
While Christmas shopping in a jewelry store, I discovered a table of golden ornaments (饰品) on sale. So beautiful in   41   ,each had a personality of its own. I looked through hundreds of pieces,   42   a few and took them home.

I was afraid that they would disappear among other   43   gifts of a Christmas tree,   44   I used them to decorate wreaths (花环). When I stood back to    45    my work, a thought crossed my mind: Wouldn’t some of our family and friends like these, too?

I raced back to the jewelry store to discover that the piles of ornaments had been   46  even further. This time I bought dozens, as I   47   the many people who might enjoy one for the holidays.

I   48   began my creative project. While I tied lovely bows and glued golden ornaments, my mind   49   to Christmases past, how special each had been. I thought about others perhaps not so   50  . Some people in our community   51   had a family to share the joy of Christmas. Some didn’t   52   with holiday decorations.

I nodded my head in determined   53  . They would be at the top of my list to receive a little wreath.   54   the plan my husband showed great enthusiasm (热情) and we set out together to put it into   55  .

We visited the aged, the widowed (寡居的) and the lonely. Each one was   56   at our cheerful stop and   57   hung our small gifts — often the   58   signs of celebration in their homes.

After several days, I realized we had made and given almost two hundred wreaths. Decorated with   59   and delivered with delight, they filled many homes and hearts with the joy of Christmas. We were glad that our   60   did make sense and we found our Christmas spirit in doing and giving.

1.A. design                  B. concept                  C. condition                D. form

2.A. checked              B. selected      C. transformed   D. charged

3.A. huge       B. fancy     C. expensive                    D. valueless

4.A. however         B. therefore          C. otherwise    D. still

5.A. envy       B. polish     C. admire  D. undertake

6.A. reduced     B. emptied       C. sorted           D. cleared

7.A. worried about   B. thought of   C. cared for    D. watch over

8.A. bitterly    B. naturally     C. eagerly             D. curiously

9.A. appealed          B. opened         C. crossed      D. wandered

10.A. fortunate        B. wealthy    C. energetic             D. comfortable

11.A. sometimes   B. ever             C. often             D. never

12.A. bother      B. serve                   C. compare        D. play

13.A. surprise   B. disappointment         C. satisfaction         D. shame

14.A. In              B. At        C. On                                    D. About

15.A. effect            B. action   C. reality         D. consideration

16.A. shocked      B. scared    C. embarrassed        D. excited

17.A. without delay         B. as usual    C. on purpose        D. in turn

18.A. common        B. universal         C. only              D. standard

19.A. hope      B. pardon      C. luck                   D. love

20.A. devotion       B. courage    C. kindness             D. support


























1.考查名词及语境的理解。A. design设计; B. concept概念; C. condition条件; D. form形成。根据each had a personality of its own 可知每一个都各有特点,这说明设计的不同,故选A。

2.考查动词及语境的理解。A. checked检查; B. selected选择; C. transformed改变; D. charged控告。select的基本意思是“选择”“挑选”,指在进行认真的考虑后,从若干事物或人中间挑选出适合要求,满足需要的事物或人。强调大范围的挑选和选择中需一定的鉴别力。根据took them home 可知“我”仔细地看了一下东西挑了几百件拿回家,故选B。

3.考查形容词及语境的理解。A. huge巨大的; B. fancy精美的,奇特的; C. expensive贵的;D. valueless无价值的。根据I was afraid that they would disappear 可知“我担心”这些饰品放在圣诞树的其他的精美的礼物下失去了它们的色彩,故选B。

4.考查副词及语境的理解。A. however然而; B. therefore 因此; C. otherwise否则; D. still仍然。根据I was afraid that they would disappear among other fancy gifts of a Christmas tree可知因此“我”用它们去装饰花环,故选B。

5.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. envy妒忌; B. polish改进; C. admire羡慕; D. undertake保证。当“我”往后站,来欣赏我的工作时,一个想法出现在“我”的脑海里,故选C。

6.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. reduced减少; B. emptied倒空; C. sorted 分类; D. cleared使干净。根据上文可知一开始店里是珠宝多,慢慢地就卖了一些。“我”跑到珠宝店发现成堆的珠宝已经大大地减少了,故选A。

7.考查动词短语及语境的理解。 A. worried about担心; B. thought of考虑, 想出; C. cared for 关心; D. watch over看守。根据who might enjoy one for the holidays这次“我”买了十几个,因为“我”考虑许多人都想为了这个节日而买一件吧,故选B。

8.考查副词及语境的理解。A. bitterly苦涩的; B. naturally自然地; C. eagerly 急切地; D. curiously好奇地。“我”急切地开始了“我”的创造性的计划,故选C。

9.考查动词及语境的理解。A. appealed呼吁; B. opened 打开;         C. crossed交叉; D. wandered徘徊,游荡。根据Christmases past 可知“我”的思绪回到了过去的圣诞节的情况,故选D。

10.考查形容词及语境的理解。A. fortunate幸运的; B. wealthy富有的; C. energetic精力充沛的;D. comfortable舒适的。根据Some people in our community        had a family to share the joy of Christmas.  可知“我”想起其他的人也许不是那么的幸运,故选A。

11.考查副词及语境的理解。 A. sometimes 有时; B. ever曾经; C. often经常;      D. never从不。根据I thought about others perhaps not so       .在我们社区的一些人从没有和一家人在一起享受快乐,故选D。

12.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. bother烦恼; B. serve招待; C. compare比较; D. play玩。因为前面说的是一些不幸运的人。所以后面应该是相反的。一些不愁有节日装饰品,故选A。

13.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. surprise惊奇; B. disappointment 失望; C. satisfaction满意; D. shame羞耻。根据nodded my head 可知“我”满意地点点头,故选C。


15.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. effect影响; B. action行动; C. reality 现实; D. consideration考虑。put it into action实施,这里it指的是plan;我们一起开始实施,故选B。

16.考查形容词及语境的理解。A. shocked震惊的; B. scared害怕的; C. embarrassed尴尬的; D. excited兴奋的。根据at our cheerful stop可知大家都高兴地站在商店门口,故选D。

17.考查短语及语境的理解。A. without delay立即; B. as usual像往常一样; C. on purpose有目的地; D. in turn轮流,依次。根据At the plan my husband showed great enthusiasm (热情) and we set out together to put it into       .可以看出作者的急切的心情,所以立即就把“我们”的小礼物都挂了起来,故选A。

18.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. common共同的; B. universal普遍的;     C. only仅仅; D. standard标准。根据We visited the aged, the widowed (寡居的) and the lonely.它们仅仅是咋他们的家里的庆祝的标志,故选C。

19.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. hope 希望; B. pardon原谅; C. luck运气; D. love爱。根据they filled many homes and hearts with the joy of Christmas.可知作者他们有爱心;用爱去装饰。故选D。

20.考查名词及语境的理解。A. devotion 献身; B. courage勇气; C. kindness善心,好意; D. support支持。根据上文可知作者他们送出去200多花环,这是做的好事。“我们”很高兴“我们”的善心做得有意义,故选C。




Get yourself up and make something of yourselfbuddy!”Though my mother has passed awayher words are as clear in my head today as when I was a boy

??? “Christ!”I said,“I have made something of myself. I want to sleep late as I like.”

??? “If theres one thing I cant standits a quitter.”Her voice in my head is more powerful than my will to refuseso I pull myself from bed

????? Before I was out of primary schoolmother could see I lacked the gifts for either making millions or winning the love of crowdsSo she began pushing me toward working with wordsWords ran in her familyThere seemed to be a word gene that passed down from her mothers grandfather·

The greatest proof was my mothers first cousin EdwinHe was the managing editor of the New York Times and had gained a name in his career

??? In 1947 1 graduated from Johns Hopkins and applied for a job with the Baltimore Sun as a police reporterIt paid30 a week When I complained the wage was shameful for a learned manmother refused to sympathize.“If you work hard at this job,”she said,“maybe you can make something of it.”

??? After a whileI was asked to cover diplomats(外交官)at various African embassies. Then

seven years later I was arranged by the Sun to cover the White Housea task that was as close to heaven as a journalist could getHoweverwhatever achievement of mine only seemed insignificant in her eyesUncle Edwins success was really annoying during my early years as a reporterWhat a thrillI thought

??? Thenout of my wildest childhood fantasythe Times came knockingIt was sad that Uncle Edwin had passed away by this timeIn 1979 I won the Pulitzer PrizeUnfortunatelymy mothers brain and health broke down the year beforeleaving her in a nursing homeout of touch with life forevermore She never knew of my Pulitzer

????? I can probably guess how shed have responded.“ Thats nicebuddyIt shows if you work handyou11 be able to make something of yourself one day,”

1.The first three paragraphs are intended to______

Adraw readersattention to the authors success

Bremind readers that the road to success is rough

Cserve as an introduction to the authors mother

Dexplain why the authors mother kept blaming him

2.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 probably means that tier families____

A. were gifted at language? Bnever broke their promise

C. were fond of reading ? D. stuck to their family belief

3.What can we learn about the author

AHe got a good salary working as a police reporter

BHe lived a rich life with his mother in his childhood

CIt was proud of her mother to see his winning the Pulitzer Prize

DIt was beyond his wildest dream that he could work for the Times

4.The author regards Uncle Edwins success as a thrill because______.

Ahe himself was less smart than Uncle Edwin

Bhis mothers family thought Uncle Edwin to be a good reporter

Cfew reporters can become the managing editor of the New York Times

DUncle Edwin spared no effort to get the Pulitzer Prize at the cost of his life


We often hear people talking about a generation gap (代沟). The name is new,but the idea is old. Young people and their parents don’t understand each other. The world has always kept changing. During the second century after Christ a wise man said, “Bury me on my face because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.”  There has always been a gap between generations, but more people talk about it now. Old Mr. Ellis thinks he understands what has happened. “When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasant. But when I was older, I learned about people who were treated badly, people who didn’t have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meetings and talked a lot, but it didn’t seem to make much difference. ”“Our children grew up in a world at war. They didn’t know when the fighting would stop. They wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys. They didn’t want to think about the future. They thought nothing could be done about it.” “Now I have grandchildren, and they have their own ideas. They are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They’re making people listen to them. I am proud of their generation.”

1. The wise man mentioned in the text told people to bury him on his face so   that when everything is turned upside down he will _____.

A. lie on his stomach       B. lie on his back

C. stand quietly           D. sit in peace

2.Which generation did NOT want to do anything to make the world a better one?

A. Mr. Ellis’ generation             B. His children’s generation

C. His grandchildren’s generation     D. None of the above.

3. What is the writer’s attitude towards the generation gap?

A. Unacceptable. B. Awful.  C. Funny. D. Common.


In both China and the West, at this time of the year, we must endure the cold, the wind and the snow of wintertime. How good it is then that we have festivals to keep our spirits up and hearts warm!

Spring Festival in China and Christmas in foreign countries are times for families and friends to get together, exchange gifts and have a big dinner.

Although the two holidays are different – one is to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth, while the other is celebrated because of thousands of years of Chinese folk traditions – Christmas and Spring Festival still have things in common.

In both, eating is a big part of the holiday celebration. In China we eat dumpling and niangao – cakes made of sticky rice – while Westerners sit down to a roast turkey or ham, with vegetables, apple-sauce and a plum (干果) pudding.

Gifts are another key element in both celebrations. In the West, families gather round the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and open their presents. Gifts range from the small – a box of chocolates – to the large. Children especially look forward to a big present, say a new bike or computer. Similarly, in China children receive gift money in red envelopes from their elders.

With the world becoming more connected, Spring Festival and Christmas have crossed cultural borders. It is not unusual in China to see Christmas trees and Father Christmas figures around the end of December.

And Chinese living abroad have made Spring Festival a special cultural event in many foreign countries. In some US cities, especially those with large Chinese neighborhoods, non-Asian adults and kids join in the fun.  “ I've been celebrating Chinese New Year for a really long time, and it's a great cultural festival for the community,” said Leslie Swartz, who works at the city's Children's Museum in Boston. “Everyone goes to Chinatown. There are lion dances and firecrackers. It's very lively. Schools also celebrate Chinese New Year. ” Swartz said.

Swartz has a 13-year-old adopted Chinese daughter, Mei. They celebrate at home, too, decorating the house and eating special foods. They make traditional Chinese New Year's fruit trays (拼盘). They also write good luck messages on red paper, called spring couplets (对联), and hang them by the doors at home.

The Title: East- West: We are alike

   1.     : Spring Festival in China and Christmas in the west


▼ keeping spirits up and    2.    

▼being time for families and friends to    3. 


▼having a big dinner

  5.    between the two festivals

▼Spring Festival: folk traditions of China of thousands of years

▼Christmas: Celebrating ___6.      

★ Culture mixture: Spring Festival and Christmas having crossed 7.  

▼In China: Seeing   8.  and Father Christmas figures

▼In the USA: watching lion dances and9.  in Chinatown, making traditional Chinese New Year’ fruit trays, writing good luck messages on red paper and  10.  by the doors


Until a century ago, bloodletting was used to treat many ailments. Dating back to before the time of Christ, the treatment involved letting a type of worm, called a leech, such blood from the patient. People believed that there were liquids called humors in the body and that these determined a person’s personality and heath. Bloodletting, they thought, restored a balance to these humors.

At the time, little was known of the working of the human body, but people did know that the same liquid, blood, flowed throughout everyone’s body. They knew it was a vital substance, for loss of any great amount of it meant certain death. Thus, they concluded that all diseases were carried in the bloodstream, and that if the body was relieved of bad blood, heath would return. Bloodletting, however, came to be used as a cure-all. Woman were bled to keep them from blushing while members of the clergy were bled to prevent them from thinking sinful and worldly thoughts.

From the 11th to the 18th centuries, barbers were the people to go to if you needed to be bled. This custom explains the significance of the traditional barber’s pole: the white stripes stand for bandages and the red stripe for blood.

1. This passage is concerned about            .

healthy people and doctors                         B. bleeding as a cure-all

C. barbers of long ago                                      D. leeches with special jobs to do

2. The red and white stripes on barber pole symbolize         .

sin and redemption                             B. the bleeding form

C. women who are nurses                                  D. humors in the body

3. Why is bloodletting no longer considered a cure-all?

Because more is known about the workings of the human body.

Because leeches were outlawed

Because barbers were too busy cutting hair.

Because today we know that blood is necessary for health

4. In the second paragraph, the word “Thus” could be replaced by the word       .

A. When                        B. However                  C. If                            D. So

5. Ailments means           .

A. cures                         B. women                     C. disease                     D. medicines



         The Jonas Brothers are an American pop-rock band from Wyckoff,New Jersey.Born to musical parents.the Jonas Brothers grew up in a home where music was a large part of everyday life.Father Kevin Jonas,Sr.is the co-founder of Christ For The Nations Music,as well as a pastor(牧师)at a local church,in Wyckoff, NJ.Growing up in such a musically accomplished family gave the boys a love for music,as well as a bit of inside knowledge about the workings of the music industry.

       19-year-old Kevin Jonas is the oldest of the three boys.At 13,Kevin taught himself to play me guitar, simply by studying a “Teach Yourself Guitar” book that he had found lying around his parents’home in New Jersey.Kevin spent about three days learning all of the major guitar chords(和弦)while he was home from school,due to illness.Even before their band was formed,Kevin had already appeared in several television commercials for Disney, Lego,and Burger King.

       Joseph Jonas is 17 years old.While Joe originally wanted to be a comedian,he always had a love for music as well.Joe’s appearance in Baz Luhrmann’s Broadway production of“La Boheme” was his first performance as a singer.Joe said that watching his brother, Kevin,perform on Broadway was what motivated him to want to give musical theatre a try.Since discovering his talent for musical performances,Joe has never turned back.

       Nick Jonas is 14 years old, and the youngest of the three Jonas Brothers.Despite his young age, he is sometimes referred to as the motivation behind the band. At 6 Nick was singing while getting his hair cut at a local barber shop, when a lady heard him, and gave him a card, suggesting that he should meet with a professional manager. From then on Nick was performing in front of audiences, big and small. Nick landed roles in Broadway shows like “Annie Get Your Gun”, “Beauty and the Beast”, and “Les Miserables”.

64.Kevin Jonas learned to play the guitar         

       A.by himself               B.from his father

       C.at a music school               D.under his teacher’s guidance

65.Joseph Jonas decided to try singing on stage because      

       A.he had longed to do so since his childhood

       B.his parents wanted the brothers to sing together

       C.he was invited to act in a show at a local theatre

       D.Kevin’s performance on Broad way inspired him

66.From the passage,we can infer that     

       A.the barber decided to give Nick Jonas a free hair cut

       B.the owner of the shop considered Nick Jonas a VIP

       C.Nick Jonas was advised to discuss his future career

       D.Nick Jonas’handsome appearance attracted a woman

67.The passage is intended to       .

       A.offer readers information about the Jonas Brothers

       B.prove strong family ties combine the boys together

       C.explain why the three brothers began singing together

       D.show how the boys are different from one another


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