
如今网络已经对人们产生了很大影响,对中学生影响尤其之深。有人认为网络的利大于弊,有人认为网络的弊大于利。请以“Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet”为题,用英语写一篇文章,结合实际情况谈谈你的看法。




One possible version:.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

There is no doubt that we have benefited a lot from the Internet in our everyday life We can read news, watch films, keep in touch with our relatives, make friends, or play games to get relaxed on the Internet.

     But every coin has two sides. The Internet also has bad effects on people, especially on teenagers. Things such as violence and cheating, often appear on the Internet seriously polluting their hearts and soul. Consequently, children will gradually lose interest in their studies.

    Now, it's high time the government took effective measures. Some websites that disobey the rules should be made public and closed up. As students, we should protect ourselves by keeping on guard against the bad effects of the Internet. I'm sure we will have a better online environment soon so that the Internet can serve us better



【亮点说明】文章采用三段式结构。第一段介绍网络给人们带来的好处;第二段介绍网络的坏处;最后一段提出了自己的观点看法。这种段落安排使文章结构分明,层次清晰,给人一目了然的感觉。文中There is no doubt that we have benefited….. But every coin has two sides.和it's high time the government took effective measures.三个经典的句型不仅起到承上启下、连接语篇的作用,而且也显示了作者对语言较高的灵活运用能力。此外,benefit 、consequently、effective等高级词汇的使用也提升了作文的档次。




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