

Dear Expert:

I was asked to retrieve my 14-year-old daughter from a five-day camping trip.She was suffering from such severe separation anxiety,her teacher thought she should go home.She hadn’t eaten anything and had refused to participate in any activities.The thing is my daughter is extremely bright and has many friends;she organized a few friends into a band,and it belongs to several school clubs.She’s just always had an extreme fear of being away from home.I don’t want her to miss out on other trips.

Yours truly,



Dear Jonathan:

Sometimes kids can push through homesickness,but in other instances they become hurt mentally and develop greater anxiety around outings,which can worsen and prolong(延长) the problem.Separation anxiety can be the result of many complex interactions some genetic(遗传的) and some learned. People with high anxiety tend to be fearful and worried, ever when the sense of threat is minimum(最低程度).Lots of talented,creative and successful people are exceedingly anxious.

I believe your daughter is bright,active and popular,but simply can’t do well outside her home base.My suggestion is to take things in small steps,so your daughter can experience success,and always have a fallback(退却) plan if she needs it.For instance,she can plan an overnight with a friend,but assure her it’s no big deal to pick her up at midnight if she changes her mind. What’s important is to recognize the fear,and make plans to deal with whatever may cause distress.In other words,don’t try to talk your daughter out of her fears,equip her to master them.This way she’ll eventually gain the confidence to go on further trips.



1.What does the underlined word“retrieve”mean?

A.Go with someone.

B.Take someone back.

C.Separate from someone.

D.Miss someone.

2.Which of the following statements is TURE?

A.Separation anxiety is the result of different reasons.

B.Separation anxiety is genetic.

C.Only creative people suffer from separation anxiety.

D.Separation anxiety is of the same level.

3.When can’t the 14-year-old daughter function well?

A.When organizing a band at school.

B.When she is not far away from her home.

C.When she is in a club.

D.When she is camping far away from home.









Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to ___1___ their fruit and vegetables into the city. They ___2___ one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their ___3___. This outdoor market was a great place to ___4___. Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in ___5___ after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the ___6___ produce.

The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child, ___7___ was like a festival — full of colors and ___8___. There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did their own ___9___. They all shouted loudly for ___10___ to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to ___11___ your children healthy and strong!”

Everyone used to ___12___ with the farmers over the ___13___ of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “___14___” in this drama. My mother was an ___15___ at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.

“What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “ So ___16___?”

The seller looked terribly ___17___. “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor, ___18___ farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”

They always argued for several minutes before agreeing ___19___ a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were ___20___. The drama was over.

1. A. carry      B. take       C. bring D. fetch

2. A. opened        B. closed        C. started   D. stopped

3. A. produce      B. goods    C. food     D. product

4. A. buy B. sell     C. bargain       D. shop

5. A. hurriedly       B. immediately      C. directly      D. straightly

6. A. best   B. finest    C. freshest      D. cheapest

7. A. who     B. that         C. which   D. what

8. A. voices    B. noises         C. sounds         D. accent

9. A. shopping       B. business   C. shouting  D. advertising

10. A. customers    B. producers      C. themselves  D. sellers

11. A. keep            B. let       C. expect D. make

12. A. argue    B. talk         C. discuss         D. speak

13. A. order    B. price         C. quality         D. form

14. A. viewers B. listeners   C. actors  D. directors

15. A. actress       B. inventor   C. advancer  D. expert

16. A. wonderful    B. exciting      C. cheap        D. expensive

17. A. injured      B. hurt    C. damaged  D. wounded

18. A. excellent      B. fair    C. honest   D. easy

19. A. with     B. to       C. in           D. on

20. A. disappointed     B. encouraged C. satisfied    D. tired 


Dear Expert:

I was asked to retrieve my 14-year-old daughter from a five-day camping trip.She was suffering from such severe separation anxiety,her teacher thought she should go home.She hadn’t eaten anything and had refused to participate in any activities.The thing is my daughter is extremely bright and has many friends;she organized a few friends into a band,and it belongs to several school clubs.She’s just always had an extreme fear of being away from home.I don’t want her to miss out on other trips.

                                  Yours truly,


Dear Jonathan:

Sometimes kids can push through homesickness,but in other instances they become hurt mentally and develop greater anxiety around outings,which can worsen and prolong(延长) the problem.Separation anxiety can be the result of many complex interactions some genetic(遗传的) and some learned. People with high anxiety tend to be fearful and worried, ever when the sense of threat is minimum( 最低程度).Lots of talented,creative and successful people are exceedingly anxious.

I believe your daughter is bright,active and popular,but simply can’t do well outside her home base.My suggestion is to take things in small steps,so your daughter can experience success,and always have a fallback(退却) plan if she needs it.For instance,she can plan an overnight with a friend,but assure her it’s no big deal to pick her up at midnight if she changes her mind. What’s important is to recognize the fear,and make plans to deal with whatever may cause distress.In other words,don’t try to talk your daughter out of her fears,equip her to master them.This way she’ll eventually gain the confidence to go on further trips.


What does the underlined word“retrieve”mean?

  A.Go with someone.              B.Take someone back.

  C.Separate from someone.         D.Miss someone.

Which of the following statements is TURE?

  A. Separation anxiety is the result of different reasons.

  B. Separation anxiety is genetic.

  C.Only creative people suffer from separation anxiety.

  D.Separation anxiety is of the same level.

When can’t the 14-year-old daughter function well?

  A.When organizing a band at school.

  B. When she is not far away from her home.

  C.When she is in a club.

  D. When she is camping far away from home.


第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



  Ask Dr ? Jeffers

This month Dr. Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.

Dear Dr. Jeffers,

One of my colleagues, Felix Moeller, told me that scientists are learning to use computer to ‘read minds’. Is there any truth to this story/

—Jane Leon, New York, USA

Dear Ms. Leon,

Well, a lot of research is being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and corresponding computer programs haven’t been able to actually read thoughts. In one experiment, test subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen. They were then asked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers. Using this method, researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time. It’s not quite mind reading, but it’s certainly a first step.

—Dr. J.

Dear Dr. Jeffers,

My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs uncontrollably. The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn’t do it. Why not?

—Glenn Lewis, Vancouver, Canada

Dear Mr. Lewis,

It’s because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. For example, you don’t notice how your shoulder feels while you’re walking down the street. But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder, you may jump in fear. It’s that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.

—Dr. J.

1.What can we learn from the answer to the first question?                          

A. Some equipment is able to read human minds.

B. Some progress has been made in mind reading.

C. Test subjects have been used tomake decisions.

D. Computer programs can copy brain processes.

2.People laugh when tickled by others bedause the feeling is _______.                 

A. unexpected        B.expected        C. comfortable        D. uncomfortable

3.Who has got a little child according to the text?                                  

A. Ms. Leon          B. Mr. Lewis        C. Mr. Moeller        D. Dr. Jeffers

4.According to the text, Jeffers is probably _______.                                

A. a computer programmer                B. a test subject

C. a human brain expert                   D. a medical doctor


Dear Expert:
     I was asked to retrieve my 14-year-old daughter from a five-day camping trip. She was suffering
from such severe separation anxiety, her teacher thought she should go home. She hadn't eaten
anything and had refused to participate in any activities. The thing is my daughter is extremely bright
and has many friends; she organized a few friends into a band, and it belongs to several school clubs.
She's just always had an extreme fear of being away from home. I don't want her to miss out on
other trips.
                                                                                                                              Yours truly,

Dear Jonathan:
     Sometimes kids can push through homesickness, but in other instances they become hurt
mentally and develop greater anxiety around outings, which can worsen and prolong (延长) the
problem. Separation anxiety can be the result of many complex interactions some genetic (遗传的)
and some learned. People with high anxiety tend to be fearful and worried, ever when the sense of
threat is minimum (最低程度). Lots of talented, creative and successful people are exceedingly
     I believe your daughter is bright, active and popular, but simply can't do well outside her home
base. My suggestion is to take things in small steps, so your daughter can experience success, and
always have a fallback (退却) plan if she needs it. For instance, she can plan an overnight with a
friend, but assure her it's no big deal to pick her up at midnight if she changes her mind. What's
important is to recognize the fear, and make plans to deal with whatever may cause distress. In other
words, don't try to talk your daughter out of her fears, equip her to master them. This way she'll
eventually gain the confidence to go on further trips.
1. What does the underlined word "retrieve" mean?
[     ]
A. Go with someone.
B. Take someone back.
C. Separate from someone.
D. Miss someone.
2. Which of the following statements is TURE?
[     ]
A. Separation anxiety is the result of different reasons.
B. Separation anxiety is genetic.
C. Only creative people suffer from separation anxiety.
D. Separation anxiety is of the same level.
3. When can't the 14-year-old daughter function well?
[     ]
A. When organizing a band at school.
B. When she is not far away from her home.
C. When she is in a club.
D. When she is camping far away from home.

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