
第二节  短文填词

  My sister Daisy worked at Standard Bank in Malawi. When she        

got m       , we were all excited. She invited me to her house to                 1.___________

help her open the gifts and s         some thank-you notes to all                       2.___________

the _________(亲戚)and friends that came to the wedding party.              3____________

While_________ (仔细地) going through the gifts, we came across this         4.___________

nice vase. Inside ______was a note that read, “You might not know me.        5.__________

My name is Bill. I often v       Standard Bank for business. In the               6. __________

past years you have helped me a lot when I was _______ trouble.                7.__________

I will never forget __________ you did. God bless you.”                          8.___________

   It was impossible for us to w__________ a thank-you note back to                9.___________

this person for there was no name or _________( 地址) so we decided to     10.____________

simply wish him or her a happy life.


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