

Bali adventure travels

  Elephant ride

  See the real Bail on the Sumatran elephant!Pass through tropical plantations(种植园)of mangoes, bamboos and coconuts.The most wonderful part of the trip is to be invited into the home of a local farmer where you will enjoy a drink of fresh coconut.When you return to the camp, enjoy a delicious Balinese 3-course menu at the“Trunk‘n’Mahout”valley-view café.


  $60/Adult $40/Child

  Jungle trekking(长途跋涉)

  Trek into the tropical rainforest, near the lake village of Bedugul.Cross the calm lake in a traditional canoe.This 3-hour trek into the heart of Balinese nature offers outstanding and natural beauty.

  The number of minimum participants:2 persons


  White-water rafting(皮划艇运动)

  Get picked up in the morning at 6:00 and taken to the scenic Anyang River for an unforgettable white-water rafting experience.Expert and experienced guides will give you an insight into the river ecology.Discover hidden waterfalls, swim in the clear water and feel the trills of the paradise river.

  What to bring:a towel, extra clothes, sunscreen

  Cost:$30/Adult $23/Child

  Sunset Dinner Cruise(乘船巡游)by Bali Hai cruise

  There's no better way to spend a tropical evening than on Bali Hai's evening Dinner Cruise.As the sun goes down, we set off on a relaxing cruise around the harbour.



Which of the above offers you a chance to try real Balinese food?

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Elephant ride


Jungle trekking


White-water rafting


Sunset Dinner Cruise by Bali Hai cruise.


If a father and his 10-year-old son want to explore one of the rivers in Bali, they will have to pay ________.

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If you go for jungle trekking, you will have to ________.

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bring several things.


be under the leadership of experienced guides


form a team of two or more


swim across a lake


If you choose white-water rafting, you can ________.

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get a towel for free


learn more about Balinese history


also leave at noon


have a swim in the river


There were two things in the world that Ghagra Geeta Bali hated. The first was the way,Rani,the domestic help.combed her hair.The second was,you guessed it,her name. She hated her name so much that she prayed to god every night:Dear god,let me be born again. So I can have a name like Rita or Preeti.A short,smart one-word name.
On Tuesday,Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went for their usual shopping. There was a long queue of children just outside the record store.They went loser to look. It was yet another scheme to sell a few audio cassettes.Everyone who bought a cassette qualified for the scheme.
In this case,the artist whose songs were featured on the cassette was a young sensation called Malik Fafidabadi,a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali was no exception.
A friendly young man was writing down the names of the people who wanted to participate in the scheme.Out of this long list Malik would pick one name,and the chosen one would get to meet him.plus of course,win many freebies(赠品).
But when her mother asked her to participate,Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She didn't want to speak out her name in front of so many people and make herself the butt(笑料)of amusement. But mothers being mothers,she just went up to the man and told him in firm tones:“Please enter my daughter's name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali.”
“It is what?” the man asked,naturally a little taken aback.
“G-h-a-g-r-a G-e-e-t-a B-a-l-i. There she is,”she replied while pointing to her daughter. The crowd standing around also turned to stare. All Ghagra Geeta Bali wanted then was for the earth to open up and swallow her.
That did not happen.But the following week she received a call.It was from the recording company that had announced the scheme. And they told her that she was the chosen one
“It is all because of your name,” said the public relations  man  who had called.“Mr Faridabadi took one look at it in the list and said that he couldn't wait to meet the brave girl bearing it.”
56.Ghagra Geeta Bali didn't like her name because__________
A.it would bring her a lot of trouble    B.it was too long and not beautiful
C.it would make her angry          D.it was too ugly and dull
57.When the girl saw the crowd turn to stare at her,she felt_________
A.scared    B.shocked             C.embarrassed     D.disappointed
58. What is the message of the story?
A.Mother's love makes all the difference
B.Children should always trust their parents.
C.One should be brave to meet anything strange
D.Something that one thinks is bad may turn out good

     If you were walking around a supermarket and saw a woman with a shaved head, a ring through her nose,
a tattoo (纹身) design on her arm and she has a small child in her shopping trolley, what would your opinion
be? Do you think this kind of body decoration is attractive or ugly? Different people have different ideas. The
following are some examples of body decoration from around the world.
     In many parts of Africa, it is thought that an attractive girl should have really shinny skin.
     On Bali, a little island in Indonesia, they believe that a beautiful woman or handsome man must have
perfectly straight, flat teeth. The Balinese believe that teeth with pointed edges make you look like an ugly wild
animal. So when a girl or boy becomes a teenager, he or she is taken to a special person in their village who
will file off teeth points to make them smooth and flat. There is no anesthetic (麻药) and this tooth filing is
really painful. It is a kind of test. If you can stand it without screaming or crying too much, then you are
thought ready to become an adult.
     In Myanmar, there is a small group of people who are called the "Papaung". They believe that a woman can
only be really beautiful if she has a long neck. I mean a VERY long neck. Now you might think that you are
either born with a long or short neck and that there's nothing whatever you can do about it. But you would be
wrong! At around the age of 5, a Papaung girl has heavy metal rings fitted around her neck, tightly between the
chin and shoulders. Each year more rings are added and very, very slowly their weight pushes the shoulders
down, in this way making the neck look longer. A Papaung woman will wear her neck rings all her life, never
once taking them off.
1. What is mainly talked about in paragraph one?
A. Women's design.
B. Body decoration.
C. Attractive decoration.
D. Beautiful body decoration.
2. What does the underlined word "trolley" mean?
A. shopping cart
B. luggage
C. schoolbag
D. basket
3. On Bali, it is believed that _____.
A. a person with sharp teeth looks ugly
B. a person with straight, flat teeth looks ugly
C. a teenager's teeth points must be filed off with anesthetic
D. no one will scream or cry when having his teeth points filed off
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Most African people think that a girl with shinny skin is beautiful.
B. It is thought that a beautiful woman should have straight, flat teeth on Bali.
C. Some people think it beautiful that a woman has a long neck in Myanmar.
D. Many people think that a woman with a ring through nose is neither attractive nor ugly.
     Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger. Finding
ways to protect the earth's wildlife and conserve the natural world they inhabit (居住) is now more important than ever.
     The Dodo is a classic example of how human caused damage to the earth's biology. The flightless
Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It lived off fruit fallen from the island's
trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505. The easily controlled bird became a source of
food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs, monkeys
and rats. The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.
     The Rhino (犀牛) horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine. This has led to the animal being
hunted in its natural habitat.Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia, most Rhinos now live in protected
natural parks and reserves (保护区). Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years, and the
animals remain under constant threat from poachers(偷猎者).
     The Giant Panda
     The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbolis far from certain.As few as 1,000 remain in the wild.
The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves  to  protect  these  beautiful animals  and  made 
 poaching  them punishable with 20 years in prison. However, the panda's distinct black and white
patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose (造成) one of
the most serious threats to the animals continued existence.
     The International Whaling Commission is fighting to ensure the survival of the whale species. Despite
the fact that one-third the world's oceans  have  been  declared  whale sanctuaries (保护区),7 out of 13
whale species remain endangered. Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have decreased to
just 300. Collisions with ships, poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths.
     The last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5,000 and 7,000 and the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers are already extinct. The South China tiger is precariously
close to disappearing, with only 20 to 30 still alive. Like the Rhino horn, tigers' bones and organs are
sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.
1. It implies that________.
 A. the Dodo lacked the ability to protect itself from other animals
B. Sailors to the Island of Mauritius lived mainly on the Dodo
C. the Dodo used to be a strong animal that liked fighting
D. the Dodo, pigs, monkeys and rats were the natives to the Island of Mauritius
2. Which group of the following animals has already ceased to exist according to the text?
A. The Dodo, Rhino and Giant Panda.
B. The Rhino, Whale and the South China tiger.
C. The Rhino, Panda, Whale and Tiger.
D. The Dodo and the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers.
3. ________can serve as a cure for certain diseases.
A. The whale's rich oil
B. The panda's black and white patched coat
C. The Rhino horn and tigers' bones and organs
D. The Dodo's delicious meat
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The number of South China tigers has reached crisis point.
B. Many animals are threatened with extinction as a result of human activity.
C. People hunt for the endangered animals for high profit.
D. The whale is the representing mark for the World Wildlife Fund.
5. Which of the following is mentioned in all the descriptions of those wild animals?
A. The way of their life.
B. The reason for their extinction or being in danger.
C. Why they are hunted.
D. Punishment for hunting wild animals.
     If international leaders were as united as the scientific community on climate change, global warming might
be a thing of the past. "The world's scientists have spoken clearly and with one voice," UN Secretary General
Ban Ki Moon said, "I expect the world's policymakers to act the same."
     Unfortunately, the global political community is a long way from speaking with one voice on anything, and
climate change is no exception. We'll know for sure next week,when environment and energy ministers from
around the world meet on the Indonesian island of Bali for the UN's climate change conference. The summit
(首脑会议) has been held nearly every year since 1992, when the UNFCCC (《联合国气候变化框架公约》)-
the document that has since guided international work on global warming-was agreed on. It was at the 1997
conference that the Kyoto Protocol was passed, but since then, there has been little progress.
     This year's talks will be the most important international environmental discussions in over a decade. The
Kyoto Protoco-which requires developed nations who have agreed on the solution to cut their greenhouse gas
emissions (排放) to about 5% below their 1990 levels by 2012-comes to an end in just five years. The world
needs to begin immediately at Bali the process of preparing another document like Kyoto to be ready by the
end of 2012. Otherwise, we'll be faced with a global vacuum (真空状态), just at the very moment when
greenhouse emissions must begin falling in order to avoid dangerous climate change.
     The good news is that, just last week,150 top global corporations approved a request calling for necessary
cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, a business position that was unthinkable just a year ago. Australia-a Kyoto
holdout, like the U.S.-has just elected a new prime minister with a strong environmental record who says he'll
support the protocol. The U.S. Congress and representatives have also stepped in and taken their own steps
on climate change.
     "There is a building sense that enough time has been wasted and that it is time to act," said Jennifer
Haverkamp, international counsel for Environmental Defense.
1. The passage was written to tell us that _____.
A. developed countries should cut their greenhouse gas emissions
B. international leaders should be united to work on climate change
C. greenhouse emissions are beginning to fall to avoid global warming
D. there has been little progress since the Kyoto Protocol was passed
2. This year's talks will be the most important international environmental discussions in over a decade
    because _____.
A. no such summit will be held again before the end of 2012
B. people in the world have been faced with a global vacuum
C. the solution in the Kyoto Protocol isn't practical and it isn't in effect now
D. a new document needs to be prepared before the Kyoto Protocol ends
3. The underlined word "holdout" in paragraph 4 probably means _____. 
A. one supporting to do something
B. one saying something may happen
C. one keeping on doing something
D. one keeping refusing to do something
4. Which is the correct order,according to the events in the passage?
    a. The Kyoto Protocol was passed.
    b. The Kyoto Protoco1 will come to an end.
    c. The first summit was held and the UNFCCC was agreed on.
    d. The UN's climate change conference will be held on the island of Bali.
    e. 150 top global corporations approved a request calling for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
A. c-a-e-d-b
B. e-d-c-b-a
C. c-a-b-d-e
D. a-c-d-e-b
5. What we can infer from the passage is that _____.
A. the ex-prime minister of Australia was against the Kyoto Protocol
B. leaders will soon unite in acting and no time will be wasted in talking
C. Ban Ki Moon expects the world's policymakers to act like scientists
D. international leaders will speak clearly with one voice at the Bali summit

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