
In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV one very unique couple won one of the top prizes.The ladyin her thirtieswas a dancer who had ____ since she was a little girl.Later in lifeshe lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell into a state of ____ for a few years.

Someone then asked her to coach a children’s dancing group.From that point onshe realized that she could not ____ dancing.Soshe started to do some of her old routinesbuthaving lost her armshe had also lost her ___.It took a while before she could even make simple turns and spins without ____.

Then a few months later she ____ a man in his twenties who had lost a leg in an accident.She was determined to find him and ____ him to dance with her.He had never danced.And to dance with one leg...He said“Are you ____ with meNo way

Butshe didn’t ____and he agreed to think about it.“I have nothing else to do anyway” he thought.Then she started to ____ him dancing.The two ____ a few times because he had no concept of using musclehow to ___ his bodyand knew none of the ____ things about dancing.When she became ____ and lost patience with himhe would walk out.____they came back together and started training ____.

They hired a choreographer(舞蹈指导) to ___ routines for them.She would fly high (held by him) with both arms (a sleeve for an arm) flying in the air.He could bend ____ by one leg with her leaning(倚靠) on himetc.

When I watched this I didn’t ____ realize that she was missing an arm ___ I was focusing on the guy with only one leg.Really quite amazing!

1.A.operated Bplayed

Ctrained? Dcompeted

2.A.relief? Bdepression

Cconfusion? Drecovery

3.A.learn? Bunderstand

Cforget? Dface

4.A.chance? Bbalance

Cadvantage Dpromise

5.A.following? Bchecking

Cnoticing? Dfalling

6.A.heard of? Bsearched for

Ccame across? Dwaited for

7.A.require Ballow

Clead? Dpersuade

8.A.arguing? Bjoking

Cdiscussing? Dagreeing

9.A.carry on? Bgive up

Csettle down? Dset off

10.A.teach? Bshow

Cleave? Dwatch

11.A.broke up Bgave in

Cput off? Dreturned back

12.A.change? Bpresent

Cimprove? Dcontrol

13.A.important? Binteresting

Cbasic Dspecial

14.A.excited? Bannoyed

Cmoved? Dshocked

15.A.Unfortunately? BEventually

CGenerally DJokingly

16.A.seriously? Bdifferently

Cpublicly? Dgradually

17.A.discover? Barrange

Cperform? Ddesign

18.A.raised? Bkept

Csupported? Dcarried

19.A.still? Bhardly

Cnearly? Deven

20.A.because Bif

Cbefore? Dthough

























解析 由句意可知,这位女舞蹈演员在很小的时候就接受舞蹈训练。故选C项。

2.2】 B

解析 由句意可知,因为在一次事故中失去了整个左臂,她在之后的几年当中陷入一种消沉沮丧的状态,depression沮丧,消沉,符合句意。

3.3】 C

解析 根据下文“...she started to do some of her old routines...”可知,她不能离开和忘记舞蹈。

4.4】 B

解析 根据下文“...could even make simple turns and spins without ____.”可知在舞蹈中做出旋转动作需要身体保持平衡因为她失去了一只胳膊而无法保持平衡。

5.5】 D

解析 因为失去胳膊,即使是简单的旋转,她也要练习一段时间才不致于失去平衡摔倒在地。

6.6】 A

解析 根据下文她决定去找这个男人可知,她应该是先听说了这个失去一条腿的男人。hear of听说,符合语境。

7.7】 D

解析 根据下文这个男人不愿意跳舞可知,她要说服他和她一起跳舞。

8.8】 B

解析 根据上文“He had never danced.And to dance with one leg...”可知,男士认为她在和自己开玩笑。

9.9】 B

解析 前面提到男士不同意跟她一起跳舞,之后又同意考虑,因此可知她一直没有放弃说服男士。

10.0】 A

解析 根据上文可知,这个男人完全不会跳舞,所以她要教他跳舞。

11.1】 A

解析 下面的内容提示因为男士没有舞蹈基础,所以他们在合作的时候会出现各种问题。根据下文中“...lost patience with himhe would walk out.”可推测,这一对组合分开过几次,所以选broke up解散,分开。

12.2】 D

解析 男士之前没有受过舞蹈培训,因此不知道如何在跳舞时控制自己的身体。

13.3】 C

解析 男士从没学过跳舞,自然不知道有关舞蹈的最基本的知识。

14.4】 B

解析 根据下文“...lost patience with him...”可知,她对男士的情况感到生气、恼火,所以选annoyed

15.5】 B

解析 eventually在此强调尽管遇到了一些困难,他们最终还是走到一起开始训练。

16.6】 A

解析 他们能在大赛中获奖,在训练中肯定是非常认真的。

17.7】 D

解析 舞蹈指导的作用就是帮助舞蹈演员设计舞蹈动作。discover发现;arrange安排;perform表演,均与句意不符。

18.8】 C

解析 由句意可知,他能够在一条腿的支撑下做出俯身的动作。

19.9】 D

解析 因为把注意力集中在只有一条腿的男舞蹈演员身上,作者甚至都没有意识到女演员失去了一只胳膊。

20.20】 A

解析 前后是因果关系,故用because



  In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history,the earth's postwar era,there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today,less than forty years later,as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives,we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem.People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority.Indeed,they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed,or that a computer may simply malfunction(失误).

  Obviously,there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers,but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the ma-chine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong.

  Questioning and routine double-checks must continue to be as much a part of good

business as they were in pre-computer days.Maybe each computer may provide,it should

not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.

1.What is the main purpose of this passage?

[  ]

A.To look back to the early days of this passage.

B.To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.

C.To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.

D.To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers.

2.According to the passages,the initial concern about computer was that they might

[  ]

A.change our personal lives

B.take control the world

C.create unforeseen problem

D.affect our businesses

3.The passage recommends those dealing with computers to________.

[  ]

A.he reasonably doubtful about them

B.check all their answers

C.substitute them for basic thinking

D.use them for business purposes only

4.The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is________.

[  ]


NEW YORK, May 19—A new, more destructive version of the “Love Bug ” virus is slowly spreading across the world, but so far the damage is small compared with its former version.
The new Love Bug virus creates disorder.
Richard Saunders of anti-viral firm Symantec said the virus only affected a dozen companies around the world.
“While it is a nasty virus, it’s not spreading anywhere near the rate Love But or (last year’s ) Melissa was spreading,” Saunders said.
“New Love” is similar in form to the Love Bug, which swept the world two weeks ago and caused more than $ 10 million in damages. But it’s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with “FW”
If a user clicks on the attachment’s scroll-like icon(卷轴样的图标), every file on his hard drive is destroyed.
“Basically, it’s going to destroy your machine, ” said Eric Chine, chief researcher at Symantec’s anti-virus lad in the Netherlands.
The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphic files. This virus even wipes out the Windows operating system.
Attorney General Janet Reno warned the public at a news conference today to be careful of any suspicious e-mail with attachments. “Do not open it, even it comes from a trusted source.” she said.
Don’t Open That Attachments.
Like the Love Bug, after the e-mail attachment is opened and the virus is carried out, New Love sends itself to everyone in a victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book. Fortunately for users, the lesson is the same as from the Love Bug: If you see a message with an attachment whose name ends in vbs, with a scroll-like icon, don’t click on the attachment. Also like the Love Bug, this virus only affects computers running Windows 98, NT 4.0 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.0 and can only spread if users rely on a Microsoft Outlook address book for e-mail. Microsoft will soon give a fix for Outlook that warns people or suspicious attachments, the company said.
68. According to the passage, so far the new Love Bug virus _________.
A. has made the whole world disordered     
B. causes more damages than other forms of virus
C. is the newest and spreading the fastest 
D. has affected 12 companies around the world
69. Computer users are warned in this article _________.
A. not to suspect e-mails beginning with “FW” subjects
B. not to open attachment of doubtful e-mails
C. to stop using Microsoft Outlook address book
D. to examine the Windows Operating System carefully
70. It can be suggested from the passage that _________.
A. the mail sent by a friend is surely free of the virus 
B. the Microsoft Company will take action against the virus
C. all computers running Windows 98 will be affected
D. the users can not find the way to deal with the Love Bug.
71. The author writes this passage in order to _________.
A. compare some types of virus                        
B. explain how the Love Bug is formed
C. tell the readers something about a new virus   
D. remind computer companies to kill the virus


NEW YORK, May 19—A new, more destructive version of the “Love Bug ” virus is slowly spreading across the world, but so far the damage is small compared with its former version.

The new Love Bug virus creates disorder.

Richard Saunders of anti-viral firm Symantec said the virus only affected a dozen companies around the world.

“While it is a nasty virus, it’s not spreading anywhere near the rate Love But or (last year’s ) Melissa was spreading,” Saunders said.

“New Love” is similar in form to the Love Bug, which swept the world two weeks ago and caused more than $ 10 million in damages. But it’s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with “FW”

If a user clicks on the attachment’s scroll-like icon(卷轴样的图标), every file on his hard drive is destroyed.

“Basically, it’s going to destroy your machine, ” said Eric Chine, chief researcher at Symantec’s anti-virus lad in the Netherlands.

The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphic files. This virus even wipes out the Windows operating system.

Attorney General Janet Reno warned the public at a news conference today to be careful of any suspicious e-mail with attachments. “Do not open it, even it comes from a trusted source.” she said.

Don’t Open That Attachments.

Like the Love Bug, after the e-mail attachment is opened and the virus is carried out, New Love sends itself to everyone in a victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book. Fortunately for users, the lesson is the same as from the Love Bug: If you see a message with an attachment whose name ends in vbs, with a scroll-like icon, don’t click on the attachment. Also like the Love Bug, this virus only affects computers running Windows 98, NT 4.0 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.0 and can only spread if users rely on a Microsoft Outlook address book for e-mail. Microsoft will soon give a fix for Outlook that warns people or suspicious attachments, the company said.

 68. According to the passage, so far the new Love Bug virus _________.

A. has made the whole world disordered       

B. causes more damages than other forms of virus

C. is the newest and spreading the fastest 

D. has affected 12 companies around the world

69. Computer users are warned in this article _________.

A. not to suspect e-mails beginning with “FW” subjects

B. not to open attachment of doubtful e-mails

C. to stop using Microsoft Outlook address book  

D. to examine the Windows Operating System carefully

70. It can be suggested from the passage that _________.

A. the mail sent by a friend is surely free of the virus    

B. the Microsoft Company will take action against the virus

C. all computers running Windows 98 will be affected

D. the users can not find the way to deal with the Love Bug.

71. The author writes this passage in order to _________.

A. compare some types of virus                                 

B. explain how the Love Bug is formed

C. tell the readers something about a new virus   

D. remind computer companies to kill the virus


NEW YORK, May 19—A new, more destructive version of the “Love Bug ” virus is slowly spreading across the world, but so far the damage is small compared with its former version.

The new Love Bug virus creates disorder.

Richard Saunders of anti-viral firm Symantec said the virus only affected a dozen companies around the world.

“While it is a nasty virus, it’s not spreading anywhere near the rate Love But or (last year’s ) Melissa was spreading,” Saunders said.

“New Love” is similar in form to the Love Bug, which swept the world two weeks ago and caused more than $ 10 million in damages. But it’s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with “FW”

If a user clicks on the attachment’s scroll-like icon(卷轴样的图标), every file on his hard drive is destroyed.

“Basically, it’s going to destroy your machine, ” said Eric Chine, chief researcher at Symantec’s anti-virus lad in the Netherlands.

The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphic files. This virus even wipes out the Windows operating system.

Attorney General Janet Reno warned the public at a news conference today to be careful of any suspicious e-mail with attachments. “Do not open it, even it comes from a trusted source.” she said.

Don’t Open That Attachments.

Like the Love Bug, after the e-mail attachment is opened and the virus is carried out, New Love sends itself to everyone in a victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book. Fortunately for users, the lesson is the same as from the Love Bug: If you see a message with an attachment whose name ends in vbs, with a scroll-like icon, don’t click on the attachment. Also like the Love Bug, this virus only affects computers running Windows 98, NT 4.0 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.0 and can only spread if users rely on a Microsoft Outlook address book for e-mail. Microsoft will soon give a fix for Outlook that warns people or suspicious attachments, the company said.

 68. According to the passage, so far the new Love Bug virus _________.

A. has made the whole world disordered     

B. causes more damages than other forms of virus

C. is the newest and spreading the fastest 

D. has affected 12 companies around the world

69. Computer users are warned in this article _________.

A. not to suspect e-mails beginning with “FW” subjects

B. not to open attachment of doubtful e-mails

C. to stop using Microsoft Outlook address book

D. to examine the Windows Operating System carefully

70. It can be suggested from the passage that _________.

A. the mail sent by a friend is surely free of the virus 

B. the Microsoft Company will take action against the virus

C. all computers running Windows 98 will be affected

D. the users can not find the way to deal with the Love Bug.

71. The author writes this passage in order to _________.

A. compare some types of virus                        

B. explain how the Love Bug is formed

C. tell the readers something about a new virus   

D. remind computer companies to kill the virus

NEW YORK, May 19—A new, more destructive version of the “Love Bug ” virus is slowly spreading across the world, but so far the damage is small compared with its former version.

The new Love Bug virus creates disorder.

Richard Saunders of anti-viral firm Symantec said the virus only affected a dozen companies around the world.

“While it is a nasty virus, it’s not spreading anywhere near the rate Love Bug or (last year’s ) Melissa was spreading,” Saunders said.

“New Love” is similar in form to the Love Bug, which swept the world two weeks ago and caused more than $ 10 million in damages. But it’s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with “FW”

If a user clicks on the attachment’s scroll-like icon(卷轴样的图标), every file on his hard drive is destroyed.

   “Basically, it’s going to destroy your machine, ” said Eric Chine, chief researcher at Symantec’s anti-virus lad in the Netherlands.

The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphic files. This virus even wipes out the Windows operating system.

Attorney General Janet Reno warned the public at a news conference today to be careful of any suspicious e-mail with attachments. “Do not open it, even it comes from a trusted source.” she said.

Don’t Open That Attachments.

Like the Love Bug, after the e-mail attachment is opened and the virus is carried out, New Love sends itself to everyone in a victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book. Fortunately for users, the lesson is the same as from the Love Bug: If you see a message with an attachment whose name ends in vbs, with a scroll-like icon, don’t click on the attachment. Also like the Love Bug, this virus only affects computers running Windows 98, NT 4.0 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.0 and can only spread if users rely on a Microsoft Outlook address book for e-mail.

       Microsoft will soon give a fix for Outlook that warns people or suspicious attachments, the company said.

 53. According to the passage, so far the new Love Bug virus _________.

 A. has made the whole world disordered   

 B. causes more damages than other forms of virus

 C. is the newest and spreading the fastest

 D. has affected 12 companies around the world

54. Computer users are warned in this article _________.

 A. not to open e-mails beginning with “FW” subjects

 B. not to open attachment of doubtful e-mails

 C. to stop using Microsoft Outlook address book      

 D. to examine the Windows Operating System carefully

55. It can be suggested from the passage that _________.

 A. the mail sent by a friend is surely free of the virus      

 B. the Microsoft Company will take action against the virus

 C. all computers running Windows 98 will be affected

 D. the users can not find the way to deal with the Love Bug.

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