better city, better life
B.both urban and rural areas have a larger population
C.the larger population, the faster a city develops
D.both urban and rural areas have larger gross domestic products
小题4:Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries.
B.Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers.
C.Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country.
D.It’s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities.
小题5:The last paragraph implies that ____________.
A.Public services are ineffective.
B.Cities are increasing too fast.
C.Population is not linked with development.
D.Government should be responsible for the problems in the cities.

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