
Charlie was a rich boy who had more toys than you could imagine. His family had a lot of money, and   1  he liked something, they would buy it for him. Then, he had no idea what things cost, and wouldn't   2  to take care of what he had. Nor did he realise how difficult it was for other children to get toys like the ones he had.
A time came, though, when he was   3  used to all his toys and various stuff that he began to want something   4 . One of his uncles found a fine horse and he gave it to Charlie. Charlie was very   5  at having a horse. He had never got something like that before.
However, he   6  the horse just as badly as he did all his other toys, and it soon started looking   7 . For the first time in his life Charlie became truly   8 . He loved the horse, and the fact that his family had offered to exchange it for a new one meant nothing to him. One day, while in the countryside, he saw a girl with a horse. The girl looked very poor, but the horse seemed happy and looked great.
Wondering how she had   9  this, Charlie secretly followed her, watching everything she did. First he followed them through the forest, where he saw that she never used the whip, and never   10  the horse. Then they came to the stable, and   11  they arrived the girl fed and watered the horse. Then she carefully groomed (照顾) it. Charlie was surprised. This was the   12  of what Charlie had done to his horse.
Charlie wanted to   13  and become like the girl. As no one had shown him how to do this, he 14   to her and asked her to teach him how to look after his horse. After her initial surprise, she happily  15 . With her he learned how to   16  care and effort into things. He learned that he could be much   17  with only a few special things that you truly   18  , than with thousands of toys that were only good for a short time and were then   19  aside. When the horse finally   20  all its strength and health, Charlie was happy that his effort had been worthwhile.

A.even ifB.every timeC.now thatD.soon after
A.got overB.turned overC.took overD.went over
A.cared forB.cut downC.poured intoD.looked up


【小题1】A. whichever无论哪一个       B. whenever无论何时        C. whatever 无论什么D. however无论怎样;句意:无论何时他喜欢什么,他的父母亲就给他买,故选B
【小题2】A. refuse拒绝        B. bother打扰,麻烦            C. obey遵循            D. hesitate犹豫;句意:他也不在意去爱护好他所有的,be bother to do 在意做某事,  故选B
【小题4】A. usual 通常的          B. different不同的             C. right 正确的    D. expensive昂贵的,根据句意,故选B
【小题5】A. excited兴奋的     B. interested有趣的       C. annoyed生气的           D. hopeful 有希望的;后文讲到He had never got something like that before他从没有过这种东西,所以应该是非常兴奋,故选A
【小题6】A. operated经营     B. commanded命令       C. trained 训练            D. treated对待,句中有However,表示语义的转折,所以应该是对待这匹马和对待他的玩具一样不爱惜,故选D
【小题7】A. tired累的            B. puzzled困惑的           C. grateful感激的       D. sick生病的,句意:很快,这匹马看起来像是生病了,故选D
【小题8】A. worried 担忧的    B. patient 耐心的          C. ashamed 羞愧的          D. doubtful令人生疑的;后文提到他非常的爱这匹马,甚至父母亲拿别的东西换他都不答应,故他生平第一次感到担忧,选A
【小题9】A. controlled控制   B. learned学习           C. managed 管理,对待          D. prepared准备,句意:想知道她是如何来对待马的,故选C
【小题10】A. scratched抓  B. hit打              C. broke打破           D. damaged损坏;句意:她从来不打这匹马,故选B
【小题11】A. even if即使      B. every time每一次       C. now that既然            D. soon after不久之后,句意:不久之后女孩就给马喂食,进水,故选D
【小题12】A. glory 光荣        B. devotion献身           C. opposite 相反的         D. assumption假设;句意:这完全和自己对待马是相反的举动,故选C
【小题13】A. change 改变   B. continue 继续          C. inspect 检查            D. overcome克服;句意:查理想要改变,要变得像这个女孩一样,故选A
【小题14】A. got over克服        B. turned over翻过来       C. took over接管       D. went over走过去;句意:他走过去要那个女孩教他如何照顾好马,故选D
【小题15】A. agreed同意      B. received接收            C. adopted采取             D. responded回应;句意:在刚开始诧异后,她很高兴地同意了,故选A
【小题16】put sth into sth 将…运用到…上,句意:在她的帮助下,他知道了如何将关心和努力赋予所做的事情上,故选B
【小题17】A. stronger更强壮的             B. higher更高的            C. happier更快乐的  D. smarter更聪明的,句意:他对于一些特别的东西会更加高兴,故选C
【小题18】A. cared for关心  B. cut down砍到           C. poured into倒入         D. looked up查阅,句意:他满足于那些他真正关心的东西,故选A
【小题19】throw away扔掉,丢弃,句意:而不是那些短时间里好玩,玩后就丢弃的玩具,故选D
【小题20】A. relieved 减轻         B. recovered恢复       C. lost丢失                D. grasped抓住,句意:马最终恢复了力量和健康,故选B


We took the bus from the suburb every early morning that summer 3 years ago. One of the passengers was a small   36  man who took the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. He walked with a stoop (佝偻) and a sad look on his face when he, with some difficulty,   37  the bus and sat down alone behind the driver. No one ever paid very much attention to him.
  Then one   38   morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled before he sat down. The driver 39  guardedly. The rest of us were silent. The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically,   40  and said in a loud voice: “And a very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured “Good morning,”  41  . The following weeks we were more alert (留意的). Our friend was now dressed in a nice old suit and a wide out-of-date   42 . The thin hair had been carefully combed. He said good morning to us every day and we  43  began to nod and talk to each other.
  One morning he had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver   44  smilingly and asked:“Have you got yourself a girlfriend, Charlie?”and he nodded shyly and said yes. The other passengers   45  and clapped at him. Charlie bowed and waved the   46  before he sat down on his seat. Every morning after that Charlie always brought a flower. Some of the   47  passengers began bringing him flowers for his bouquet(花束).
The summer went by, and    48   was closing in, when one morning Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual    49 . When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or —   50  — on holiday somewhere.
One day, we learned from the staff working in the centre for senior citizens that the elderly   51  was fine, but he hadn't been coming to the   52   that week. One of his very close friends had died at the weekend. They   53  him back on Monday. How silent we were the rest of the way to work.
  The next   54   Charlie was waiting at the stop, stooping a bit more, a little bit more grey, and without a tie. He seemed to have shrinked(缩小)again. Inside the bus was a  55 . All of us sat with our eyes filled with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands.

A.in replyB.in vainC.with careD.in return
A.turned aroundB.cast downC.paid offD.kept up
A.whistledB.resisted C.ignored D.agreed

Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. Both worked very hard. After several years, the bosses promote Jackie to sales executive but Charlie_46_ a salesman. One day Charlie could not __47_ it anymore, tendered his resignation(辞职书) to the boss and complained the boss did not __48__ hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered him. He thought it was really __49__.
The boss knew that Charlie had spared no _50___ for the company all these years, but in order to help Charlie realize the __51__ between him and Jackie, the boss ask Charlie to do the _52___: “go and find out if anyone is selling watermelon in the market.” Charlie returned and __53__ said yes. the boss asked.“how much per kg?” Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to ___54__ $12 per kg.
The boss told Charlie that we would ask Jackie the _55___ question. Jackie went, returned and said,“boss, only one person is selling watermelon, $12 per kg, $100 for 10kg.he has a _56___ of 340 melons. on the table 58 melons and every melon weighs about 15kg,_57____ from the South two days ago. they are fresh, red and of good __58__ .” Charlie was _59____ and realized the difference between himself and Jackie. he decided not to __60___ but to learn from Jackie.


We were a very motley (混杂的) crowd of people who took the bus every day many years ago. During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily (昏昏欲睡地) with our collars up to our ears.
A small grey man took the bus to the center for senior citizens every morning. No one ever paid very much attention to him. Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver before he sat down. The driver nodded guardedly. The rest of us were silent.
The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically, smiled and said in a loud voice: "And a very good morning to you all!" Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured "Good morning!" in reply.
The following weeks we were more surprised. Our friend was now dressed in a nice old suit and a wide out-of-date tie. He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.
One morning he had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver turned around smilingly and asked: "Have you got yourself a girlfriend, Charlie?" The man nodded shyly and said yes. Every morning after that Charlie always brought a flower.
The summer went by when one morning Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual stop. When he wasn't there the new day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or – hopefully – on holiday somewhere, Later we were told one of his very close friends had died at the weekend. How silent we were the rest of the way to work. The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop, a little bit more grey. Inside the bus was a silence similar to that in a church. Even though no one had talked about it, all those of us sat with our eyes filled with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands.
【小题1】From the first paragraph we can inter that the passengers ____.

A.had a cheerful trip every morningB.didn't know each other
C.seldom talked to each otherD.talked and laughed on the way
【小题2】 Why were some of the passengers amazed when the old man greeted them?
A.Because he looked energetic.B.Because he spoke in a loud voice.
C.Because he was holding some flowers. D.Because they hardly greeted each other.
【小题3】How did the passengers feel when Charlie was not there the next day?
A.Concerned. B.Pleased.C.Surprised.D.Disappointed.
【小题4】 The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph most probably refers to ____.
A.the reach for his not taking the busB.the death of one of his very close friends
C.the reach for his looking more greyD.the silence on the bus

Charlie Boswell has always been a great hero. He has inspired thousands of people to rise above circumstances and live out true meaning of life.
He was blinded during World War II while rescuing his friend from a tank that was under fire. He was a great athlete before the accident. In order to prove his talent and determination, he decided to try a brand new sport, a sport he never imagined playing, even with his eyesight – golf! Through determination and a deep love for the game he became the National Blind Golf Champion! He won that honor 13 times.
One of his heroes was the great golfer Ben Hogan, so it truly was an honor for Charlie to win the Ben Hogan Award in 1958.
Upon meeting Ben Hogan, Charlie was respectful and stated that he had one wish and it was to have one round of golf with the great Ben Hogan. Mr. Hogan agreed that playing a round together would be an honor for him as well, as he had heard about all of Charlie’s accomplishments and truly admired his skills.
“Would you like to play for money, Mr. Hogan?” asked out Charlie.
“I can’t play you for money, it wouldn’t be fair!” said Mr. Hogan.
“Aw, come on Mr. Hogan…$ 1,000 per hole!”
“I can’t, what would people think of me, taking advantage of you and your circumstance?” replied the sighted golfer.
“Chicken, Mr. Hogan?”
“Okay,” replied the embarrassed Hogan, “but I am going to play my best!”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” said the confident Boswell.
“Now that you’re on. Mr. Boswell, you name the time and the place!”
The very self – assured Boswell responded, “10 o’clock … tonight!”
【小题1】Why didn’t Mr. Hogan want to play Charlie for money?

A.He was worried he would lose the match.
B.He thought it was unfair for Charlie.
C.He didn’t care about money.
D.He preferred chicken to money.
【小题2】According to the text, what does the underlined word “self - assured” probably mean?
【小题3】It can be inferred from the text that         .
A.Mr. Hogan was not good at playing golf
B.Charlie did well in other sports before playing golf
C.Mr. Hogan didn’t try his best to play
D.Charlie Boswell was born blind
【小题4】What would be the result of the match?
A.Charlie won.B.Hogan won.
C.Neither of them won.D.Not mentioned.
【小题5】Which of the following can best describe Charlie?
A.Competitive and generousB.Energetic and reliable
C.Careful and considerateD.Confident and smart


1.Something terrible ___________________ if Tom wasn’t coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. (happen)


2.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ______________. (solve)


3.It is hard work as well as determination _________________________. (lead)


4.__________________, I will be right here waiting for you. (be)


5.My brothers can’t attend the party__________________ at Tom’s house at present, because he is preparing for his examination. (hold)


6.People may __________________ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. (find)


7.My teacher told us that ____________ would win us more friendships and bring us more chances. (modest)


8.A large number of people _____________ the importance of the environmental protection up to now. (realize)


9.______________, this kind of pear was soon sold out at the market. (taste)


10.The fact ______________________as his brother made it necessary for him to lose weight. (twice)



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