
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, in memory of the 100th birthday of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, opened the tower. Of the 700 suggestions that were handed in, Gustave Eiffel’s was chosen.
However, at first, it was not well accepted by all and a group of people — including many well-known writers and painters at that time — were fiercely against its design.
Being about 300 meters in height, and 7,000 tons in weight, it was the world’s tallest building until 1930. It was a great project for France. 300 workers took two years to build it. It isn’t an ordinary building, since it is almost made of steel. For example, its body moves around at most 12 cm in heavy wind. Moreover, its height changes up to 15 cm according to the temperature.
It was almost destroyed in 1909, but was saved because of its antenna(天线), which is used for communication at that time. Beginning in 1910 it became part of the International Time Service. French radio and French television have also made good use of its height.
The Eiffel Tower has also seen a few strange things. In 1923, a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level of it. And in 1954, a mountain climber climbed on top of it and tried to measure its exact height.
Anyway, although its birth was difficult, it is now well accepted all over the world. It has been considered as one of the symbols of Paris.
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us ________.  

A.the history of the Eiffel Tower
B.some information about its design
C.what the Eiffel Tower was used for
D.how it became one of the symbols of Paris
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Many people couldn’t accept the Eiffel Tower at the beginning.
B.It was the world’s tallest building for hundreds of years.
C.A journalist rode down from the Eiffel Tower in 1954.
D.The Eiffel Tower was saved because of its height.
【小题3】The French Revolution took place in _______.


解析【小题1】A 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段及第三段可知是关于埃菲尔铁塔的历史及其它的信息。故A正确。
【小题2】A 细节题。根据第二段1,2行at first, it was not well accepted by all and a group of people — including many well-known writers and painters at that time说明开始的时候很多人都不能接受这样的铁塔设计。故A正确。
【小题3】C 计算题。根据文章第一段The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, in memory of the 100th birthday of the French Revolution.埃菲尔铁塔是1889年建成的,是为了纪念法国革命100年,故可以推算出法国大革命是在1789年。故A正确。


Celebrations spread across China when Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl, was given the right to host the 2010 World Expo on December 3. Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea.
“I’m very proud of being Chinese,” said Wang Kaibo, a Senior 2 student of the Middle School Affiliated (附属的) to Beijing Medical University. “The winning of the expo is a victory, not only for Shanghai residents, but for the people of the whole Chinese nation.”
Bidding for the expo shows that China is more confident of playing a more important role on the international stage. It’s competing for large events and the next one could be the World Cup, Wang said.
The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics will become the twin shining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years, said experts. The World Expo is known as “Olympics of the economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields.” It is usually held every five years and lasts for six months. The Olympics, World Cup and World Expo are considered three top international events in the world.
China is the first developing country to win the expo bid in the event’s about 159-year history. Not only will it attract more foreign investment to China, but experts say that the half-year-long exhibition will bring at least 70 million visitors to Shanghai.
The expo was first held in London in 1851. It has a history of global influence. The Eiffel Tower, built during the Paris World Expo in 1889, became the symbol of the French capital.Many historic inventions, such as the telephone and airplane, all made their first appearance at a World Expo.
48. What does the word in bald “rivals” probably mean in the second paragraph?
A. competitors.        B. enemies.         C. players.          D. supporters.
49. The winning of bidding for the World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Olympic Games implies ______.
A. China is beginning to play a more important part on the international stage.
B. China has played the most important role in the international affairs.
C. China has become a developed country for many years.
D. China is the first Asian country to win the expo bid in history.
50. As we know, in general, the Word Expo is usually held every ______ years, while the Olympics is usually held every ______ years.
A. 4;5          B. 5;4         C. 4;4               D. 5;5
51. By bidding for the expo and the Olympics, we are sure that ______.
A. China will beat rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea
B. China will become a super country in the United Nations
C. China will build a famous tower like Eiffel Tower as the symbol of the capital
D. China will develop more quickly than before and will benefit a lot from them

第三节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Celebrations spread across China when Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl, was given the right to host the 2010 World Expo on December 3. Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea.
“I’m very proud of being Chinese,” said Wang Kaibo, a Senior 2 student of the Middle School Attached to Beijing Medical University. “The winning of the expo is a victory, not only for Shanghai residents, but for the people of the whole Chinese nation.”
Bidding for the expo shows that China is more confident of playing a more important role on the international stage. It’s competing for large events and the next one could be the World Cup, Wang said.
The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics will become the twin shining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years, said experts. The World Expo is known as “Olympics of the economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields.” It is usually held every five years and lasts for six months. The Olympics, World Cup and World Expo are considered three top international events in the world.
China is the first developing country to win the expo bid in the event’s about 159-year history. Not only will it attract more foreign investment to China, but experts say that the half-year-long exhibition will bring at least 70 million visitors to Shanghai.
The expo was first held in London in 1851. It has a history of global influence. The Eiffel Tower, built during the Paris World Expo in 1889, became the symbol of the French capital. Many historic inventions, such as the telephone and airplane, all made their first appearance at a World Expo.
41. What does the underlined word “rivals” probably mean in the 2nd paragraph?
A. competitors.        B. enemies.       C. players.       D. supporters.
42. The winning of bidding for the World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Olympic Games implies ______.
A. China is beginning to play a more important part on the international stage.
B. China has played the most important role in the international affairs.
C. China has become a developed country for many years.
D. China is the first Asian country to win the expo bid in history.
43. As we know, in general, the Word Expo is usually held every ______ years, while the Olympics is usually held every ______ years.
A. 4;5               B. 5;4                  C. 4;4               D. 5;5
44. By bidding for the expo and the Olympics, we are sure that ______.
A. China will beat rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea
B. China will become a super country in the United Nations
C. China will build a famous tower like Eiffel Tower as the symbol of the capital
D. China will develop more quickly than before and will benefit a lot from them

Bungee jumping is not a new activity. Men on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific have been doing land jumping for hundreds of years. The men tie long vines(藤) from plants around their ankles(踝关节). They spend days building tall towers out of vines and logs(圆木). Then they jump off them.

According to their beliefs, the first land diver was a woman. She decided to run away from her rude husband. So she climbed up a tall tree and tied some vines around her feet. Her husband also climbed up the tree and tried to catch her, but the woman jumped and the man followed. The vines saved her life, but her husband died.

This ancient custom caught the interest of some students at Oxford University in England. In the late 1970s, they formed a group called the Dangerous Sports Club. They were some of the first people to test several of what are now called extreme sports. They are said to have invented modern bungee jumping.

In the spring of 1979, members of the group jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England. They were attached to the bridge by a bungee cord, a long elastic rope that stretches. The group soon received even more attention when they organized a bungee jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

A man named A. J. Hackett of New Zealand decided to make the sport into a business. He started developing bungee ropes and material with a friend. They held a major jump in 1987 off the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. They later got permission to open the first bungee jumping operation on the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Many people paid 75 dollars to jump off the bridge with a bungee cord attached to their ankles.

1.The second paragraph tries to tell us________________.

A.a story about a woman land diver

B.the beginning of modern bungee jumping

C.the beginning of land jumping on Pentecost Island

D.a story about a brave woman and her rude husband

2.The underlined word them in the first paragraph refers to__________.

A.plants            B.tall towers         C.vines             D.logs

3. The Dangerous Sports Club first caught people’s attention when they jumped off_________.

A.the Eiffel Tower                         B.the Kawarau Bridge

C.the Golden Gate Bridge                   D.the Clifton Suspension Bridge


When Jeanne Calment entered the world in 1875, telephones and automobiles still lay in the future. Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso were not yet born. The Eiffel Tower was 14 years from being built. As a teenager, she met Vincent Van Gogh, near her home in Arles, in the south of France. He was “very ugly, ungracious (举止粗俗的), impolite, sick—I forgive him, they called him loco (精神失常的)”, she recalled. When she died last week at age 122, she was the world’s eldest person. (There are others who claimed to the title, but only Calment had the official documents to prove her age.)

Each February 21, her birthday, she would share the secrets of long life. Some years it was “a sense of humour”, others it was “keeping busy”. “God must have forgotten me,” she once explained. The truth probably was that she had good genes: her mother reportedly lived to be 86 and her father 94.

Her life had its sadness: she outlived her husband, her only daughter and her grandson. According to a friend, she was imperturbable. “If you can’t do anything about it,” she reportedly said, “don’t worry about it.”

In her last years she was nearly blind and deaf, but her health remained good. She ate a few bars of chocolate each week and continued smoking until a few years ago, when she could no longer light her own cigarettes. She never lost her sense of humour. On her 110th birthday, she commented, “I’ve only ever had one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it. “Her longevity made her famous; her spirit made her eternal (永恒的).

1.Why does the author mention Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and the Eiffel Tower?

    A. To show that Calment had seen famous people and things.

    B. To emphasize that Calment was born a long time ago.

    C. To indicate that Calment is just as famous.

    D. To admire the knowledge that Calment had.

2.The author believed that Calment’s longevity is mainly due to ______.

    A. a sense of humor                                        B. being kept busy

    C. belief in God                                           D. good genes

3.The underlined word “imperturbable” means ________.

    A. calm           B. humorous            C. friendly                     D. healthy

4.Toward the end of the story, the author seems to be impressed by Callment ’s _________.

A. spirit       B. religious belief         C. knowledge           D. longevity


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