







I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years before. I found it how difficult to follow my teacher in first English class. She spoke in English throughout the class ,that was totally different as the lessons I had taken before. In the morning class the next day, my English teacher came to me while she was reading the text aloud. After listen to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she like my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and for several day. Thanks to the smile, I began to be confident.


There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds. She took them home and put them in a small cage, caring them with love. Luckily, the birds grew strong little by little. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds.

One day the girl left the door to the cage open accidentally. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was so frightened that he would fly away. So as he flew close, she grasped him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him. Suddenly, she felt the bird go weak, so she opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird. It was her desperate love that had killed him.

She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his strong desire—needing to fly into the clear, blue sky. Unwillingly, she lifted him from the cage and threw him softly into the air. The lucky bird circled once, twice, three times.

The girl watched delightedly at the bird. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. What she wanted to see was that the bird could fly happily. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest tune that she had ever heard.

Remember, the fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings!

1.After the girl found the two birds, she ____.

A. became frightened at once

B. began to treat them badly

C. greeted them happily

D. fed them and raised them

2. Why did the girl grasp the stronger bird wildly?

A. Because the girl disliked the bird any longer

B. Because the bird wanted to fly alone.

C. Because the girl loved the bird deeply.

D. Because the bird intended to find some food.

3. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Catch what you can catch on your way to success.

B. Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.

C. East or west, home is best.

D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Thirteen-year-old Greg Hoffman had been begging his parents for an iPhone all year. So on Christmas morning he was thrilled to find the object of his desire under the tree, but there was a catch.

The phone came with an 18-point set of terms and conditions that he had to agree to before the phone could be his. And the agreement did not come from Apple or the phone provider, it was from his mother.

His mom, Janell Hoffman, included a contract along with the iphone that listed eighteen conditions or rules that Greg has to follow if he wants to keep it. Some of the rules limit the time he can use the phone; not after 7:30 p.m , and he can’t take it to school. He also has to promise not to send “hurtful” text messages and e-mails to people; give his passwords to his parents, and always answer the phone when his mom or dad calls. Greg also has to use his own money to replace the phone if it’s broken or lost

Janell says the idea behind the contract is to teach her son to have a sense of responsibility and to learn to “co-exist with technology, not be ruled by it’. She told him not to use this technology to lie, fool, or cheat another human being.

Most of the terms do not just apply to the iphone, but to life. She also advised him to, “keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you,” “Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without Googling.”

“You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it,”

“I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!”

1.The underlined word “catch” in the first paragraph means “________”

A. great secret B. piece of equipment

C. hidden difficulty D. piece of paper

2.Mom gave her son the 18-point contracts with the iphone in order to __________

A. keep in touch with him at any time

B. teach him to have a sense of responsibility

C. let him learn to use new technology

D. adjust himself o the ever changing world

3.Which of the following may NOT be one of the 18 rules? _________

A. Do not use this technology to lie, fool another human being.

B. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.

C. I will always know the password.

D. Take it to school but turn it off or silence it while having classes

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Roy, and this is my show. This is a television show for all families, and I know you’ll enjoy it.

Let’s start with a story. Once there was a proud pig on a farm. He thought he was the most important of all the animals on the farm. But it was not enough that he himself thought this: he had to be sure that other animals thought it, too. So he went up to a chicken and asked, “Who is the most important animal on the farm?” The chicken answered, “You are, Mr. Pig.” Then he asked a dog, and he got the same answer.

Next, he asked a cow. When the cow seemed uncertained of the right answer, the pig looked angry, and showed his teeth, “Oh, you are, of course, Mr. Pig.” said the cow. “Of course,” the pig said, “there is no doubt about it. ”

At last the pig asked a big horse the same question. The horse lifted one foot, rolled the pig over and placed his foot on the pig’s head. “I think you know the answer now.” said the horse.

1.The Roy show is _________ .

A. a family show on TV B. for kids only

C. a sports show D. a clothes show on TV

2.When the pig asked a dog, the dog ________ .

A. said nothing

B. said the pig was the most important

C. said the pig was as important as the horse

D. said he was more important than the pig.

3.The horse thought ________ was the most important on the farm.

A. nobody B. the pig

C. the cow D. he himself

4.The word “ uncertained ” means _________ .

A. 相同的 B. 犹豫的

C. 令人满意的 D.高兴的

5.What’s the best title of this passage?__________ .

A. A pig and a cow B. A farm

C. The most important animal D.A horse

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