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I've learned about your recent learning task£®
Best wishes!
Li Hua£®
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪÊéÐÅ£®Ð´×÷Òªµã°üÀ¨£º1£®ÍƼöÒ»¸öÖйú½ÚÈÕ£»2£®ËµÃ÷ÍƼö¸Ã½ÚÈÕµÄÔÒò£»3£®¼òµ¥½éÉܸýÚÈÕ£®Ð´×÷ʱÒÔÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱºÍµÚÒ»È˳ÆΪÖ÷£®
Öصã¶ÌÓlearn about £¨Á˽⣩£»intend to £¨´òËã¸ÉijÊ£©£»Spring Festival£¨´º½Ú£©£»not only¡but also £¨²»µ«¡¶øÇÒ£©£»family reunion£¨¼ÒÍ¥¾Û»á£©£»set off fireworks £¨È¼·ÅÑÌ»¨±¬Öñ£©£®
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£º1£®¢ÙIf you intend to study one of the Chinese festivals£¬¢ÚI suggest that you consider the Chinese Spring Festival£®
2£®It is also a time for family reunion£¬which has a special meaning to everyone of us£®
whichÒýµ¼Ò»¸ö·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬¹Øϵ´ú´ÊÖ¸´úÏÈÐÐ´Ê family reunion£®
3£®Since China is large in area£¬the custom of the Spring Festival varies in different areas in China£®
½â´ð Dear Lucy£¬
I've learned about your recent learning task£®Studying festival is interesting and meaningful£®If you intend to study one of the Chinese festivals£¬I suggest that you consider the Chinese Spring Festival£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®I recommend it to you because it has a long history and is the most important festival to us Chinese£®And you can not only learn Chinese culture£¬but also dip into Chinese history£®As we know£¬it is celebrated on the first day of Chinese lunar month£®People celebrate it for the coming of the spring£®It is also a time for family reunion£¬which has a special meaning to everyone of us£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®Usually£¬family members will have a feast and set off fireworks together£®Since China is large in area£¬the custom of the Spring Festival varies in different areas in China£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©£®I believe you'll learn a lot of interesting stories about the Chinese Spring Festival if you start your research on it£®
Best wishes!
Li Hua
µãÆÀ ÊéÃæ±í´ïÌ⿼²éµÄÊÇÓ¢ÓïµÄÓ¦ÓÃÄÜÁ¦£®Ð´×÷ʱҪעÒ⣺ҪµãµÄÌáÁ¶ÒªÈ«£»¹Ø¼ü¶ÌÓïºÍ¾äÐÍҪд¶Ô£»¹ý¶É´ÊºÍ¹ý¶É¶ÌÓïÒª×ÔÈ»£¬Í¨Ë³µØµÀ£»×îºó»¹Òª×¢ÒâÈ˳ƺÍʱ̬ʹÓÃÒªÕýÈ·£®

A£® | As soon as finish | B£® | As soon as finishing | ||
C£® | Upon finishing | D£® | Upon finish |
---Sorry£¬The shoes repairs __________ completed yet..£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | are not | B£® | was not | C£® | will not be | D£® | have not been |
A£® | informed | B£® | informing | C£® | to inform | D£® | inform |
Every kid tore£¨43£©Ca fancy package containing a new toy£®Then it was my £¨44£©B£®The teacher handed me something wrapped£¨°ü¹ü£©in used paper£®It was so wrinkled that the colors had£¨45£©B£®With everyone watching£¬I removed the paper and£¨46£©Da cheap book with tom and dirty pages£®
Inside was a handwritten £¨47£©Cshowing the girl who gave me the book£®When I announced her name£¬my classmates started £¨48£©B£®Her gift was another indication of how £¨49£©Dthis girl was from the rest of us£®She'd arrive late to £¨50£©A£¬her hair wet and messy£®She didn't have friends£¬and the popular students made fun of her because she wore £¨51£©Bclothes and shoes£®Only later in life did I understand that she£¨52£©Ccame from a terribly poor family£®
As the class laughed£¬this 8-year-old girl £¨53£©Dher head to hide her tears£®But I was£¨54£©Cthat the other kids would think that this girl and I were£¨55£©A£®Only years later did I realize that what I did next was unforgivable-I £¨56£©Bthe book in the garbage!
Months later£¬the girl £¨57£©Aschoo1£®I never saw her again£®I have forgotten the £¨58£©B of many of my old classmates£¬but not hers£®For so many years I have been trying to £¨59£©Cin touch with her£¬but I haven't had any news about her yet£®I owe her a sincere£¨60£©Dand I expect I will have such a chance some day£®
41£®A£®warned | B£®forbidden | C£®forced | D£®instructed |
42£®A£®announce | B£®spell | C£®find | D£®change |
43£®A£®over | B£®off | C£®open | D£®out |
44£®A£®work | B£®turn | C£®1uck | D£®program |
45£®A£®died | B£®faded | C£®failed | D£®dropped |
46£®A£®met with | B£®showed off | C£®turned on | D£®pulled out |
47£®A£®book | B£®novel | C£®note | D£®text |
48£®A£®shouting | B£®1aughing | C£®applauding | D£®discussing |
49£®A£®beautiful | B£®careless | C£®1azy | D£®different |
50£®A£®class | B£®office | C£®home | D£®store |
51£®A£®good | B£®old | C£®dry | D£®new |
52£®A£®usually | B£®secretly | C£®obviously | D£®suddenly |
53£®A£®raised | B£®nodded | C£®shook | D£®hung |
54£®A£®excited | B£®puzzled | C£®worried | D£®pleased |
55£®A£®friends | B£®relatives | C£®enemies | D£®twins |
56£®A£®buried | B£®threw | C£®chose | D£®found |
57£®A£®1eft | B£®attended | C£®communicated | D£®visited |
58£®A£®grades | B£®names | C£®numbers | D£®addresses |
59£®A£®put | B£®send | C£®get | D£®take |
60£®A£®present | B£®greeting | C£®praise | D£®apology |