
I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately_________couldn't spare me even one minute.

A. they   B. one   C. who   D. it


从句子结构上,可排除选项C;从代词的意义上可排除D;根据前半句的意思,句中的a friend 指任意一个朋友,可理解为 a friend of mine,而后半句意指“我”这些朋友们,为复数,故答案选A.


The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had  36 himself. The suicide note read: “It’s hard to  37 when nobody cares if you die.”
Glen, a teacher, realized this was a  38 moment about the importance of making people feel
39 . He asked his class to imagine they were about to  40  and to write a note “telling someone how and why you  41 him or her.”
Sandy, who had a  42  relationship with her mother, decided to write her  43 . Her letter read: “We’ve had some  44 times and I haven’t always been a very good 45 ,but I know I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the  46 person I’ve ever known, And even when I disagree with you, I never  47 you love me and want what’s best for me. Thanks for not  48 up on me”.
When her mom read the note, she cried and hugged Sandy  49 but said little.
The next morning, Sandy found a  50  on her mirror: “Dearest Sandy, I want you to know being your mother is ,by far, the most important thing in my life.  51 I got your note, I thought I had lost your love and  52 . I felt like such a failure. I intended to  53 it all last night. Your note saved my  54 .”
Be careful not to underestimate the  55 of expressed appreciation. It won’t always save a life, but it will always make someone’s life better.


At a meeting, a well-known speaker lifted up a bill of 20 dollars before starting his speech.

Facing 200 people, he asked, “Who wants this 20-dollar bill?” A great many hands were put up. Then he continued to say, “I intended to give it to any one of you, but allow me to do a thing before giving it to you.” Suddenly he crumpled (揉)it into a round mass. Then he asked, “Who wants it? ” Still some hands were lifted up.

He asked again, “Well, how could it be if I do it like this?” he threw the bill onto the ground, stepped on it and twisted it. As he picked it up, the bill had become not only dirty but wrinkled.

“Who still wants it?” Still a few people put up their hands.

“My dear friends, you have had a meaningful class. No matter how I treated this bill, you still want it, because it is worth 20 dollars. On your life road, you may be knocked down(击垮) or even broken into pieces by your determination or unfavorable situations. We may feel ourselves worth nothing, but, my darling, remember that whatever happens in the future, you should never lose your value(价值) in the God’s heart. You’re particular ---- never forget it.”

1.How many times did the speaker ask the people whether they wanted the bill?

A.Once             B.Twice             C.Three times        D.Four times

2.The underlined word “wrinkled” in the third paragraph probably means _______.

A.broken                               B.having small lines or folds in it

C.flat                                  D.having holes on it

3.The speaker did this test in order to _____________.

A.tell the audience that one should never lose one’s own value

B.tell the audience that God values money most

C.test if some of the audience were extremely interested in money

D.play a trick on the audience

4.What would the speaker probably talk about next?

A.How money can make people crazy.

B.How to avoid being knocked down in one’s life.

C.How to keep one’s value of life.

D.How to give a meaningful class


The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had  11 himself. On the suicide note was written: “It’s hard to  12 when nobody cares if you die.”

Glen, a teacher, realized this was a  13 moment about the importance of making people feel

 14 . He asked his class to imagine they were about to  15  and to write a note “telling someone how and why you  16 him or her.”

Sandy, who had a  17  relationship with her mother, decided to write her mother. Her letter  18  “We’ve had some  19  times and I haven’t always been a very good 20 ,but I know I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the  21 person I’ve ever known, And even when I disagree with you, I never  22 you love me and want what’s best for me. Thanks for not  23 up on me”.

When her mom read the note, she cried and hugged Sandy  24 but said little.

The next morning, Sandy found a 25  on her mirror: “Dearest Sandy, I want you to know being your mother is ,by far, the most important thing in my life.  26 I got your note, I thought I had lost your love and  27 . I felt like such a failure. I intended to 28 it all last night. Your note saved my  29 .”

Be careful not to underestimate the  30 of expressed appreciation. It won’t always save a life, but it will always make someone’s life better.



B. defeated

C. abandoned

D. killed



A. live

B. imagine

C. struggle

D. think



A. sad

B. final

C. teachable

D. great



A. ashamed

B. valued

C. excited

D. scared



A. die

B. fail

C. retire

D. survive



B. hate

C. admire

D. appreciate



A. close






A. read

B. wrote

C. spoke

D. told



A. free

B. delightful

C. usual

D. rough



A. daughter

B. student

C. friend

D. trainer



A. best

B. wisest

C. luckiest

D. gentlest


A. trust

B. doubt

C. consider

D. predict



A. taking

B. going

C. giving

D. looking



A. coldly

B. hesitantly

C. shyly

D. tightly



A. note

B. gift

C. notice

D. reminder



A. Since

B. Until

C. Though

D. When



A. confidence

B. courage

C. respect

D. heart



A. end

B. make

C. get

D. fall



A. life

B. time

C. money

D. honor



A. push

B. price

C. meaning

D. power


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