
15.You should not make use of his kindness and generosity bydemanding(要求)too much of him.

分析 你不该利用他的善良和大方向他要求太多.

解答 答案:demanding.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.

5 Things to Do in a Traffic Jam
Tired of traffic jams?Here are some tips that can help you to calm down in a traffic jam.
Listen to a CD audio book
It's a good idea to keep several audio books in your car.(66)G Listening to an exciting story is more interesting than sitting silently and being bored.
Sing loudly
If you begin getting angry because of a long traffic jam,turn your CD player on or radio up.(67)E Imagine you're a wonderful singer and the audience is listening to you in admiration.Your stress will disappear.
You can use the radio and play entertaining games while waiting.For example you can guess the song or the singer or to see how quickly you can recognize a new song.
Have a snack(零食)
Keeping a tasty snack in the car is especially good for waiting in traffic jams.Choose what you like most of all,so you will look forward to traffic jams to have a chance to eat the delicious snack.(69)C In that case,time is the last thing to worry about.
Argue with the radio talk show host
Find a station with a radio talk show.(70)DIf you disagree,you can show your anger.Don't be afraid to call their ideas stupid.Only make sure that the car windows are closed so no one may hear you.
Sitting in a traffic jam can be very stressful but next time you can use these simple tips,and you won't notice how long you have been waiting and soon you will be on your way.

A.Play games
B.Use the radio.
C.Enjoy every bite of it.
D.Listen to their debates carefully.
E.Loud singing can help to reduce stress.
F.Begin to enjoy them as quickly as you can.
G.The storyteller's voice can clear all your bad emotions.

A famous professor was known for his interesting lessons,which attracted plenty of students to his class.This time,when the class began,he picked up a very large and __ jar and began to fill it with golf balls.He asked the students if the jar was full.They __ that it was.The professor picked up a box of small pebbles (截卵石) and __ them into the jar.He shook the jar __ to let the pebbles roll into the open __ between the golf balls.When asked if the jar was full,they __ with a firm “Yes”.

Then the professor poured a box of sand into the jar,which seemingly __ all the remaining space.The same question was asked and the same answer was given.The professor then __ two cans of beer from under the table and poured the __ contents into the jar,filling the empty space between the sand.

“Now,” said the professor,“I want you to recognize that this jar __ your life.The golf balls are the most __ things--your family,your children,your health and your friends.If everything else was lost and only they __ your life would still be full.The __ can be the other things that __ like your job,your house,your car.The sand is everything else--the small stuff.If you put the sand into the jar first,” he __.“there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for __.If you spend all your time and __ on the small stuff,you will never have __ for the things that are more important to you.Take care of the golf balls first,the things that really matter.The rest is just sand.”

One of the students put up her hand and __ what the beer represented.The professor smiled.“I’m glad you asked this.It just goes to show you that,no matter how __ your life may seem,there’s always room for a can of beer.”

1.A. valuable B. empty C. beautiful D. heavy

2.A. wanted B. expected C. supposed D. agreed

3.A. rolled B. drove C. threw D. poured

4.A. typically B. suddenly C. happily D. lightly

5.A. fields B. platforms C. space D. locations

6.A. responded B. behaved C. reacted D. described

7.A. gave up B. used up C. filled up D. picked up

8.A. drank B. reached C. took D. broke

9.A. entire B. general C. special D. strange

10.A. explains B. indicates C. compares D. represents

11.A. common B. important C. natural D. exciting

12.A. left B. remained C. struggled D. happened

13.A. sand B. pebbles C. balls D. beer

14.A. feel B. look C. serve D. matter

15.A. doubted B. replied C. commented D. continued

16.A. future B. happiness C. life D. success

17.A. interest B. salary C. energy D. strength

18.A. ambition B. room C. fun D. effort

19.A. asked B. insisted C. required D. suspected

20.A. full B. easy C. happy D. hard

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