
         After finishing my shopping, I headed for the checkout
counter but was blocked in the narrow passage by a young
man that appeared to be about sixteen years old. I wasn’t in a
hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was
After a little while, he waved his hands excitedly, in the air and shouted in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm here.Mommy, I'm here." It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged.Suddenly, he turned and saw me standing so close to him.His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly.He turned and saw me standing so close to him. His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly. I stepped back and asked, " Hey, buddy, what’s your name? " " My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly."Wow," I said, "that's a cool name.I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Hal." "Hal like Halloween?" he asked."Yes," I answered."How old are you, Denny?" "How old am I now.Mommy?" he asked his mother as she came over from the next passage."You' re fifteen years old, Denny; now be a good boy and let the lady pass by." I continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer vacation, bicycles and school.I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement.
As we were talking, he suddenly ran toward the toy section.
Denny's mom thanked me for taking the time to talk with her son.She told me that most people wouldn' t even look at him, much less talk to him…I told her that it was my pleasure and then I said, " Denny is a blue rose and if I didn' t stop and smell that rose with my heart, I would miss a blessing from God."
She looked more puzzled.I told her that there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God's garden, however, blue roses are very rare and should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness (特殊之处).Denny is such a "blue rose" in God's garden.     
46.The story may happen      .
A.in a school         B.during the summer vacation
C.in a super market     D.in the toy section
47.The boy's brown eyes dance with excitement because       .
A.he was the center of someone's attention  
B.Denny is a cool name
C.he is shopping with his mother           
D.he likes summer vacation
48.We can infer from the passage that Danny ______.
A.was mentally challenged       B.is 15 years old 
C.was often very lonely and neglected        D.is a ‘blue rose1’ in God's garden
49.From the passage we can learn that _______.
A.there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God’s garden     
B.blue roses'are very rare and should be appreciated                                    
C.most people wouldn’t even look at Denny
D.every person should be appreciated in our life
46.C  47.A  48.C  49.D 

There are a lot of things said about opportunity. Some people say it comes along once in a blue moon(罕见). Some people say opportunity only knocks once. So-called “once in a lifetime” opportunities do exist, but some say they only favour those lucky dogs.
All these sayings or ways of thinking seem to leave one powerless. They suggest that opportunity is something that just happens now and then and you have no control over it. What this does is leave us blind to what is out there every single day, and it leaves us too weak to make our own new opportunities.
If you believe in a life where you really can make a dream come true and achieve your goals, you must also believe in the ability to create new opportunities.
OK, so how do you create opportunity? Well, from my very own experience, I can honestly say that it all about who you are being and what you are thinking.
Notice that whenever you are being negative, such as anxious, angry, critical, resentful(厌世的), bitter etc., you very rarely, if ever, see the golden opportunities that surround you. And because you don’t see them, you believe they do not exist.
However, you may also notice that when you are being positive, open, loving, relaxed, peaceful, creative, trusting, and all those things we think of as positive, possibilities just seem to open up all around you.
1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;
2. 然后以约120个词就 “如何发现和抓住机遇”进行议论,内容包括:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown. As it was the rush hour and she was in a   36__   to catch a train, she   37   a quick way to reach it. “I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!” the driver said   38   . “You don’t think I know the best way to go?”
The woman tried to explain that she hadn’t   39  to annoy him, but the driver kept   40  . She finally realized that he was too annoyed to be  41  , so she changed her  42 . “You know, you are right,” she told him. “It must seem   43  for me not to think you know the best way  __44   the city.”
45   , the driver glanced at his   46   in the rearview mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. “He didn’t say another word the rest of the ride,” she said, “  47   I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me.”
When you find yourself   48   with people like the taxi driver, you will always try to   __49_   your idea. It can lead to longer arguments, lose job chances or   50   marriages. I have discovered one simple   51   extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or other difficult situations from   52   in a disaster.
The   53   is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look for the  54  in what that person is saying. Find a way to   55  , and the result may surprise you.
36. A. hurry       B. rush       C. moment     D. way
37. A. chose       B. made     C. found     D. suggested
38. A. jokingly          B. angrily          C. anxiously   D. curiously
39. A. supposed      B. expected     C. meant     D. decided
40. A. apologizing  B. driving     C. asking     D. shouting
41. A. reasonable  B. thoughtful  C. normal          D. practical
42. A. road        B. mind      C. direction    D. manner
43. A. strange     B. wrong     C. terrible          D. stupid
44. A. across      B. in               C. through    D. along
45. A. Surprised     B. Worried     C. Annoyed    D. Disappointed
46. A. rider        B. speaker      C. helper     D. comer
47. A. until        B. after      C. because      D. since
48. A. satisfied          B. concerned   C. crowded     D. faced
49. A. give up     B. turn down  C. stick to          D. point out                 
50. A. combine      B. destroy       C. suffer     D. divide
51. A. and         B. that        C. but        D. though
52. A. lying       B. resulting     C. setting     D. leading
53. A. problem          B. importance C. key        D. reply
54. A. fact         B. meaning     C. expression  D. truth
55. A. agree       B. argue     C. explain       D. escape

第三节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.---Eleanor Roosevelt
My home is a place of great beauty and agricultural richness, as well as of war and natural


disasters.When I was only fourteen years old, I was filled with  21  in spite of the terrible surroundings.The families living here ,who tried to make their living from the land,   22  great losses.

I felt sorry especially for the  23  , but I   24   to be hopeless .I decided that where I was, I could do   25   to help them.I began knocking on every door and saying to each person who 26  my knock, “I know that you are   27  and give the birds that come to your yard a little 28 .Please consider me your bird.Give me only a handful of rice each week when I come to your 29  .I will take it to the temple where it can be given to the  30  children.”
No one seemed to  31  giving me a handful of rice ,even  32  they had little themselves .On Sunday ,I would go to the   33   and give my handfuls of rice  to the monks to  34 to the children.
One day ,I came to a house that had  35  to give.I told my story and asked if I could be their bird.The woman called her daughters, and  36  gave me fifty cents, as well as the handful of rice! I began to ask for  37  and rice from the other “ bird feeders”, and they gave them to me.Everyone was happy to be helping those who were suffering, even  38  only this small way.The temple was soon able to help everyone who came to them for food and clothing.
“Consider me your bird.” My  39  idea had not stopped the war, but anyway, it was  40  some peace.                         
21.A.sorrow           B.hope             C.comfort      D.happiness
22.A.suffered               B.survived           C.covered      D.made
23.A.peasants           B.citizens             C.villagers      D.children
24.A.wanted            B.failed              C.refused       D.stopped
25.A.something          B.everything          C.anything     D.nothing
26.A.said               B.replied            C.answered     D.spoke
27.A.glad               B.kind                  C.rich         D.friendly
28.A.water              B.money            C.nest         D.rice
29.A.temple             B.room              C.door         D.garden
30.A.brave              B.hungry             C.promising    D.nervous
31.A.mind              B.escape             C.practice       D.enjoy
32.A.where             B.that               C.so           D.when
33.A.village             B.hometown          C.temple       D.house
34.A.give in            B.give up            C.give away    D.give out
35.A.much              B.little               C.many        D.few
36.A.every              B.each               C.neither       D.none
37.A.help               B.clothing            C.food         D.change
38.A.by                B.with              C.on           D.in
39.A.foolish            B.childish            C.clever        D.useful
40.A.creating            B.mending            C.developing    D.managing
There is a boy in my gym class (I’ll call him Bill) who has unbearably yellow teeth that almost make everyone feel unpleasant. Recently another boy told Bill that he should “go Ajax” his teeth. Bill was crushed. Had the other boy been thinking, he would have realized that there is a better way to handle such a situation. He could have dealt with it with tact. He could have showed this hurtful truth in a more careful, sensitive way—that’s “tact”.
If a person isn’t sensitive to another’s feelings, there is no way he or she can be tactful. Yesterday, my 5-year-old brother proudly announced that he had cleaned the screen on our television set. Unfortunately, he used furniture polish(亮光油), which produced an oily film on the television screen. My mother smiled and thanked him for his efforts—and then showed how to clean the screen properly. Her sensitivity enables my brother to keep his self-respect. Yet, sensitivity alone does not make tact.
“Tactfulness” also requires “truthfulness”. Doctors, for example must be truthful. If a patient has just been disabled in an accident, a tactful doctor will tell the truth—but express it with sensitivity. The doctor may try to give the patient hope by telling them curing techniques under study or about advanced equipment now available. Doctors must use tact with patients relatives as well. Instead of bluntly saying, “Your husband is disabled,” a doctor might say, “I’m sorry, but your husband has lost feeling in his legs and…”
Tact should not be confused with trickery. Trickery occurs when a nurse is about to give a patient an injection and says, “This won’t hurt a bit.” Instead of trickery, the nurse might guarantee the patient that the discomfort of the injection is a small thing compared to the benefits of it. It would also be thoughtful for the nurse to tell the patients about some of these benefits.
Tact is a wonderful skill to have, and tactful people are usually admired and respected. Without tact our society would become an intolerable place to live in.
小题1:When told he should “go Ajax” his teeth, Bill probably felt ________________.
小题2:According to the author, his mother’s praise for the brother is _______________.
A.both sensitive and tactfulB.sensitive but not tactful enough
C.truthful but not tactfulD.sensitive but trickish
小题3:The fourth paragraph mainly talks about __________________.
A.how to comfort the patients
B.how to use trickery carefully
C.differences between trickery and promises
D.another feature of tact
小题4:Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (The numbers stand for the paragraphs)

Memories of highly charged events, like the London bombings of the 7th July 2005, can be inaccurate and should not be relied on in court, according to a study in Britain. People can create false memories, bringing problems for police investigations.
The simultaneous (同时) bombings of three underground trains and a double-decker bus in London some years ago are imprinted on the minds of many people in Britain.
But our memories of the attacks are unreliable, according to a study from Portsmouth University. Forty percent of British students questioned about the events remembered seeing a film recorded by a CCTV(闭路监控) camera that shows a particular event of the bus bomb——footage(片段) which never existed. A further 28% claimed to have seen a non-existent computerized reconstruction.
Some even recalled specific details of the attack, which none of them witnessed. "The bus had just stopped to let people off when two women and a man got on," said one. "He placed a hag by his side, the woman sat down and as the bus left, there was an explosion. There was a leg on the floor." Another described how the bus had stepped at a traffic light when there was a bright light, an explosion and the roof of the bus was blown off by the power of the explosion.
"Memories are not like videotape you can return to the beginning and replay for perfect recall," said lead researcher James Ost. "Because of this, they are not reliable enough to form the basis of legal decisions." He believes people who are more creative might be more inclined to make these kinds of errors.
60.According to the passage, when people are strongly affected by an event______.
A.all they say about the event is not true
B.they couldn't remember anything
C.they couldn't go on the court to be witnesses
D.they couldn't make any errors on what they see about the event
61.The third paragraph______.
A.tells us what some people saw about the attack
B.shows that some people did create some false memories
C.shows that the London bombing was indeed a terrorist attack
D.shows that some people could remember details of an event
62.The underlined word "inclined" in the last paragraph is closest to the meaning of______.
A.careful                          B.likely                              C.serious                          D.curious
63.What is mainly discussed in the passage?
A.How our memories work.                                      B.False memories.
C.How to avoid false memories.                              D.What can be done to memories.

第一节(共15题, 每小题2分,满分30分)
What secret force drives us into the arms of one person, while pushing us away from another who might appear equally desirable to any fair observer? Of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling is our “lovemap” ---- a group of messages formed in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes.It shows our preferences in hair and eye color, in voice, smell, body build.It also records the kind of personality that attracts us, whether it’s the warm and friendly type or the strong silent type.In short, we fall for and go after those people who most clearly fit our lovemap.And this lovemap is determined in childhood.By age eight, the pattern for our ideal mate has already begun to float around in our brains.
The mother has special influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also influences how they feel about women in general.So if she is warm and nice, her sons are going to think that’s the way women are.They will likely grow up warm and responsive lovers and also be helpful around the house.
Just as mothers influence their son’s general feelings toward women, fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men.If a father lavishes praise on his daughter and shows that she is a worthwhile person, she’ll feel very good about herself in relation to men.But if the father is cold, critical or absent, the daughter will tend to feel she’s not very lovable or attractive.
While the mother determines in large part what qualities attract us in a mate, it’s the father ----- the first male in our lives ----- who influences how we relate to the opposite sex.Fathers have a great effect on their children’s personalities and chances or marriage happiness.
56.What is the proper title for this passage?
A.Why we love who we love           B.What is a lovemap
C.Different influence from parents        D.Ideal mate in the mind
57.A perfect mate is a person who ____.
A.is fair to everyone               B.is the most desirable
C.fits one’s lovemap               D.is perfect in everything
58.If the husband hardly does any housework, ____.
A.his mother must be warm             B.his father must be critical
C.his mother must be cold               D.his wife can’t be attractive
59.The passage leads to a belief that ____.
A.parents’ personalities decides the children’s lovemap
B.mothers have no influence on daughters’ marriage life
C.fathers care more about children’s marriage happiness
D.mothers influence children’s choices of perfect mates

Canadian scientists have found that the more emotional or mental challenges a person faces in a day, the less determined they become to work out physically.
However, the findings should not stop us from keeping fit. Experts believe that willpower (意志力)is like a muscle , and needs to be exercised to help one avoid the temptation (诱惑)spending a night on the couch instead.
Kathleen Martin 一 Ginis, a professor of kinesiology 一 the science of movement 一 who led the study, says everyone has a limited amount of willpower, and that it will be reduced by stress. Miss Martin 一 Ginis, of Canada' s McMaster University, explains, "Cognitive (认知的)tasks, as well as tasks such as regulating (调整)one' s emotions, can reduce one' s capacity to force oneself to exercise."
Her team of scientists performed a so — called " Stroop" test on volunteers to reach their conclusions. The experiment involved showing participants words associated with colors but printed in different colors - for example , the word " blue " written in red ink . ' Participants were divided into two groups. One group was asked to name the color of the ink , instead to say the printed word , while the other wasn't Martin ― Ginis says , " After we used this cognitive task to use up their self 一 regulatory capacity, the participants didn't exercise as hard as those who had not performed the task. ,, The more people concentrated on the cognitive task , the more likely they were to skip exer­cise sessions (活动时间)over the next eight week. You only have so much willpower .
However, there are ways to strengthen willpower. The study found the listening to music before going to the gym can help, as well as making a commitment to work out with friends. It also concluded that willpower can be stretched by constantly cake , or forcing oneself to study an extra hour each night.
Martin - Ginis adds, "There are strategies people can use to help revitalize (使恢复活动) themselves after they’ve used up their self 一 regulation. Willpower is like a muscle : it needs to be used to stay strong.
61.According to the experts, human willpower    .
A.can be exercised through muscle movement
B.can regulate itself to resist temptations
C.is weakened by stressful cognitive or emotional tasks
D.is reduced by lack of physical exercise.
62.We learn from Paragraph 4 that the experiment      .
A.made use of the Stroop test
B.asked one group of participants to name the words
C.required researchers to write the word "blue" in red ink to make it easily recognizable.
D.showed that those who hadn't performed the task were smarter than those who had
63.All the following are ways to strengthen one's willpower EXCEPT________
A.listening to music before doing exercise
B.promising to work out with friends
C.training oneself repeatedly to resist temptations
D.forcing oneself to do the same thing each day
64.Which of the following is in agreement with Miss Martin ― Ginis' idea?
A.Human's willpower is limited to a certain level
B.The cognitive tasks could make people ignore exercise
C.Challenging tasks could make people ignore exercise
D.Exercise is an important way to strengthen one's willpower.
65.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Willpower can be challenged to become powerful.
B.McMaster University is famous for its kinesiology.
C.Effective ways to resist temptations have been found.
D.the study has an impact on the science of movement.

In the UK, most children have their midday meal at school, but in many schools, parents can choose what their children eat. The children can have a school lunch—a hot, cooked meal; or they can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches.
Often parents prepare lunches on the basis of what their children want. Cathy, a mother of three children, told us, “My children have packed lunches, because they say they hate school dinners. I make 3 packed lunches every morning, so we’re like a sandwich bar in our kitchen in the morning.”
However, another mother, Susan, made her choice based on the nutritious value of the food. She said, “My daughter always has school dinners. I think she probably gets healthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if I made sandwiches.”
But how healthy are school dinners? Kaz, a father, wasn’t impressed with them. “Fizzy (有泡沫的) drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips.”
The question of how healthy school food is was brought to Jamie Oliver, who launched a campaign to improve children’s nutrition, after spending a year working in a school kitchen. The TV series about the campaign won an award this week.
He was horrified (惊恐的) at the junk food he saw being served, which included burgers, pizza and chips.  He decided to ban the junk, and started cooking good stews (炖菜) and curries for the children instead.
Jamie improved the school dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards of school food across the country. And it looks as if the changes have begun.
57 What would be the best title for the passage?
A. School Dinners           B. Healthy Food
C. Dinners in the UK         D. Research on Dinners
58. The underlined phrase “on the basis of” in the second paragraph probably means “______”.
A. by comparison           B. according to
C. in spite of               D. for the good of
59 We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. in Britain, all children have their lunch at school  
B. Cathy’s children like school dinners
C. stews and curries are healthy food
D. Jamie Oliver works in a school kitchen
60. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. There are many schools in Britain.
B. Susan chooses food for her daughter according to its nutrition.
C. In the past, the food provided by British schools was not healthy enough.
D. None of the parents in Britain like school food.

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