
1.We       of June 18 asking whether we can ship the goods during Au- gust, (delighted)


1.are delighted to receive your letter


  Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to 1 a passenger at 2: 30 a.m. When I arrived to collect,I found the building was 2except for a single light in a ground floor window.

I walked to the door and 3   , "Just a minute," answered a weak, 4 voice.

  After a long 5 ,a small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.

  I took the suitcase to the 6 ,and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked 7 toward the car.

  She kept thanking me for my 8 . " It's nothing”,I told her. " I just try to treat my pas?sengers the way I would want my mother treated.”

  "Oh,you're such a good man," she said. When we got into the taxi,she gave me an  9, and then asked, " Could you drive through downtown?"

  "It's not the shortest 10   ," I answered quickly.

  "Oh,I'm in no hurry," she said. "I'm on my way to a hospice(收容所) .I don't have any family left.   The 11 says I don't have very long.”I quietly reached over and shut off the meter(计价器) .

For the next two hours, we 12 through the city. She showed me the building which she had 13 worked in,the neighborhood where she had lived,and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone 14 as a girl.

  Sometimes she'd ask me to slow down in front of a(n) 15 building and would sit star?ing into the darkness, saying16

  At dawn, she suddenly said, "I,m 17 Let's go now.”

  We drove in silence to the address she had given me.

   "How much do I 18 you?" she asked.

  "Nothing. " I said.

  "You have to make a 19 ," she answered. "Oh,there are other passengers," I an?swered.

  Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held on to me tightly. Our hug

ended with her 20 , " You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”

(   ) 1.A. come up   B. bring up   C. send up   D. pick up

(   ) 2.A. elegant   B. noisy   C. magnificent   D. dark

(   ) 3.A. checked   B.knocked   C. struck   D. pushed

(   ) 4.A. elderly   B. friendly   C. lonely   D. manly

(   ) 5.A. hesitation   B. pause   C. absence   D. rest

(   ) 6.A. door   B. yard   C. car   D. building

(   ) 7.A. hurriedly   B. rapidly   C. slowly   D. worriedly

(   ) 8.A. courage   B. carefulness   C. kindness   D. modesty

(   ) 9.A. address   B. explanation   C. order   D. instruction

(   ) 10.A. path   B. journey   C. route   D. trip

(   ) 11.A. driver   B. doctor   C. husband   D. lawyer

(   ) 12.A. searched   B. talked                            C.drove   D. walked

(   ) 13.A. yet   B. never   C. once   D. before

(   ) 14.A. singing   B. dancing   C. creating   D. practicing

(   ) 15.A. common   B. particular   C. usual   D. normal

(   ) 16.A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 17.A. excited   B. frightened   C. tired   D. confused

(   ) 18.A. pay   B. owe   C. spend   D. waste

(   ) 19.A. career   B. living   C. contribution   D. choice

(   ) 20.A. conclusion   B. remark   C. message   D. information

  An important part of children's cognitive(认知) development is created by having them use their imaginations. Before TVs and computers were invented,children had to use their imagina?tions rather than rely on those types of stimulus(剌激) .

  Studies show that children who have imaginary friends are more likely to be more creative and better able to solve problems. Instead of criticizing them for it,encourage it.

  As it turns out,the things that you are able to do for free with your children are also some of the best for them like engaging them in creativity. A box of crayons, some paper,and a little coaching from you will go a long way. Don't judge so quickly. Just like creativity in adults, having a lot of unfiltered ideas is better than holding back on your freedom of expression. Give a kid some art supplies and you will be amazed at what they will come up with. Common house?hold items and things pulled out of the closet can turn into anything your child can dream up in their imagination.

  Fostering(培养) imagination is important because children need to learn how to solve their own problems instead of having their mom or dad always solve them for them. They need to strengthen those problem-solving skills,which will serve them well their whole lives. By letting children solve their own problems, they are less likely to have to depend on others when they grow up. They will be able to solve their own problems. They are less likely to become passive and let others dictate to them. They are better able to think through different scenarios(场景) and outcomes.

  To prepare for life in the real world, children should practice in the imaginary one to better help them cope. Putting them into " what if" situations gives them the tools they will need when

they go into the real world and are faced with real world problems to solve. 

(   ) 5. We learn from the first paragraph that .

   A.children use much of their imagination watching TV and using computers

   B.children who watch TV or use computers have less imagination

   C.children had little imagination before TVs and computers were invented

   D.children can rely on TVs and computers to foster their imagination 

(   ) 6. We can infer from the third paragraph that .

   A.we can use common things to foster children's imagination

   B.art supplies are the best tools to foster children's imagination

   C.we have to choose things carefully to foster children's imagination

   D.we should have freedom of expression to foster children's imagination 

(   ) 7. We should foster children's imagination because         .

   A.it can help them create useful things

   B.it can help them enjoy their lives

   C.it can help them think of different scenarios and outcomes

   D.it can help them solve problems independently

(   ) 8. The underlined "it" in the second paragraph refers to         .

   A.children's ability to solve problems

   B.children's imagination

   C.children's cognitive development

   D.children's having imaginary friends

 I'll never forget that interview with the "Careers" department at school when they asked me "What do you want to be when you grow up?" For me,it was always obvious. From a very young age,I wanted to be a journalist and write for a living.

  My mother still has the very first stories I ever wrote,including a tale about a young girl who cheered up a sad angel, When I went to university, I really didn't learn half as much as I did until I was in the world of work. It's only until you get your first job that you'll begin to un?derstand your career. Knowing what you want to do with your working life will only get you so far. It's knowing how to become something that counts(有价值,重要) .

  Choose the right course

  You don't have to study media or journalism but it does help. Particularly as the journalism industry is so competitive and there aren't enough jobs to meet demand. You want your CV to stand out from the crowd,so make sure you take a relevant course or degree and work hard to get decent grades.

  Get the right stuff(素质)

  Being a journalist does require some necessary personality traits. You have to have a " nose for news". You also have to have a lot of confidence as you could be interviewing top business leaders, celebrities and even politicians.

  Start your own blog

  Journalists need to know how to blog,so start your own and get into the habit of writing on a regular basis every day if you can. News editors will be looking for digital journalists these days,so make sure you get blogging while reading as many influential blogs as you can.

(   ) 5. The main purpose of the writer is to tell us        .

    A. his own experience working as a journalist

    B.the challenges of being a journalist

   C.how to be a journalist

   D.how a journalist works

(   ) 6. We learn from the second paragraph that the author        .

   A.got many stories published when he was young

   B.only learned the trick of journalism when he started working-

   C.believed what he learned at college is the most important

   D.didn't work hard at university

(   ) 7. In order to be a journalist, you have to        .

   A.know what you want to do when you grow up

   B.start writing as early as possible

   C.study media or journalism

   D.take a relevant course

(   ) 8. A journalist should be quite confident because        .

   A.they can be in very tough situations

   B.they will interview very important or famous figures

   C.the journalism industry is full of competition

   D.you have to stand out in journalism


  Superstition(迷信) has existed for such a long time. Hundreds of years ago it was more a-live because of humans' limited knowledge. Who was the first to walk under a ladder and suffer the bad result? Who hung a horseshoe the wrong way up or broke a mirror and then their luck ran out?

  Superstition, somehow, has been with us as a tradition. Human beings have tried hard to find explanations for it.

  Friday the 13th is an unlucky day in much of Western Europe, North America, and Aus?tralia. Many people avoid travel and avoid signing contracts on Friday the 13th. Floors in tall buildings often skip from 12 to 14. Such belief has deep roots in Christian religion.

  Some people claim that the number is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was put to death,and with this in mind few hosts will serve dinner with thirteen at the table.

  In the Norse mythology(挪威神话) twelve Gods gathered for a feast when a thirteenth, Loke,entered. Loke then,after the meal,killed Balder,who was the most beloved of the gods. Have you ever placed your shoes on the table or on top of your bed? Of course you haven't? they might be dirty. But there is also another reason for not doing it―it means bad luck.

  There has been a strange tradition in the West of throwing an old shoe after a person when he or she leaves his or her home. Believe it or not,this is a way of wishing them luck.

  In the past this was also a common thing to do when a new couple left their homes to get married. Then,when they were just married, one could wish them good luck by tying an old boot to the back of their car.

  Is the number 13 really unlucky, or is it just a myth? There are a handful of athletes who dare to wear the infamous(名声坏的) number. NBA super star Steve Nash wears the number 13 both in Dallas Mavericks and Phoenix Suns.

It is said that superstition has been a part of sports since the beginning. Players have their ways of avoiding bad luck.

(   ) 5. The passage mainly talks about        .

   A.the relationship between superstition and bad luck

   B.how superstition influences people's life

   C.how superstition began and developed

   D.superstition and tradition

(   ) 6. Which of the following gives the correct explanation for the unlucky number 13?

   A.It has something to do with religious belief.

   B.Thirteen gods gathered for a feast when Balder was killed.

   C.Jesus was put to death when another, the thirteenth god,entered.

   D.It has something to do with the people's tradition of serving dinner.

(   ) 7. When a couple got married,one would tie an old boot to the back of their car

   A.to avoid bad luck

   B.because they left their homes

   C.to wish the whole family good luck

   D.to wish them good luck

(   ) 8. From the passage, we can infer that        .

   A.superstition has lost its influence in modern society

   B.sports is the field which is least influenced by superstition

   C.superstition still influences people's life in one way or another

   D.the number 13 has brought good luck to some famous athletes

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