
---I feel the house shaking.

----So do I .It ___ be sign of an earthquake most probably. Let’s hurry to leave here.

A. ought  to B. could  C. can  D. might



由句意“这应该是很可能要发生地震的信号吧”可知,这里表示肯定的推理且含有很大的可能性,故用ought to



When talking with young Swedish students, Mo Yan showed respect for Chinese authors that he learned writing from, particularly Shen Congwen, who was twice nominated(提名)for the Nobel Prize.

“Lu Xun, Lao She, Mao Dun and Shen Congwen, they are more qualified(有资格的)for the Nobel Prize than me,” he said,. Among the writers he learned from, he said he especially felt close to Shen Congwen, as they have similar life experiences.

Both of them left school early and did not get formal education. Shen quit after high school and Mo only finished the fifth grade. They both joined the army after school. “ We both learned from the book of life,” said Mo.

The themes of their writing are also similar. Both writers have their hometown as the theme and root of their writings. Shen’works are mostly about his hometown, Xiangxi, and most of Mo’s stories are set in his hometown, Gaomi, in Shandong Province.

Mo said he also learned from Shen how to deal with characters in a fiction. Unlike most Chinese writers, Shen has a humanistic(人文主义的) touch towards all of his characters. Said Mo, “In his works, there are no particularly bad person or good person. Even gangsters(匪徒) and thieves have their humane(仁慈的)side,” he said.

“I try to use the same approach in my writing. It shows the ability of a novelist when he treats all the characters as humans,” he said.

Mo said he also learned Lu Xun’s depth and Lao She’s humor. “They are all my teachers, and I am the student,” he said. “I feel ashamed from my heart that teachers did not get the prize, but the student got it.”

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the similarity between Mo Yan and Shen Congwen?

A.Writing themes                         B.Sense of humor

C.Life experiences                        D.Approaches in writing

2.By saying “We both learned from the book of life”, what did Mo Yan mean?

A.They both love reading throughout their life.

B.They both earned their living by writing books.

C.They both got nutrition(营养)from life.

D.They both experienced many difficulties.

3.According to Mo Yan, Shen Congwen was special in the way _________.

A.he described bad persons                 B.he created characters

C.he made sentences                      D.he told stories

4.From what Mo Yan said in the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A.he is a modest person                    B.he feels shy

C.Lu Xun’s depth influenced his early life     D.he thinks he doesn’t deserve the prize


At one time, computers were expected largely to remove the need for paper copies of documents  because they could be stored electronically. But for all the texts that are written, stored and sent electronically, a lot of them are still ending up on paper.

It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. “I feel in my bones this revolution is causing more trees to be cut down,” says Ted Smith of the Earth Village Organization.

Perhaps the best sign of how computer and Internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new markets. Several Internet companies have been set up to help small businesses print quality documents from a computer. Earlier this week Hewlett-Packard Co. announced a plan to develop new technologies that will enable people to print even more so they can get a hard copy of a business document, a medical record or just a one-line e-mail, even if they are nowhere near a computer. As the company sees it, the more use of the Internet the greater demand for printers .

Does all this mean environmental concerns have been forgotten? Some activists suggest people have been led to believe that a lot of dangers to the environment have gone away. “I guess people believe that the problem is taken care of, because of recycling (回收利用)?” said Kelly Quirke, director of the Rainforest Action Network in San Francisco. Yet Quirke is hopeful that high-tech may also prove helpful. He says printers that print on both sides are growing in popularity. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste.  

1. The growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to       ____.

A. the rapid development of small businesses        B. the opening up of new markets

C. the printing of high quality copies              D. the increased use of the Internet

2. Environmentalists believe one possible way of dealing with the paper situation is        ____.

A. to encourage printing more quality documents     B. to develop new printers using recycled paper

C. to find new materials for making paper           D. to plant more fast-growing trees

3. Hewlett-Packard Co. has decided to develop new technologies because      ____.

A. people are concerned about the environment       B. printers in many offices are working overtime

C. small companies need more hard copies            D. they see a growing market for printers

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Computers and Printers                       B. E-mail and the Business World

C. Internet Revolution and Environment          D. Modern Technology and New Markets





I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I'd like

to give you some a        on how to learn English.Above all,                            76. ____________

don't lose your heart. Many students find it _______ to learn English,                77. ____________

especially _______ write good English compositions.In my opinion,                    78. ____________

if you want to _______(改善)your writing, you should learn                               79. ____________

by heart as many English expressions and sentence p        as possible.      80. ____________

And at the same time try to use _______ in your compositions.I                         81. ____________

think just r        grammar rules is no use. And only by reading                         82. ____________

and writing a lot, _______ you be able to learn English well in an                            83. ____________

effective way.I definitely _______(相信) the most important                       84. ____________

thing is that you should _______ writing every day and never give up.                85. ____________





As a child growing up, I have very few memories of the times when we gathered as a family to sit down and eat dinner together. I grew up in a home where both of my parents worked. My mother taught in the school, and my father worked during the night at a local chemical plant. There was not much time available for us to sit down to eat dinner together due to my parents’ conflicting(冲突的)work schedules and the afterschool activities in which my sister and I participated.

It wasn’t until I got married and had two children of my own that I began to realize the important of eating dinner together. In my family there are elements that take us away from each other, day in and day out, but as a mother I feel it is my duty to bring us all back together again at the end of the day. In my house, dinner time is a time of thanks. I give thanks for us to share our day, but I am more thankful for the family I share it with. Dinner time is a time for us to share our day, and reflect on our thoughts. Above all it is a time when my family are able to connect with the ones they love.

As I look at the bread basket which sits on my kitchen table, I am reminded of how the basket’s tight weave resembles the tightly woven strands(股)of my family. I believe that through our family dinners, we will not only pass around the meat and potatoes, but we will also pass along virtues that will shape us so that we can forever embrace one another just as the basket embraces the bread.

56. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. It is pleasant to spend time with your family.

B. It is necessary to participate in family activities.

C. It is vital to balance work and family time.

D. It is important to have family dinner together.

57. According to the author, during dinner time           .

A. we should remember the one who prepares the dinner

B. we can learn all sorts of knowledge from other people

C. communication among family members will be improved

D. it is healthy for people to express their opinions

58. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The family     B. The food   C. Dinner time   D. My house

59. The author concludes the passage by           .

A. making comparisons           B. telling her own story

C. summarizing the main idea      D. presenting facts


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