
?Health, Wellness and the Politics of Food

9:00—9:45 a.m. Blue Tent

Panelists (成员):Jami Bernard, David Kamp, Marion Nestle and Peter Singer.

Hosted by Denise Grady, science writer for The New York Times.

How does what we eat not only affect our bodies, but also the world?The food and nutrition experts debate the role that the diet plays in both personal and global health, and present a look at food politics.

?Sports Writing:For the Love of the Game

9:50—10:35 a.m. Blue Tent

Panelists:Christine Brennan, Ira Rosen, Joe Wallace and Joe Drape.

Hosted by William C.Rhoden, sports writer for The New York Times.

Whether catching that key moment of victory or defeat, or covering breaking news, sports writers are anything but audience. Listen as some professionals discuss the special experience in reporting of sports news.

?The Art of the Review

11:15—12:00 a.m. Green Tent

Panelists: John Freeman, Barry Gewen, David Orr, Celia McGee and Jennifer Schuessler.

Hosted by Sam Tanenhaus, editor for The New York Times Book Review.

How much of an effect does the book review have on book sales?Join this group of critics(评论家) as they discuss the reality of book review and bestseller lists, and how they choose books for review.

?New York Writers, New York Stories

3:00—3:45 p.m.Green Tent

Panelists: Cindy Adams, Richard Cohen, Ric Klass and Lauren Redniss.

Hosted by Clyde Haberman, columnist (专栏作家) for the City Section of The New York Times.

Join this inspiring group of New York-centric writers as they talk about why New York is a gold mine of ideas for their work.

1.If you are free in the afternoon, you can attend_______.

A.The Art of the Review

B.New York Writers, New York Stories

C.Health, Wellness and the Politics of Food

D.Sports Writing: For the Love of the Game

2.If you like sports writing, you will most probably _______.

A.go to Blue Tent at 11:15 a.m

B.enjoy Jami Bernard’s talk

C.listen to Christine Brennan

D.attend the Art of the Review

3.Sam Tanenhaus is in charge of ________.

A.The Art of the Review

B.Health, Wellness and the Politics of Food

C.New York Writers, New York Stories

D.Sports Writing:For the Love of the Game

4.All the four activities above _______.

A.are about writing

B.will last 45 minutes each

C.can be attended freely

D.will attract many readers

5.We can learn from the text that________.

A.sports writers are a type of audience

B.the New York Times is popular

C.Denise Grady will discuss politics

D.book reviews may affect book sales












More than fifty SARS experts ___1___ this month in Geneva at the headquarters of the World Health Organization. They came from fifteen countries to discuss progress ___2___ the lung disease. SARS began in southern China late last year. It ___3___ in Asia and other parts of the world. The W-H-O __4_____ travel warnings. Health officials worked aggressively. They kept SARS patients ____5___ others. They looked for anyone else those patients might have been near.
SARS was contained(遏制) in the middle of this year. By then, eight-thousand people had become sick. More than seven-hundred of ___6____ died.
SARS causes effects similar to ____7___ of pneumonia (肺炎) or influenza. People often cough. Breathing is difficult or ___8____ . Some people need machines to help them breathe. Body temperature goes ___9____ . SARS can also make people feel tired, __10_____ their head hurt and make them not want to eat. Most people with SARS, however, usually recover within two weeks.
1. A. met         B. will meet         C. saw           D. will see
2. A. for          B. against           C. on            D. from
3. A. took place    B. spreaded          C. take place      D. spread
4. A. decided      B. declared          C. announced      D. spoke
5. A. near         B. together with      C. away from      D. close to
6. A. whom       B. who             C. them           D. men
7. A. them        B. that              C. this           D. those
8. A. hurt         B. hurtful           C. painful         D. pain
9. A. down        B. away            C. up            D. to zero
10. A. make       B. having made     C. making        D. made






1. Only two people s________ the war but they were badly wounded.

2. We should keep healthy, both mentally and p___________.

3. When asked by the police, he a_______ stealing the necklace.

4.As we all know,Taiwan b           to China.

5.All the athletes will c          against each other for the honour of winning in the coming sports meeting..

6. Polluted water and air do h        to our health.

7. Though I have never seen him, his name is quite f________ to me.

8. He achieved his g______ to go to college through hard work at last.

9. As a volunteer,I am always w ______      to help others.

10. She d       herself full-time to her growing business.


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