
3.We know that a smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy,but _____ we don't know who the new person is?(  )
A.what ifB.how comeC.what aboutD.why not

分析 我们知道微笑是一个人感到愉悦的标志.但倘若我们不知道新人是谁怎么办呢?

解答 答案选A.本题考查常见的省略句型.what if 如果…怎么办;how come怎么会,为什么;what about…怎么样,用来提出建议;why not何不,为什么不?根据语境,"如果不认识这个新人是谁怎么办",故答案选择A.

点评 本题考查省略,省略常常是为了避免重复的省略,所以要在补全被省略的部分的情况下整体理解语境,再做判断.此外很多省略的结构已经成为固定结构,要积累.

13.Almost 200 countries met for two weeks in Copenhagen,Denmark at a United Nations conference on climate change.It was due to conclude a deal designed to set a carbon cutting framework to cover 2012-2050.In the end,only five of them reached an agreement:the United States,China,India,Brazil and South Africa.
President Obama praised the agreement last Friday.He said,"Many people are disappointed in the agreement,but the compromise is better than nothing."
The voluntary agreement,known as the Copenhagen Accord,urges major polluters to make deeper cuts in the emission(排放) of greenhouse gases.Greenhouse gas emissions,such as carbon dioxide,are partly created by burning oil and coal for transportation and electricity.
The agreement sets targets to prevent the Earth's average temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.And the plan calls for 100 billion dollars a year in aid to poor nations to deal with climate change.This would start in 2020.
But the agreement is not legally binding(约束).It fails to set detailed targets for cuts in carbon emissions.And it failed to earn the support of all the nations at the talks.
India's environment minister praised the united position taken by India,China,Brazil and South Africa.He said it permitted them to avoid the legally binding targets and international supervision proposed by developed countries.
India has promised to cut emissions by at least twenty percent but they say rich nations created the problem,so they should take most of the responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases.
China rejected accusations that it was responsible for the results at Copenhagen.A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said developed countries didn't perform well at the talks.She said China has taken its own measures to fight climate change and supports pressing ahead with international cooperation.
China and other large developing countries have accused rich nations of failing to offer big enough cuts in their own emissions.They also say wealthy nations did not offer enough money and technology to help poor countries deal with climate change.
In Europe,politicians and environmentalists expressed deep disappointment that world leaders failed to reach a stronger agreement.United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the Copenhagen Accord is only a beginning,and that he will work with world leaders to reach a legally binding treaty(条约) in the coming months.

72.What's the main purpose of the Copenhagen conference?B
A. To sign the Copenhagen Accord.
B. To reach a legally binding agreement on cutting carbon emissions.
C. To discuss measures of controlling the world climate change.
D. To prevent the Earth,s average temperature from rising.
73.Which is true about the agreement,the Copenhagen Accord?D
A. It will collect﹩100 billion to help poor countries to deal with climate change.
B. It has earned the support of all the nations at the conference.
C. It has set detailed targets for big enough cuts in carbon emissions.
D. It is far from a satisfactory agreement,which should be legally binding.
74.Which of the following is NOT China's attitude towards the issue of climate change?A
A. China should be responsible for the result of the world climate change.
B. Rich countries should offer more money to help poor ones deal with climate change.
C. China supports pressing ahead with international cooperation to fight climate change.
D. Major polluters should make deeper cuts in the emission of greenhouse gases.
75.By saying"the Copenhagen Accord is only a beginning",Ban Ki-moon implies thatA.
A.there is still a long way to go
B.there is little hope to realize the goal
C.too little is achieved at this conference
D.he is disappointed with the world leaders.
14.The well-known Rushmore National Monument in the United States is built on the Rush More Peak,1829meters above sea level,of the Black Hills in the southwest of South Dakota.It is a group of huge stone statues of four American presidents,George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.President Washington is the founding father of the country;the 3rd President Jefferson drafted the U.S.Declaration of Independence;the 16th President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and the26th President Roosevelt protected the average people's right to compete fairly with trusts.All of them,made outstanding achievements for their country.They were pioneers of U.S.history.
The stone statues of presidents were built at the suggestion of an historian in the State of Dakota,with a view to carrying forward the U.S.pioneering spirit everlastingly.
The statues are 18meters high.They are the highest and greatest realistic stone statues in the world,taller than a 6-storied building and larger than the Great Sphinx of Egypt.The size of each head is 20sq mt,with a 20-meter-long face,a 7-meter-long nose,a 2.6-meter-wide mouth and two 1.5-meter-wide eyes.Though not facing the same direction,they are all lifelike and look ahead gravely in harmony with fixed gazes.On clear days,one can have a sight of the four presidents with their firm and steady expression at a distance of dozens of kilometers.
Since the stone sculpture is unique in style,the Monument is now the U.S.National Art Centre of Popular Education.Groups of people keep streaming everyday to the site for a visit and tourists across the world are also interested in taking a view of this great Monument.

68.Which statement is NOT right according to the first paragraph?C
A.the group of statues are made of huge stones.
B.The statues are built to honor the presidents in the U.S.
C.All the four presidents made the same contributions to their country.
D.The famous Rushmore National Monument is 1829meters above sea level.
69.Why were those four presidents chosen?Because the four presidentsD.
A.were pioneers of US history
B.made great contributions to their country
C.played an important role in American history
D.all of the above
70.What are the statues like?D
A.They look like a 6-storied building.
B.They are looking forward in the same direction.
C.They are like the great Sphinx of Egypt.
D.They are lifelike,looking ahead with fixed gazes.
71.The last paragraph mainly tells usC.
A.how the monument was set up
B.the spirit of the USA is great
C.the monument has become more popular
D.More tourists across the country visit the monument.

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