

I grew up poor-living with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I was   21   and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still   22   a dream.

   My dream was   23  . By the time I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and   24   anything that moved on the football field. I was also   25  : My high school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but also taught me   26   to believe in myself. He   27   me the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular   28   with Coach John changed my life forever.

   A friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket-money for a new bike, new clothes and the   29   of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to   30   up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldn’t be playing.

   When I told John, he was   31   as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work, ”He said. “Your   32   days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them. ”I stood before him with my head   33  , trying to think of the   34   that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his   35   in me.

   “How much are you going to make at this job, son? ”He asked. “3.5 dollars an hour, ”I replied.

   “Well, ”he asked, “is $3.5 an hour the price of a dream? ”

   That simple question made   36   for me the difference between   37   something right now and having a   38  . I decided myself to play sports that summer and the next year I was   39   by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball, and was   40   a $20,000 contract(agreement). In 1999, I bought my mother the house of my dream!

A. happy             B. polite                C. shy              D. honest

A. live              B. afford               C. make              D. need

A. athletics         B. music            C. business          D. money

A. kick              B. play             C. pass              D. hit

A. right              B. popular          C. lucky             D. confident

A. how               B. why              C. when              D. whether

A. gave              B. taught               C. brought           D. asked

A. accident           B. matter               C. problem           D. experience

A. keep               B. end              C. give              D. pick

A. mad               B. mournful         C. frightened            D. shameful

A. living            B. playing          C. working           D. learning

A. moving        B. nodding          C. shaking           D. hanging

A. answers           B. excuses          C. words             D. ways

A. sadness           B. regret               C. hopelessness      D. disappointment

A. direct            B. clear            C. straight          D. bare

A. wanting           B. changing         C. dreaming          D. enjoying

A. wish              B. goal             C. score             D. desire

A. fired              B. accompanied      C. avoided           D. hired

A. paid              B. got              C. offered           D. presented

Don't you just love ice skating every winter? I am sure, that since winter is approaching, your skates are set to come out, just waiting to be used. Impress your friends with your new trick on how to ice-skate backwards with the help of these tips. Skating backwards on ice is a bit difficult but once you master the basic, there' s nothing like it. Follow the steps given below and you will be able to skate backwards in no time.     

Stand Straight

The first thing that you need to do is, stand straight. If you feel that you are falling backwards, then just put your chin up and slightly bend your knees. Don't worry; this happens to all.

Confidence is What You Need

The most important step while learning how to skate backwards, is having enough confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. How can you achieve this? By practice. Just practice rolling backwards down a gentle slope every single day or just by pushing off from a wall or something of that sort. But before you do that, make sure that the place where you are practicing is free from any kind of debris(碎片)because otherwise, you could end up in the hospital due to some accident. While going backwards, just get used to the feeling of moving backwards. One of the important ice skating tips and techniques is that if you feel that you are losing your balance, then scissor (做剪式运动) your skates. Keep practicing this till you are confident about it.

Maintain Speed

Confident now? Great! Now the next step is to maintain your speed. While rolling in a straight line with one skate, with the other try sculling (滑浆), that is, keep pushing yourself backwards with an outwards stroke (滑动). Now bring the skate which you were using to scull, and then again, repeat the same process. Make sure that you put most of your weight on the skate which is moving straight and not the one with which you are sculling. Now, try the same thing using the other foot. Again keep doing this till you are confident enough.

Increase Your Speed Now

Once you are confident that you can scull with either foot, the next thing that you have to do is increase your speed. Try some of your own tricks now. Scull with either foot or with both at the same time.

Scull and Be Aware

While you keep one foot straight, keep sculling with the other. You can do that simultaneously with both feet. Concentrate on what you are doing but don't get so involved that you don't see where you are going. If you are not watching your back, you might just bang against something or someone.

1.According to the text, confidence comes from ________ .

A. constant exercise          B. strict coaches                  C. high speed             D. good techniques

2.Which is the right order of ice-skating backwards?

a. Increasing your speed.                                                 b .Being able to scull with one foot.

c. Being about to stand straight.                                              d. Trying some different tricks.

A. c→a→d→b                     B. c→b→d→a            C. c→b→a→d   D. a→c→b→d

3. In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express _________.

A. one must be brave to learn to ice-skate backwards           

B. skating and keeping cautious are both important

C. it’s difficult to concentrate when ice-skating backwards

D. it' s a common thing to hit someone when ice skating backwards

4.The purpose of the text is _______ .

A. to offer some advice on ice-skating backwards

B. to introduce the culture of ice-skating backwards

C. to explain advantages of ice-skating backwards

D. to compare different ways of ice-skating backwards



第二节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

I grew up poor –living with my wonderful mother. We had little money ,but plenty of love and attention . I was  36   and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was , he could still            37   a dream.

  My dream was to be a(n) 38 .By the time I was 16, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per hour fastball and  39  anything that moved on the football field. I was also  40  : My high school coach was John , who not only believed in me ,but also taught me  41  to believe in myself .He  42  me the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream .One particular  43  with Coach John changed my life forever .

A friend recommended ( suggested ) me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my packet-money for a new bike, new clothes and the  44  of savings for a house for my mother .Then I realized I would have to  45  up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldn’t be playing.

   When I told John , he was  46  as I expected him to be . “You have your whole life to work ,” he said . “ Your  47  days are limited .You can’t afford to waste them.” I stood before him with my head  48  ,trying to think of the  49  that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his  50  in me.

  “ How much are you going to make at this job, son?” he asked . “3.5 dollars an hour.” I replied.

  “Well.” he asked , “is 3.5 dollars an hour the price of a dream?”

   That simple questions made  51  for me the difference between  52  something right now and having a  53  . I decided myself to play sports that summer and with the year I was  54  by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball ,and was  55  a $20000 contract ( agreement ) .In 1999, I bought my mother the house of my dream !

36.A.happy                         B. polite                      C. shy                          D. honest

37. A. live                            B. afford                    C. make                      D. need

38. A. athlete                             B. musician              C. businessman      D. writer

39. A. kick                          B. play                       C. pass                      D. hit

40. A. fight                         B. popular                 C. lucky                      D. confident

41. A. how                           B. why                       C. when                     D. whether

42. A. gave                        B. taught                  C. brought                 D. asked

43. A. accident                 B. matter                  C. problem               D. experience

44. A. aim                          B. idea                       C. start                      D. purpose

45. A. keep                        B. end                        C. give                       D. pick

46. A. mad                          B. mournful              C. frightened           D. shameful

47. A. living                        B. playing                  C. working                D. learning

48. A. moving                    B. nodding                C. shaking                 D. hanging

49. A. answers                          B. excuses                C. words                   D. ways

50. A. sadness                   B. regret                    C. hopelessness       D. disappointment

51. A. direct                        B. clear                       C. straight                 D. bare

52. A. wanting                   B. changing               C. dreaming              D. enjoying

53. A. wish                          B. goal                        C. score.                     D. desire

54. A. had                            B. made                      C. fired                        D. hired

55. A. paid                           B. got                          C. offered                   D. presented 


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