
【题目】At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the United States team would be the winner of canoe (划艇racing. One member of that team was Bill Havens. It became clear that Bill's first child would be born about the time that the U. S. team was in the Paris Games.

Bill's wife insisted that he go to Paris. competing in the Olympics was a lifelong dream. But finally Bill decided to stay at home, where he could his wife when the child arrived. He considered being at her his highest priority (优先考虑的事),even higher than going to Paris to fulfill his .

The team won the gold medal in Paris. And Bill's wife was in giving birth to their child. Bill could have competed in the event and returned home to be with her when she gave birth.

But Bill said he had no . For the rest of his life, he he had made the better decision.

Twenty-eight years later, Bill a telegram. It was from Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram readDad, I won. I'm bringing home the gold medal you while waiting for me to be born.

1 A. competing B. struggling C. preparing D. winning

2 A. In all B. After all C. As a result D. As usual

3 A. persuade B. encourage C. support D. satisfy

4 A. place B. side C. door D. mercy

5 A. dream B, promise C. duty D. demand

6 A. busy B. successful C. safe D. late

7 A. In addition B. For example C. In fact D. At last

8 A. on time B. in time C. in general D. in surprise

9 A. judgments B. excuses C. choices D. regrets

10 A. believed B. concluded C. learned D. proved

11 A. discovered B. wrote C. sent D. received

12 A. grasped B. offered C. took D. lost

【答案】1 A

2 B

3 C

4 B

5 A

6 D

7 C

8 B

9 D

10 A

11 D

12 D

【解析】1 第二段中的competing in the Olympics给出了提示。

2 after all意为毕竟。比尔的妻子劝他去参加奥运会, 毕竟这是一个他毕生的梦想。

3 妻子在生下孩子后需要丈夫的支持与照顾;根据语境可知比尔是留下来照顾妻子。

4 此处指他认为留在妻子身边是最重要的事情。

5 前文的a lifelong dream给出了提示。

6 Bill could have competed in the event. 可知,比尔妻子生产的时间推迟了。

7 in fact事实上,实际上

8 这句话是说推迟的这段时间本来可以使比尔参加完比赛并及时赶回来陪妻子。

9 由转折连词But可知比尔并不后悔。

10 比尔不后悔,所以他相信自己的决定是很好的。

11 由后面的电报的具体内容可知,这里指收到( received)儿子的电报。

12 这里指为等待儿子出生而丢掉的金牌。


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