
 I used to live in a separate room. I loved living 6_________ . But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to 7        my room. At first,my parents said "no" to him,but at last my mother 8_________ . I cried and begged my parents not to do this,9        it didn't work.

  As soon as Mike entered my room,my room be?gan to become 10_________ . To my anger,he often left his unwashed clothes everywhere!One evening,I was doing my homework on my computer while Mike was listening to music. Later,I left my 11        to get some water. A shock was 12        me when I returned. He had used my computer to play games. I had 13        to save the homework. Sadly,he closed the programme 14        saving it―all my effort had disappeared!I shouted at him at the top of my 15_________. He cried a lot as my mother 16        him. My mother also asked him to leave my room 17 . Then I did my homework once again. At 11:00 pm,I 18        it. I was about to turn off my com?puter when I saw the 19        of my brother that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remem?bered how he was crying when my mum punished him. I really felt 20        for him.

  I went to him. He was 21        in my parents' bed. I kissed his forehead. He woke up,22        and said, "I'm sorry. I won't bring you 23        again." I was so 24        and I hugged him,saying, "From now on,my room is not only 25_________. It is ours!"

6. A. somewhere   B. alone

   C. sadly   D. differently

7. A. clean   B. paint   C. visit   D. share

8. A. left   B. agreed   C. smiled   D. moved

9. A. as   B. if   C. but   D. so

10. A. dirty   B. empty   C. beautiful   D. dark

11. A. office   B. TV   C. book   D. seat

12. A. waiting for   B. looking through   

  C. looking after   D. thinking of

13. A. decided   B. forgotten   C. wanted   D. tried

14. A. on   B. for

  C. after   D. without

15. A. water   B. desk   C. voice   D. head

16. A. surprised   B. praised   C. served   D. beat

17. A. at once   B. on time   C. by chance   D. after all

18. A. dropped   B. finished   C. improved   D. changed

19. A. coat   B. toy   C. photo   D. gift

20. A. good   B. sorry   C. lucky   D. happy

21. A. playing   B. crying   C. sleeping   D. eating

22. A. showed up   B. gave up   C. went away   D. got up

23. A. information   B. trouble   C. advice   D. news

24. A. moved   B. angry   C. upset   D. nervous

25. A. his   B. ours   C. theirs   D. mine

6. B根据下文作者不同意让弟弟跟他一起住的语境可知,他喜欢"单独"住。

7. D根据后文作者的弟弟跟他一起住的语境可知,他弟弟要求跟他"分享"他的房间。

8. B根据but—词可知,作者的妈妈虽然一开始不同意,可最终还是"同意”了。

9. C根据it dWn't work可知,此处需要一个表示转折的连词。

10. A根据his unwashed clothes可知,作者的弟弟一住进来就把房间弄得很"脏"。

11. D作者当时坐在电脑前写家庭作业,后来离开了"座位"去拿水。

12. A根据后文作者的家庭作业都不见了的语境可知,一个令人震惊的事情在"等着"他。

13. B根据sadly可知,作者"忘了"保存家庭作业。

14. D根据"…all my effort had disappeared!"可知,作者的弟弟玩游戏前"没有"帮作者保存家庭作业。

15. C作者当时很生气,故他用最大的"声音"呵斥弟弟,

16. D根据作者的弟弟哭了的语境可知,妈妈"打"了他。

17. A作者的妈妈要弟弟"立即"离开他的房间。

18. B作者在夜里十一点钟"完成"了家庭作业。

19. C根据his lovely face可知,作者看的是他弟弟的"照片"。

20. B作者想起了弟弟大哭的样子,他感到很"歉疚"。

21. C根据woke up可知,作者的弟弟当时在"睡觉"。

22. D 23. B

24. A根据"...I hugged him…"可知,作者听到弟弟的话很"感动"。

25. D根据"It is ours!"可知,作者说房间从现在开始不是他一个人的了,故选D.


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