

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八) ,并在其下面写出该加的词 。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,

     I ’m wnting to you from my home in China. I returned at home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spend in Australia,I just can't help think of both of you. It was so kind for you to have provided everything to make my stay here pleasant. It was a happy and luck experience. Not only has my English improved and T ve also learned so much about your culture. And I enjoyed all the funs we shared together. Thank you veiy much. I' 11 always remember your kind as well as this trip.

  I’ 11 keep touch with you and write to you later. Please take care!


                                                                            Li Ming

71. 1 returned at...                       去掉 at

72.…I spend in …                       spend—? spent

73. . .. help think of                    think—? thinking 或 think 前加 but   

74. …kind for you …                      for —? of

75. . .. here pleasant.                     here —?there

76. . .. luck experience,                   luck —? lucky   

77. …and I've also …                      and —?but

78. . .. all the funs ...                    ftms —? fun

79. . .. remember your kind ...                kind —? kindness

80. 1’ 11 keep touch …                        keep 后加 in 




    When I was a child,space was all I dreamt and talked about. My parents thought it was just a phase(阶段) ,but as I grew up I became greatfy interested in science. I never doubted that one day I'd be an astronaut(宇航员) .” As an adult,Anousheh Ansari left her home country Iran,settled in the USA and started a company. The company was so successful that she was finally able to sell it for $750 million. uThe first thing that crossed my mind was that my life's goal might now be within reach and I signed up to become the first female(女性的) private space explorer at a cost of around $20 million."

    Anousheh set on on September 18th along with two astronauts. On the space station,each member of a space crew  crew(全体机组人员) ,tourist or not,is expected to carry out important siuuymg uiiy me luims umi uaii uaiiy uibcascs uu

board the station. Many people might have considered this “working holiday” bad、but Anousheh loved it.

      Anousheh faced many difficulties on board. To wash her hair,for example,she had to put water over her head; however,little bits of water would y/oaf (漂浮) away. “The guys liked to make fUn of me. They’d ask me to pass the bread and when I handed it to them,rather than floating it,they say T taken all the fun out of it. After a while,I got used to all this,though,and I felt so at home

that in the end it was hard to go back to normWify."

       Anousheh is proud to be the first female space tourist and wants to encourage women all over the world. However,she doesn,t like the title “space tourist”. “I think if my experience is to be compared to an experiment or an experience on Earth,it is probably closer to an adventure to Antarctica or climbing Mount Everest,” she explains.

24. As Anousheh was growing up, .

   A. she didn’t think she would ever become an astronaut

   B. her interest in space wasn,t expected to last

   C. she disagreed with her parents’ plans

   D. others tried to discourage her dreams

25. The space crew members .

   A. often carry diseases onto the space station

   B. can suffer aches and pains

   C. must have a strong background in science

   D. have little time to relax

26. On the space station, .

   A. Anousheh did a lot of practice on bread

   B. it seemed impossible for Anousheh to wash with water

   C. Anousheh liked playing games with the other astronauts

   D. it took Anousheh some time to get familiar with the conditions

27. In Anousheh's opinion,her experience as a

space tourist .

   A. will give other women the courage to explore space

   B. cannot be compared to any experience on Earth

   C. turned out to be a dangerous experiment

   D. was not as good as she hoped


       Your next car could have two seats,three wheels 一 two in front and one in the back and a top speed of more than 100 miles per hour. Elio Motors plans to make such a tiny car named the Elio. Its two seats sit front and back instead of side by side. The driver is positioned in the center with the passenger directly behind.

      The starting price for the car is just $6,800. l,t has only one door,on the left side,which cuts a few hundred dollars off the manufacturing costs. Having three wheels also makes it cheaper. It has air conditioning,power windows and door locks and an AM/FM radio. More features can be ordered through Elio's long list of suppliers. Elio will also sell the cars directly through its own stores and not through franchised dealers (特约经销商) .

   Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that he would one day own a car company called Elio Motors. In 2008,tired of high gas prices,he started working on a car that burns gas in a more effective way. quany imponam to mm was creating U.S. manufacturing jobs and making the car inexpensive enough to attract buyers who might otherwise be stuck in their old,unreliable cars. “Whatever matters to you,this can move the needle (针) on it,” he said.

   Already,more than 27,000 people have (预订) one. Paul hopes to make 250,000 cars a year by 2016. So far,reservation holders are those who will use the Elio as a second or third car for work. Finally,though,he believes the car will interest high school and college students as well as used-car drivers who want something newer and more reliable.

29. Which of the following shows the design of the Elio?

30. Paragraph 2 shd\ys that the Elio .

   A. is sold at affordable prices

   B. will be available in most stores

   C. has a fixed temperature

   D. does no harm to the environment

31. The underlined words “ move the needle ” in Paragraph 3 probably mean “

   A. take a chance

   B. stand in the way.

   C. break into pieces

   D. make a difference

32. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The history of Elio Motors

   B. Cool car or stupid vehicle?

   C. Paul Elio: a kid with big dreams

   D. What car to choose: new or used?

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