
7.One picture in the Wonder Book of knowledge I had as a little boy showed a man reading a book while floating in the Dead Sea.What a miracle!How would it feel to lie back in water so thick with salt that it was impossible to sink?
Fed by the Jordan River and smaller streams,the Dead Sea is the lowest point on the earth's surface,and its water is ten times saltier than the Mediterranean.With evaporation its only outlet,salt and other minerals become super-concentrated.
Earlier this year,I drove down the long,steep hill to realize my dream.The shoreline was a broad area of bare salt-mud,but the water edge was far out of sight.Had somebody pulled the Dead Sea's plug?I wondered.Eli Dior,an Israeli official,explained the problem:"The Dead Sea is drying up.Every year,the surface drops about one meter,and as the water level falls,shadow areas are left high and dry."
Over the last half-century,the five neighboring countries have collectively diverted nearly all the water flowing into the Dead Sea to meet human and agriculture needs.Result:the Dead Sea is being emptied.
With population in the region set to double at least in the next 50years,there is little hope of restoring the water being diverted for human consumption.No country has a drop to spare for the Dead Sea,where they know it will just evaporate.To dream of opening the dams and restoring natural balance is plainly unrealistic.
Yet one ambitious high-tech dream may turn out to be not only the salvation of the Dead Sea but also a ticket to peace around its shores.The"Red-Dead"is a proposed $5billion project to bring sea water some 240kilometers by pipeline and canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.The Red-Dead may be the only solution,but even if the project is carried out successfully,the Dead Sea will be 10to 20meters lower than now and two thirds of its current size.
Whatever the future holds,the Dead Sea's magical mix of sun,mud,sea and salt will surely survive.Many might complain that the Dead Sea is half empty-but for me the Dead sea will always be half full.

74.What's the passage mainly about?C
A.Dead Sea-miracle of the world.
B.Save the environment of the Dead Sea.
C.Slow shrinking of the Dead Sea.
D.Why is the Dead Sea so salty.
75.The shrinking of the Dead Sea is mainly caused byA according to the passage.
A.a severe reduction of the water flowing into the sea.
B.rapid evaporation of the water in the Dead Sea area.
C.the increasing quantity of water drawn from the sea.
D.very low annual rainfall in the Dead Sea Area.
76.Which of the following is right according to the passage?A
A.With no outlet to any ocean,the Dead Sea has become by evaporation the saltiest on earth.
B.Though burdened with the growing population,the neighboring countries haven't cut off the sources of the Dead Sea.
C.All the countries in the area will consider diverting less water from the Jordan River.
D.The Red-Dead Project has not only brought water to the Dead Sea,but peace to the area as well.
77.Which of the following statements will the author approve of?D
A.If the Dead Sea dried up,great natural disasters would happen in the region.
B.The Dead Sea will not survive no matter what people do to save it.
C.The five neighboring countries should stop diverting water from the Jordan River.
D.Though the Dead Sea is shrinking gradually,it will not die.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章告诉我们如今死海中的水正在不断的被蒸发,因此死海也在慢慢干涸,很多国家在想办法将海水汇入死海,而在作者心中死海是永远半满的,是不会干涸的.

解答 74.C  主旨大意题,通读全文可知本文主要向我们讲述了如今死海正在慢慢干涸的事实,故选C.
75.A  细节理解题,根据第三段The Dead Sea is drying up.Every year,the surface drops about one meter,and as the water level falls,shadow areas are left high and dry."可知死海正在慢慢干涸的原因是因为它的水位不断下降,流入死海的水越来越少,故选A.
76.A  细节理解题,根据第二段With evaporation its only outlet,salt and other minerals become super-concentrated.可知死海没有出水口,蒸发是唯一的出口,因此死海中的盐类和矿物质很多,故选A.
77.D  推理判断题,根据最后一段Many might complain that the Dead Sea is half empty-but for me the Dead sea will always be half full.可知很多人可能会抱怨死海已经快空了,但是对作者来说死海永远是半满的,因此作者认为死海是不会干涸的,故选D.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

12.The riches in the world are not found in the famous gold and diamond mines,where many men and women are digging for them.Most riches in the world are found in the cemeteries(墓地)and grave yards,buried with people's dreams,aspirations,and unfulfilled potential.Why is it so?
Countless men and women died without ever having the courage to follow their own paths.Maybe because they were afraid to violate some kinds of social norms,maybe because they were afraid to be alone,or maybe simply because they preferred to settle for the familiar.They went to the graves,with a song that would never be heard,a piece of poetry never be written,a dance step never be initiated and a heart full of dreams and aspirations,leaving behind a life full of potential yet no legacy.
Michael Jordan,one of the greatest athletes once said,‘‘I can fail,but I cannot afford not to try."Life remains a beautiful journey if we learn to take that step and to work that path.Every challenge and defeat in the process becomes a light post that sharpens the vision and shapes the direction forward.
"In my world nothing goes wrong,"said the great Indian sage Nmaja Dhahta Majraj.We must learn to trust the greatness within all of us and know that each of as is here to bring our unique contribution to the universal monument.If each of us learns to dance to the music we only can hear,society as a whole will evolve naturally and spiritually toward love,peace and happiness,and will be void of jealousy,envy and discrimination.
And Henry David Thoreau would say,"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,that is because he hears a difierent drum.''And one truly believes that the path to success and happiness passes through the dancing to such a unique drumbeat.Therefore,do not die with the music still playing inside you.

51.What's the author's opinion on riches?A
A.They are people's dreams and aspirations.
B.They are the most important things in the world.
C.They are something we can't possess and dream of.
D.They are gold and diamonds which we can dig for in mines.
52.According to Paragraph 2,which one is NOT the reason why so many people died without sticking to their own paths?C
A.They were afraid to break the traditional norms.
B.They were used to what they were already familiar with.
C.They were afraid to hurt others and snffer setbacks.
D.They were afraid to be alone when making the dreams come true.
53.What does Michael Jordan mean by saying"I can fail,but I cannot afrord not to try"?B
A.Having a try is an easy thing we can do.
B.Trying something new will bring us benefits.
C.We should be careful if we want to have a try.
D.All people are not brave enough to experience something new.
54.Which word can best describe Nihaja Dhahta Majraj according to the passage?D
A.Brave.    B.Healthy.    C.Common.D.Self-confident.
55.How is the passage organized?D
19.I was at the costume store with my Mom and my sister Megan,who was only 6months old.I was looking at the pictures in the pattern book,trying to decide what to be for Halloween.I wanted to be a princess,but I didn't get a chance to ask Mom to help me find that page.She was busy taking care of baby Megan.
All the women bent over Megan's carrier.Mom wasn't even looking at me.Megan started to cry.Mom asked if I had decided yet.I looked down at the book and saw a picture of a kid in a banana costume.I pointed at it although I didn't want to be a banana.
Mom bought the banana pattern for me.I knew I had made a mistake.Everyone would laugh at me,a big banana in yellow tights(紧身衣).
"You'll be different,"Mom says."It'll be great."
I pulled on the tights.When we walked into the party,everyone smiled at cute baby Megan.
I sighed.Then I wandered around the party.
"Oh!You look so cute,"a woman said.
"I'm a banana,"I told her.
I walked around the party.People smiled when they saw my costume.Many of them told me I was cute.
I smiled.I knew I looked funny.And everyone was looking at me.The clowns,the pop stars and the grown-ups.They were all looking at me.
They thought I was cute and funny,in a good way.And guess what?I was the only banana at the party,and there were three princesses!
Later Mom waved me over to where she was sitting against the wall.She looked tired.A thin blanket covered Megan.Mom pulled me into her lap."Megan's finally asleep,and I'm not going to let you go.You are the most precious,most attractive little banana!"
That Mom.She was funny.
So,being a banana was pretty good,because I was different.

26.Why did the author choose the banana costume?A
A.She happened to see it.
B.She loved it very much.
C.She had no other choice.
D.She thought it was different.
27.Why did the author sigh when she went into the party?C
A.She felt extremely tired.
B.She was laughed at by other kids.
C.She thought she was ignored by others.
D.She looked ugly in the banana costume.
28.What did the people at the party think of the author in the banana costume?B
A.She was strange.
B.She looked lovely.
C.She was the prettiest girl.
D.She should have been a princess.
29.The author's mom talked to her after Megan fell asleep mainly toA.
A.show her love for the author
B.let the author stay with Megan
C.tell her she made a good choice
D.explain why it was a good costume
30.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A
A.I'm a Banana         B.A Big Mistake
C.Terrible Halloween    D.I Want to Be a Princess.
7.School Counseling(咨询)
  In our grandparents'time,it was unthinkable.In our parents'time,it was unusual and nobody spoke openly about counseling.These days,more and more schools are asking for this service and it is considered a necessity for most.Why is it?What has changed in the last fifty years to have made counseling at schools so important?
"One reason is that we expect schools to do more to protect their pupils than we did in the past,"says school counselor,Mike Hudson."Also,our society doesn't work as well as it should.Many parents are either under pressure of work or face the economic problems of unemployment,while children are under more and more pressure to do well at school.Many pupils feel they are pushed to their limits by their parents and teachers."
  Most school children face some kind of relationship problem at some stage with family members,teachers or other pupils,so.it helps to have somebody to talk to.
  From the pupil's point of view,it is easier to talk to a counselor in confidence rather than a family member or teacher.This solution is less embarrassing to pupils,who are not forced to face the person that they had problems with in the first place.They can calmly talk things through without arguments.
  School counselors advise not only students but also their teachers and parents,and offer other services as well,such as deciding learning disabilities or assisting parents and guardians to make the correct decisions about their children's education.
  Counselors can help students with problems ranging from the most serious,like a death in the family,to what an adult would consider really trivial,like an argument with a friend.
  In a society that is becoming more and more stressful,this service is providing children with a supportive way to express their fear and worries.

47.Why is school counseling becoming important?C
A.Pupils are not well protected in school.
B.Parents can't help their children in learning.
C.Parents and pupils are under too much pressure.
D.The relationship between parents and schools is worse.
48.According to the passage,school counselorsD.
A.bear high pressure themselves
B.are the guarantee of school success
C.have more responsibilities than teachers
D.are more likely to be accepted when pupils have problems
49.The underlined word"trivial"in Para.5 probably meansA.
50.What does the passage mainly talk about?B
A.The development of school counseling.
B.The reasons for school counseling's popularity.
C.The advantages and disadvantages of school counseling.
D.The comparison of the past and present school counseling.

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