
Having said good-bye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home. Still     , Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alex     from time to time. The family were      their trip.

But about three hours later things began to     . It was starting to snow. Alvin       up the car, hoping to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now, because it was snowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to     down. The snow on the      was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to      on it. Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow and the engine      to start again.

“The snow doesn’t seem to     . Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked. Clare said she      to walk. So they got out of the car with their son and began walking. But      was to come. Soon they lost their way and had to walk      on and on.

Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they      that poor Alex would die of cold. However, their faith to keep Alex      filled them with courage, warmth and strength. They __    and rested in turn and then continued their walk. They had      falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their feet again.

One, two, three … seven days passed. On the eighth day, help at last from Alvin’s     , the police and local people. But the young     had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frostbite (冻伤).      , there was nothing serious wrong with little Alex!

1.A. worried      B. sorry     C. excited D. anxious

2.A. cried          B. laughed        C. smiled D. coughed

3.A. enjoying    B. having C. taking    D. starting

4.A. happen     B. change          C. come    D. finish

5.A. climbed     B. turned          C. took     D. sped

6.A. get    B. look       C. go         D. slow

7.A. land B. highway        C. fields    D. car

8.A. walk B. stay      C. wait      D. depend

9.A. set    B. allowed         C. refused          D. prepared

10.A. end          B. fall         C. continue       D. melt (融化)

11.A. liked        B. preferred     C. decided        D. wished

12.A. better     B. something    C. worse D. nothing

13.A. aimlessly          B. lonely C. hopelessly     D. pleasantly

14.A. thought   B. feared           C. wanted        D. supposed

15.A. happy      B. silent    C. alive     D. dead

16.A. ate B. worked         C. watched       D. slept

17.A. few          B. several          C. countless      D. some

18.A. parents   B. friends  C. teachers       D. neighbours

19.A. husband           B. wife      C. baby      D. couple

20.A. Then         B. Finally C. Fortunately D. Therefore


























1.考查形容词。根据Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily.可知仍然很激动。Worried担心 sorry抱歉 excited激动 anxious焦急的,故选C。

2.考查动词。 根据Having said good-bye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home.可知这里想说甚至小Alex也是不时的微笑。故选C。

3.考查动词。根据Still     , Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alex     from time to time.可知这里想说这家人正在享受他们的旅程,故选A。

4.考查动词。根据下文内容,可知这里想说但是两个小时后,事情开始改变,happen发生change改变 come来 finish结束,故选B。

5.考查动词。hoping to arrive home before dark.可知这里想说Alvin汽车加速,speed up是固定用法,意思是使加速,故选D。

6.考查动词。根据But it was too dangerous to drive fast now, because it was snowing more and more heavily.可知这里想说所以Alvin不得不减速 slow down是固定用法,意思是减速,故选D。

7.考查名词。这里想说公路上的雪越来越深。Land陆地 highway公路 fields田 car汽车。故选B。

8.考查动词。根据Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow and the engine      to start again. 可知这里想说雪越来越厚,汽车很难停留在上面。Walk走 stay停留 wait等 depend依靠,故选B。

9.考查动词。根据Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked.可知这里想说引擎拒绝重新发动。Set放置 allowed允许 refused拒绝 prepared,故选C。

10.考查动词。根据Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked.可知这里想说雪看起来不会结束。故选A。

11.考查动词。根据So they got out of the car with their son and began walking.可知这里想说Clare说她更喜欢步行,prefer to do意思是更喜欢做某事,故选B。

12.考查名词。根据Soon they lost their way and had to walk      on and on. 可知这里想说更糟糕的事来了,故选C。

13.考查副词。 根据Soon they lost their way,可知这里想说他们不得不漫无目的地走来走去。Aimlessly漫无目的地 lonely孤独地 hopelessly绝望地 pleasantly愉快地,故选A。

14.考查动词。根据Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they      that poor Alex would die of cold.可知这里想说但是他们害怕可怜的Alex死于寒冷。故选B。

15.考查形容词。根据However, their faith to keep Alex      filled them with courage, warmth and strength.可知这里想说他们想让Alex活着的信念,使得他们的心里充满勇气,温暖和力量。Happy高兴 故选C。

16.考查动词。根据They __    and rested in turn and then continued their walk.可知这里想说他们轮流睡觉和休息。故选D。

17.考查形容词。根据but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their feet again.



19.考查名词。根据there was nothing serious wrong with little Alex可知,这对年轻的夫妇由于冻伤,不得不切除他们的脚。Couple夫妇,故选D。

20.考查副词。根据there was nothing serious wrong with little Alex!可知这是幸运的事。故选C。




In a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp —— like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.
About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had thought nothing much more than a few microbes (微生物) could exist.
That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp – like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle (触须) they believe came from a jellyfish.
“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there.” Said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”
“We were just gaga (狂热的) over it,” he said of the 7.5cm long, orange creature starring in their two – minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.
The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp – like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice in freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?
Cynan Ellis – Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and don’t live there permanently.
But Kim, who is a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm – wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means it’s unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small of an area,” she said.
Yet scientist were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.
“So how do they survive? That’s the key question.” Kim Sai.
“It’s pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything.” Kim said.
【小题1】 What does the underlined word “harsh” probably mean?

【小题2】According to Kim, the shrimp – like creature        .
A.swam great distances to AntarcticB.has always lived in the region
C.gradually evolved from shrimpsD.has nothing in common with shrimps
【小题3】The finding is significant in that           .
A.it marks NASA’S first Antarctic biological study
B.it proves there is marine life in the Antarctic
C.it could inspire further study of life in harsh environments
D.it shows that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps
【小题4】Which of the following statements about the discovery is FALSE?
A.Complex life usually lives on other forms of life.
B.Scientists saw two creatures in the two – minute video.
C.It is possible for creatures to live 180 meters below the ice though there is no light.
D.Scientists captured the shrimp – like creature in a camera by drilling a hole through the ice.

In a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp —— like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.

About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had thought nothing much more than a few microbes (微生物) could exist.

That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp – like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle (触须) they believe came from a jellyfish.

“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there.” Said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”

“We were just gaga (狂热的) over it,” he said of the 7.5cm long, orange creature starring in their two – minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.

The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp – like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice in freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?

Cynan Ellis – Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and don’t live there permanently.

But Kim, who is a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm – wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means it’s unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small of an area,” she said.

Yet scientist were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.

“So how do they survive? That’s the key question.” Kim Sai.

“It’s pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything.” Kim said.

1. What does the underlined word “harsh” probably mean?

A. cold           B. loud          C. cruel           D. ugly

2. According to Kim, the shrimp – like creature        .

A. swam great distances to Antarctic                B. has always lived in the region

C. gradually evolved from shrimps                    D. has nothing in common with shrimps

3. The finding is significant in that           .

A. it marks NASA’S first Antarctic biological study

B. it proves there is marine life in the Antarctic

C. it could inspire further study of life in harsh environments

D. it shows that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps

4. Which of the following statements about the discovery is FALSE?

A. Complex life usually lives on other forms of life.

B. Scientists saw two creatures in the two – minute video.

C. It is possible for creatures to live 180 meters below the ice though there is no light.

D. Scientists captured the shrimp – like creature in a camera by drilling a hole through the ice.



In a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp —— like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.

About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had thought nothing much more than a few microbes (微生物) could exist.

That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp – like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle (触须) they believe came from a jellyfish.

“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there.” Said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”

“We were just gaga (狂热的) over it,” he said of the 7.5cm long, orange creature starring in their two – minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.

The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp – like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice in freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?

Cynan Ellis – Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and don’t live there permanently.

But Kim, who is a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm – wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means it’s unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small of an area,” she said.

Yet scientist were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.

“So how do they survive? That’s the key question.” Kim Sai.

“It’s pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything.” Kim said.

What does the underlined word “harsh” probably mean?

A. cold           B. loud          C. cruel           D. ugly

According to Kim, the shrimp – like creature        .

A. swam great distances to Antarctic      B. has always lived in the region

C. gradually evolved from shrimps  D. has nothing in common with shrimps

The finding is significant in that           .

A. it marks NASA’S first Antarctic biological study

B. it proves there is marine life in the Antarctic

C. it could inspire further study of life in harsh environments

D. it shows that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps

Which of the following statements about the discovery is FALSE?

A. Complex life usually lives on other forms of life.

B. Scientists saw two creatures in the two – minute video.

C. It is possible for creatures to live 180 meters below the ice though there is no light.

D. Scientists captured the shrimp – like creature in a camera by drilling a hole through the ice.


In a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp —— like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.

About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had thought nothing much more than a few microbes (微生物) could exist.

That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp – like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle (触须) they believe came from a jellyfish.

“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there.” Said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”

“We were just gaga (狂热的) over it,” he said of the 7.5cm long, orange creature starring in their two – minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.

The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp – like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice in freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?

Cynan Ellis – Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and don’t live there permanently.

But Kim, who is a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm – wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means it’s unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small of an area,” she said.

Yet scientist were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.

“So how do they survive? That’s the key question.” Kim Sai.

“It’s pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything.” Kim said.

1.What does the underlined word “harsh” probably mean?

A. cold           B. loud          C. cruel           D. ugly

2.According to Kim, the shrimp – like creature        .

A. swam great distances to Antarctic                     B. has always lived in the region

C. gradually evolved from shrimps                         D. has nothing in common with shrimps

3.The finding is significant in that           .

A. it marks NASA’S first Antarctic biological study

B. it proves there is marine life in the Antarctic

C. it could inspire further study of life in harsh environments

D. it shows that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps

4.Which of the following statements about the discovery is FALSE?

A. Complex life usually lives on other forms of life.

B. Scientists saw two creatures in the two – minute video.

C. It is possible for creatures to live 180 meters below the ice though there is no light.

D. Scientists captured the shrimp – like creature in a camera by drilling a hole through the ice.



In a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp —— like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.

About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had thought nothing much more than a few microbes (微生物) could exist.

That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp – like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle (触须) they believe came from a jellyfish.

“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there.” Said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”

“We were just gaga (狂热的) over it,” he said of the 7.5cm long, orange creature starring in their two – minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.

The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp – like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice in freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?

Cynan Ellis – Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and don’t live there permanently.

But Kim, who is a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm – wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means it’s unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small of an area,” she said.

Yet scientist were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.

“So how do they survive? That’s the key question.” Kim Sai.

“It’s pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything.” Kim said.

1.What does the underlined word “harsh” probably mean?

A. cold           B. loud          C. cruel           D. ugly

2.According to Kim, the shrimp – like creature        .

A. swam great distances to Antarctic                     B. has always lived in the region

C. gradually evolved from shrimps                         D. has nothing in common with shrimps

3.The finding is significant in that           .

A. it marks NASA’S first Antarctic biological study

B. it proves there is marine life in the Antarctic

C. it could inspire further study of life in harsh environments

D. it shows that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps

4.Which of the following statements about the discovery is FALSE?

A. Complex life usually lives on other forms of life.

B. Scientists saw two creatures in the two – minute video.

C. It is possible for creatures to live 180 meters below the ice though there is no light.

D. Scientists captured the shrimp – like creature in a camera by drilling a hole through the ice.


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