

I took a trip to a big lake in Indonesia with my family two years before. It was really huge lake with beautiful scenery all around. People were amazed by the endless view in front of our eye. Later on, unlike other girls, I was volunteered to go waterskiing alone. I took on the life jacket, got off the motorboat immediately and started my engine as soon as possibly.

The lake seemed broad and endless. I was so exciting to appreciate the beauty of the mountains and waters that I speed my motorboat. Then, after some time, I found me in the middle of the endless lake. I really enjoyed the unforgettable experience!


“Don't worry if you have problems!” It is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one. The only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries. If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain.

Maybe you have heard the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef.

On one tour, a traveler asked the guide an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," the traveler observed. Why is this?

The guide gave an interesting answer, "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves and storms. It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged and tested, it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces."

Then he added, “That's the way it is with every living organism.”

That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive! Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow. Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness. So, you have problems? No problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"

Remember: A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

1.Who has no problems according to the passage?

A. The persons who are very famous.

B. The persons who have much money.

C. The persons who have been born.

D. The persons who are living in the cemeteries.

2. In the writer's opinion, ________.

A. problems bring us much trouble

B. problems have two sides, good or bad

C. we should try to stay away from any trouble

D. the fewer things we do, the less trouble we'll meet

3. The reason why lagoon side of the reef has no life is _______.

A. it hasn't got any sunlight

B. it has less energy than others

C. it never faces any challenge and tests

D. it has no work to do every day

4.After reading this passage, we should ________.

A. regard any problem as challenge

B. learn from the lagoon side

C. worry your problem

D. enter into cemeteries


Baymont Inn Ft.Lauderdale

3800 W.Commercial, Ft. Lauderdale.FL 33309

Lowest Prices 110% Guaranteed (保证)

Room Information

Rooms are equipped with Double, Queen , or King bed (s) , smoking or non-smoking based on location and availability. Provided in each spacious guest room is a hair dryer, coffee maker, iron, ironing board, 25’TV and guest voice mail.

Check-in Time:7:00 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Free Parking, 24 Hour Front Desk, Pool, Television with Cable, Coffee Maker in Room, Hairdryers Available.

Beach Plaza Hotel

625 N.Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33304

Room Information

The oceanfront accommodations at Beach Plaza Hotel are some of the most affordable on Fort Lauderdale Beach.Each room features direct-dial telephone, cable television and daily maid service.The very affordable efficiency studios even include full kitchens! All rooms surround the private poolside garden courtyard.

Check-in Time:7:05 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Coffee Maker in Room, 24 Hour Front Desk, Parking, Hairdryers Available, Pool, Television with Cable.

Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel

3711 N.Ocean Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33308

Room Information

Guest rooms feature TVs, in-room movies, Internet access, in-room safes, alarm clock radios, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, and balconies.

Check-in Time:7:00 A.M.

Hotel Amenities:Parking,Heated Pool, Television with Cable, and Coffee Maker in Room.

1. Which hotel gives a promise?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.

B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel.

D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

2.In which hotel parking is the cheapest?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.

B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel.

D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

3.If you ______ , you will probably go to Beach Plaza Hotel.

A.enjoy seeing films without leaving your hotel room

B.want to eat food cooked by yourself in the hotel

C.are fond of swimming in heated water

D.are a cigarette smoker

4.Which of the following is NOT true to the ads?

A.In Beach Plaza Hotel a 24-hour maid is available.

B.All of the three hotels provide television with cable.

C.You can keep your money in the room safe in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

D.While staying in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel, you can surf the Internet.

We know that the earth has become warmer over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program, reports that the average surface temperature of the earth has increased during the twentieth century by 0.6°+ 0.2°C.(The + 0.2°C means that the increase might be as small as 0.4°C or as great as 0.8°C). This may seem like a small shift, but although regional and short—term temperatures do fluctuate(变动) over a wide range, global temperatures are generally quite stable. In fact, the difference between today’s average global temperature and the average global temperature during the last Ice Age is only about 5 degrees C. Indeed, it’s warmer today around the world than at any time during the past 1,000years, and the warmest years of the previous century have occurred within the past decade.

We also know that human activities—primarily the burning of fossil fuels—have increased the greenhouse gas content of the earth’s atmosphere significantly over the same period. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases, which trap heat near the planet’s surface.

The vast majority of climate researchers agree with these overall findings. The scientific disagreements that do still exist primarily concern detailed aspects of the processes that make up these largely accepted general themes.

You can think of this website as a window into the world of scientific research. In this primer, you’ll find a general discussion of the physical processes underlying the earth’s climate, an outline of the kinds of data that may shed light on how the climate is changing—and the role of human activity in these changes—and a description a some of the questions and uncertainties that researchers continue to explore. This primer is organized into four interconnected sections: the Atmosphere; the Hydrosphere(水圈); the Cryosphere(低温层); and the Biosphere(生物层).

1.We know from the text that “IPCC”___.

A. engages in the climate and changes about the earth.

B. is a group by scientists who like to walk around the moon

C. works in the World Meteorological Organization

D. often greets the passers-by from the outer space

2.We know from the text that carbon dioxide ___.

A. is one of the most important greenhouse gases

B. has fossil fuels

C. traps cold near the planet’s surface

D. exist in human activities

3.From the text, we know when we say the temperature of something has increased by about 0.7+ 0.2°C, the + 0.2°C means___.

A. the increase might by as small as 0.3°C or as great as 0.7°C

B. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.8°C

C. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.9°C

D. the increase might by as small as 0.4 C or as great as 0.8°C

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. What Are the Scientific Disagreements

B. You Can Think of This Website

C. What Do We Know about Global Climate Change?

D. The Vast Majority of Climate Researchers


People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that's actually quite true. 1. After all, making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.

● Dress appropriately

2. That means dressing up or putting on nice, clean, situation-appropriate clothes for social situations.It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much, either.

● Be aware of your body language

Words express very little of what you say.Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level. 3. Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable, important and special.Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious.Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.

● Respect the opinions of others

Not everyone will have the same opinion with you, and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation. Respect other people's right to have their own opinion.Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them. 4.

● 5.

People love talking about themselves, but generally, you want to be careful of taking over the conversation.By listening carefully to what others are saying, you are not only making them feel important, but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.

A.Be a careful listener.

B.Show an interest in every person you meet.

C.Smile especially when first meeting someone.

D.Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

E.Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.

F.Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.

G.Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.

A person should eat right,get some exercise,or he or she will look terrible in 25 years.And if the person drinks and smokes? Even____.That's the message from Blue Cross Blue Shield.The ____,called “Future You”,uses a digital camera and computer to compare a person's current image with his or her future ____ without changes in bad habits.

“Smoking can __ _ your skin,” said Anna,a creative operation manager,“You can see what the results of the toxins(毒素) and the chemicals in__ ___are.” Along with the potentially____ __sight of one's older self,Future You offers science­based___ __on what to eat,how much to exercise and other ways to ____ __ your health.But will it work? Too ___ _ to tell was the verdict(意见) of Anna.“I want to see some data!” she said.

Generally,Anna said,men show____ ___concern about their appearance than women.“Women say,‘That looks like my ____ __on the screen,’” she said.“Men are more likely to ___ __,‘Yeah,go ahead.Put it on Facebook.’” The project was raised more than a year ago to improve the overall(总体的) health of the people who are ___ __ of this company.In addition,the growth in the ranks of ___ __customers would bring down the overall cost of health care.In coming weeks,two new ones will be ____ __ in locations such as the American Tobacco Campus and the Museum of Natural Science.If users __ __,their information will be stored as secrets without names to create a database of good and bad ___ ___.

The process is free and the response is not ____ ___,at least according to Valencia Robertson,one of a line of people who waited to ___ __ the instrument on Thursday.“I'm good,” Robertson said after ___ _ her future image.“It's not going to be a big difference.”

1.A.easier B.happier C.bitter D.worse

2.A.instrument B.picture C.place D.structure

3.A.wealth B.character C.appearance D.education

4.A.reflect B.bother C.ruin D.affect

5.A.cigarette B.beers C.medicines D.foods

6.A.confusing B.convincing C.depressing D.exciting

7.A.opinion B.plans C.thought D.advice

8.A.break B.damage C.preserve D.change

9.A.possible B.natural C.early D.clear

10.A.deeper B.less C.higher D.stronger

11.A.son B.father C.daughter D.mom

12.A.guess B.say C.doubt D.wonder

13.A.customers B.managers C.secretaries D.cleaners

14.A.cautious B.smart C.careless D.generous

15.A.showing up B.thought out C. sold out D.dying out

16.A.know B.agree C.come D.listen

17.A.habits B.choices C. methods D.plans

18.A.nice B.cool C.strange D.bad

19.A.repair B.sell C.try D.buy

20.A.drawing B.viewing C.picturing D.imaging

Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship. It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17) with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.

Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life—married, single, with or without children. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement parents or social workers. They are tutors: someone to trust, to have fun with, to talk and go to when needed.

A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months. They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park, cooking, playing sport or going to a football match. These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect, confidence and life direction.

Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world. It is the largest and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25 years.

Emily and Sarah have been matched since March 2008. Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school. "I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me.”

Emily’s mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be of benefit to Emily by "providing different feedback(反馈)about herself other than just relying on schoolmates to measure her self-worth. ”

Sarah wanted to get involved in a volunteer program. "I paid close attention to it and found out how to be a part of it. I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes it’s all work and no play. ”

Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah. They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful, happy and unique girl she is!

1.What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?

A. To offer students public services.

B. To provide partnership and fun for young people.

C. To organize sport activities for young people.

D. To help students improve their grades

2. A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at least .

A.24 hours B. 72 hours

C.48 hours D. 36 hours

3.According to Emily’s mother, this program may provide Emily with .

A. a new way to assess herself

B. advice from her teachers

C. a new way to judge her schoolmates

D. more comments from her schoolmates

4.Why did Sarah want to get involved in the program?

A. She used to be a volunteer.

B. She felt a bit bored with her life.

C. She needed a part-time job.

D. She wanted to get a challenging job.

5. According to the passage, ‘vulnerable young people’ underlined in Paragraph1 are probably those who are .

A. popular at school

B. rather weak physically

C. easily hurt emotionally

D. confident in themselves

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