【小题1】It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c___________ down myself.
【小题2】Parents are always c_____________ much about their children.
【小题3】I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.
【小题4】It took her a long while to r___________ from her heart operation.
【小题5】The children played ____________ (在户外)until it started to rain.
【小题6】After the war, a new g_______________ was set up for that country.
【小题7】The people p__________ at the meeting were all for the suggestion.
【小题8】The ball went in the d_______________ of the man sitting in a boat on the river.
【小题9】At the party a foreign teacher was r______________(要求) to sing some folk songs.
【小题10】He was a young sailor on his first sea v______________.
【小题11】The mother i_________ that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.
【小题12】Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a________ to it.
【小题13】This song sounds f_____________ to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.
【小题14】She ________________ (毕业)from Peking University last year.
【小题15】The speech contest was o______________ well.
【小题16】When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_______ into tears.
【小题17】After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.
【小题18】J_______ from his accent, we know he comes from the west.
【小题19】Prices have _____________ (上涨) quickly.
【小题20】The building was completely ______________(摧毁) by fire.

The Taj Mahal
Shah Jahan finished building Taj Mahal in 1648. He was a rich and powerful emperor, and he built the Taj Mahal as a memorial for his wife.  【小题1】  The word “taj” means crown, “Mahal” was the name of his wife. Twenty thousand people worked for 18 years to complete this beautiful domed(圆顶屋) building. A thousand elephants carried huge stones and jewels from all over India and central Asia to the Taj. Shah Jahan wanted this memorial to be a burial place for himself and his wife.
The Taj Mahal is on the Yamuna River in Agra in northern India.  【小题2】   Its picture is in most travel books and brochures. It is open daily from sunrise to sunset. For about fifteen rupees (or about US$0.33), anyone can enter this peaceful and quiet place.
As you enter, you pass through beautiful, silent gardens. From the gardens, you cross a wide courtyard. Suddenly, you see the dome of the main building through a tall, red sandstone gate. At daybreak, the Taj Mahal’s white walls turn rose. At noon, they blaze(发光)white. At dusk, they become dark grey.  【小题3】  
After you pass through the gate, you step onto a wide stone platform. You look over another garden with pools. Everything is arranged carefully in fours.  【小题4】  The garden is divided into four parts. There are straight rows of colorful flowers and trees in each of the parts. At the four corners of the Taj Mahal, there are pointed tall towers. After the gardens, you go down stone steps towards the main building with the tomb and the graves of Shah Jahan and his wife.
After hundreds of years, the Taj Mahal remains a lovely and peaceful place.  【小题5】  

A.It was a monument of love.
B.Four is a special number in the Moslem religion.
C.Many people want to visit the Taj Mahal some day.
D.This beautiful building is truly a jewel for all people.
E. The Taj Mahal is most beautiful by the light of the full moon.
F. To many people around the world, the Taj Mahal is a symbol of India.
G. From the cool, dark gates, the Taj Mahal seems to float between earth and sky.



A.Piotrek Kowalski, 18, from Italy. Looking for a pen friend who is interested in discussing the current (当前的) political situation in the world. Like jazz and playing tennis in my free time.

B. Olga, 32 years old, historian, from Warsaw, Poland. Looking for a pen friend to exchange views on the political problems in East European countries after the Second World War.

C. Jack, 27, from London. My favorite pastime (消遣) is learning foreign languages. I go to evening language classes and use my computer to improve my language learning by visiting Internet sites.

D. Elle, 35 years old, from Paris. I like learning languages, but do not like using modern technology. Need a pen friend who also enjoys learning languages in a traditional way.

E. Petro, 42, businessman, from Argentina. Trying to get a pen friend with the same profession(职业) and lives in North America. Married, with three children and like surfing the Internet.

F. Kim Lee, 18, high school student in Seoul, South Korea. I love traveling and hope to visit Great Britain in the future. I would like a friend about the same age to get some information about the differences between life in Europe and that in Asia.



1.Mary, 21, a university student on history, comes from Scotland and would like to find a pen friend who comes from East Europe. She is interested in the things of the past in those countries.

2.Helga, 33, comes from Germany and speaks French, English and Russian. She prefers a pen friend who is also fond of exchanging ideas about language learning by writing letters and she firmly believes that language learning can only happen in a classroom.

3.Alessandro, 25, comes from Rome. He is interested in finding a pen friend who speaks English and can exchange ideas on using the computer for learning purpose.

4.Bob, 17, a middle school student in Liverpool, is interested in making a pen friend. He once visited China with his parents when he was a child and then fell in love with Asian culture. He would like a friend of the same or nearly the same age.

5.Jim, 35, has a company in Boston. His hobby is surfing the Internet in his spare time and looking for any useful information for him, whether at home or abroad.


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