
BostonThieves dressed as police entered a museum early Sunday and stole 11 paintings, including major works by Rembrandt, Dagas, Manet, and Vermerr, FBI (美国联邦调查局) and the museum officials said.

The first judgment placed value of at least $100 million on the works stolen from the Isabella Teward Gardener Museum, said Boston police spokesman Jim Tordan.

The judgment was a loose one because the paintings have not been sold in nearly a century, authorities said.

But art experts said such well-known works could not be sold in nearly a century, authorities said.

It was not discovered until the cleaning people did some cleaning at 3 a.m., said Paul Cavangah, special FBI agent (法律顾问) in Boston.

This is one of those thefts (盗窃) where people actually spent some time researching and took specific things, he said.

He said the investigation (调查) would not be limited to the U.S.

William Robinson, of Harvard University’s Foggel Museum, called the objects stolen major works.

1.The best headline for this newspaper article is     .

A.A Theft Took Place in Boston?           B.Artworks Stolen by Thieves

C.Major Works?                        D.Investigation into the Theft

2.The theft was discovered by     .

A. Boston police?                       B.art experts

C.the cleaning people?                    D.special FBI agent

3.The last time the paintings were sold was about     .

A. nearly a century ago?                 B.at 8 a.m.

C.early Sunday?                        D.over a century

4.Investigation into the theft will take place     .

A. in Boston?                          B.in the United States

C.all over the world?                    D.in the U.S. and over the world

5.The thieves took paintings by     .

A. Jim Jordan?                        B.art experts

C.Paul Cavangah?                      D.Rembrandt, Dagas, Manet, and Vermerr




2、从“It was not discovered until the cleaning people did some cleaning at 3 a.m.,”中可以得出.

3、信息句为The judgment was a loose one because the paintings have not been sold in nearly a century, authorities said





Jean Driscoll can go faster in her wheelchair than the world’s best marathoners can run!

In April, Jean finished the Boston Marathon in 1 hour 34 minutes 22 seconds. That’s about 33 minutes faster than the winning male runner! She competed on the track, too. She was second in the 800 meter wheelchair race at the 1992 Olympics.

Jean doesn’t like to be told she’s brave. “I’m in sports because I’m a competitive person!” Jean was born with spina befida(脊柱裂), a birth illness that damages the spine(脊椎). She began to use a wheelchair to get around in high school. Then she tried wheelchair race and was amazed.” Players crashed into each other and fell out of their chairs,” she says, “It was fun.”

Jean tried other wheelchair sports. At the University of Illinois, her wheelchair basketball team won two national titles.

Now Jean coaches and teaches. She tries to get people to set goals. “When I sign my autograph(亲笔签名), says Jean, “I write, dream big and work hard.”

What made Jean take part in sports?

A. She was brave.          B. She was competitive. 

C. She was strong.          D. She was disabled.

What does the underlined word “coach” mean?

A. to train or give instruction and advice   B. to experiment

C. to get hold of and stop               D. to repeat

What is Jean’s advice on how to succeed?

       A. Work hard.             B. Hope for the best.

       C. Dream a lot.            D. Have great wishes and work hard.

    I was being interviewed by a senior manager for a big company. I told him honestly that the principal reason that I was interviewing with them was my need to keep my family in Boston. My wife had recently died of a heart attack. A job in Boston would help me reduce some pain for my 16-year-old daughter and me. It was important to me to keep her present high school.

      Bruce, the interviewer, was politely kind, but he didn't search any further. He acknowledged(承认) my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another subject. After the next round of interviews, Bruce took me to lunch with another manager. Then he asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he had lost his wife. And, like me, he had also been married 20 years and had 3 children. I realized that he had experienced the same pain as I had and it was almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a loved one. He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, should I need help or just want someone to talk to, I should feel free to give him a call. Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever needed help.

      From that one act of kindness, when he had no idea if we could ever see each other again, he helped our family deal with one of life's greatest losses. He turned the normally cold business interview process into an act of earing and supporting for another person in a time of extreme need.

According to the passage, the interviewer, Bruce, was very       .

    A. generous         B. kind            C. happy         D. mean

The underlined word "principal" in the first paragraph probably means     .

    A. main            B. unimportant     C. necessary     D. possible

We can infer from this passage that       .

    A. the writer didn't get the job in the company

    B. Bruce made the writer pass the interview

    C. another manager also lost his wife

    D. the business interview was cold

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

    A. The writer's daughter was studying in Boston at that time.

    B. Both the writer and the interviewer experienced the same pain.

    C. Bruce was a senior manager of a big firm.

    D. Bruce wanted to make Mends with him because he gave him his business card and home phone number.

In 490 B.C. the Greek messenger,  Pheidippides , ran about 40 kilometers from the town of “Marathon”to  Athens to announce the victory of  Athens over Macedon . Since then ,the 42–kilometer “Marathon”race has become a great test for athletes. However, for many years  , only men were allowed to run  this  race ,  because the distance was said to be unbearable for women. In 1966, an   American  women named Roberta Gibb proved that idea wrong.
Gibb had always enjoyed running .One day in 1964 , she saw the Boston Marathon happening as she was running in the woods. Since running meant a lot to her, she began training harder , hoping to join the marathon some day.
Gibb finally applied to run in the 1966 Boston Marathon, but she was not given entrance because the Boston Marathon Association considered that women were not strong enough to run 42  kilometers . Yet, this was no obstacle to Gibb, for she knew she had the physical and mental strength to complete the race .On the day the 1966 Boston Marathon was held , Gibb hid in the bushes and jumped into the race when it began. She finished the race in 3 hours and 21 minutes, defeating two thirds of the men in the race and proving that women could run the marathon.
Although what Gibb did was only to realize her dream, in doing so she showed the world that women could accomplish greater things than many people believed they could.
【小题1】why were women forbidden to run the 42–km marathon ?

A.Training was only provided for men .
B.Women could not work as messengers.
C.Women were believed too weak to finish it.
D.It was a race held only for professional athletes
【小题2】What  did  Roberta Gibb do to prepare herself for the  Boston Marathon ?
A.She dressed herself as a man.
B.She trained herself harder than before.
C.She found a job in the Boston Marathon Association .
D.She hid in the bushes, waiting for the end of the race.
【小题3】What happened to Gibb in the 1966 Boston Marathon?
A.Her application wasn’t accepted.
B.She was asked to train harder .
C.Her determination amazed people.
D.She was welcome to run the race.
【小题4】According to the text ,what can we learn from  Roberta Gibb’s story?
A.Most women ran slower than men in marathons.
B.Joining marathons is the best way to prove one’s strength.
C.It takes at least two years to train to become a marathon runner.
D.Women may be able to achieve greater things than they’re expected.

When I was quite young, I discovered that somewhere inside the telephone lived an amazing
person - "Information Please" and there was nothing she did not know. 
One day while my mother was out, I hit my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but
there was no one home to give me any sympathy. I walked around the house, finally arriving at the telephone! Quickly, I called “Information Please" and told her what happened.  She told me to open the icebox and hold a little piece of ice to my finger.
After that, I called "Information Please" for everything. When my pet bird died, I told
"Information Please" the sad story. She tried to comfort me, she said quietly, "Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in." Somehow I felt better. Another day I was on the telephone, “How do you spell ‘grateful’? ". All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was 9, we moved to Boston.
A few years later, on my way to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about half an
hour or so between planes. Without thinking, I dialed my hometown operator and said, "Information, please."      
Surprisingly, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well, "Information." I hadn't planned on
this but I heard myself saying, "Could you please tell me how to spell ‘grateful’?"  
There was a long pause. Then came the soft-spoken answer, "I guess your finger must have
healed by now."   I laughed. "So it's really still you," I said, "I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time."  I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and asked if I could call her again. "Please do," she said, "Just ask for Sally."  
Three months later I was back in Seattle. A different voice answered me. I was told that Sally
passed away five weeks before.     
Before I could hang up she told me that Sally left a message for me—“Tell him I still say
there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean.”  I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.
Never underestimate the impression you may make on others. Whose life have you touched
59. What does “Information, Please” refer to in the passage?
A. An amazing girl.
B. A special kind of telephone.
C. A communication system.
D. A service that helps telephone users.
60. What happened to the little boy one day when he was at home alone? 
A. He was amused by the telephone.
B. He hurt his finger with a hammer.
C. He found an amazing telephone.
D. He got a piece of ice from an icebox.
61. What did “Information, Please” give the little boy whenever he was in trouble? 
A. Information and conversation.
B. Good memories and happiness.
C. Sympathy and information.
D. Friendship and cheers.
62. When did the author get in touch with “Information, Please” again after he moved to
A. When he was in trouble on his way to college.
B. When his plane stopped in Seattle for half an hour.
C. When he went back to Seattle to visit his sister.
D. Three months later after he moved to Boston.

When an NBA player is young he thinks he can win the championship by himself. It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no “I ” in “team”.
There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were all superstars on three different teams. Yet, none of them had any titles to show for it. Then, last season, they decided to sacrifice money and individual statistics to play together. Garnett and Allen joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed the NBA in the process.
It started in simple ways. Garnett and Allen are two of the most intense athletes in the world. They treat every second of every practice like it is the NBA championship. If you want to play alongside them then you will have to do the same. So, the young guys on the Celtics started giving their full effort too.  
Pierce had been the star of the Celtics for many years. He used to shoot the ball many times a game. But with the addition of Allen and Garnett he shot less and focused on defense. His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.  
When the Celtics were winning and the game was almost over, Garnett, Pierce and Allen would come out of the game. But they wouldn’t just sit on the bench. Instead, they stood and cheered and screamed for their teammates. They wanted to support their friends and teammates.
Now, the guys who don't play know they can still affect the game by cheering so they scream and cheer when Garnett, Allen and Pierce are playing. The Celtics have developed a strong relationship. They are more than just teammates. They are brothers. 
The result: the Boston Celtics won the championship and are considered the favorites to win the Eastern Conference championship again this year.  
There is a saying that goes, "A successful team beats with one heart." If that is the case, the Celtics may have the biggest heart in the NBA. 
【小题1】What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The stories of three famous basketball superstars.
B.A famous basketball team named the Boston Celtics.
C.The importance of teamwork among teammates.
D.Matches between the Boston Celtics and other teams.
【小题2】What does this sentence “there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’.” mean in Paragraph 1?
A."I" will be missing once "I" am on the court.
B.The cooperation of the teammates is more important than the individual.
C."I" work so hard in a team that "I" will forget who "I" am
D.Surrounded by other players, "I" don’t seem to exist.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true about Pierce’s recent performance?
A.He became an even better shooter with others’ help.
B.He focused much more attention on defense.
C.He created more chances for teammates.
D.He stood and cheered for his teammates
【小题4】Which of the following didn’t contribute to the success of the Boston Celtics?
A.The whole team has become devoted to each and every stage of the game.
B.The cooperation and teamwork among the teammates in the match.
C.The influence of Garnett, Allen, Pierce and other teammates’ cheering.
D.The increasing frequency of team players on the bench

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