Ìáʾ´Ê£ºmigrant workerÍâÀ´Îñ¹¤ÈËÔ± security guard±£°²

The Spring Festival is drawing near£®However£¬in our community£¬many migrant workers remain at their posts£¬far away from their families and hometowns£®¡
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I decided to do something unusual when students were enjoying the start of the winter vacation£®
Sitting around the table£¬we made dumplings with them£¬talking about families and hometown respectively£®
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½â´ð I decided to do something unusual when students were enjoying the start of the winter vacation£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Early in the morning£¬I called several friends in our community together and had a heated discussion about what to do for the remaining migrant workers£®£¨Ìá³öÏë·¨£©After reaching an agreement£¬we took immediate action£®At our invitation to my home£¬the cleaners and security guards in our community were greatly surprised£®At this time of the traditional festival£¬making dumplings was our first choice£®Sitting around the table£¬we made dumplings with them£¬talking about families and hometown respectively£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©During the dinner£¬my friend and I expressed our wholehearted thanks and best wishes to these lovely people£®After dinner£¬we all gave good performances£¬singing and dancing joyfully£®
Despite being away from home£¬migrant workers offer us good service£¬contributing greatly to the building of the city£®Here£¬I'd like to say something to them--Happy Spring Festival£¬our family members!£¨ÃÀºÃ×£Ô¸£©
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1£®Getting started
Begin by talking about the surroundings£¬such as the weather outside or the room you are in£®£¨37£©F£®
2£®Looking for topics
At this point£¬you and your conversation partner need to find common ground£®This is a good time to ask questions or to refer back to things you've said or heard earlier£®£¨38£©AThe other person is probably just thinking of something to say£®
3£®Expanding the topic
The goal is to keep the conversation going£®At every stage£¬you should be careful not to talk too much£®But don't let the other person dominate £¨Ö§Å䣩 the conversation either£®£¨39£©G
4£®Ending politely
When ending a conversation£¬let the person know you'll be leaving soon£¬express appreciation for the conversation and set the stage for a future conversation£®For example£¬you could say£¬"I really must be going soon£¬but I had a great time chatting with you£®£¨40£©E Here's my phone number£®Call or text me if you know of any other movies you think I might enjoy£®"
A£®Don't worry if it gets quiet£® B£®How did your friendships begin£¿ C£®Small talk is where all your relationships begin£® D£®It's important to mention something about yourself£® E£®I really liked hearing your opinion about that new movie£® F£®The purpose is to show the other person that you are willing to make a conversation£® G£®If that starts to happen£¬mention something about yourself when he or she takes a breath£® |
A£®Lend a hand£® B£®Keep your eyes open£® C£®Be seen£¬but not be heard£® D£®Make friends with your neighbors£® E£®Volunteer in your community£® F£®Keep your home safe and attractive£® |
No one likes a noisy neighbor£®Do you hold parties that last all night£¿Do you leave your dog outside to bark all day£¿Remember that not everyone has the same schedule as you do£¬so use some common sense£®Keep noise to the lowest level£®If you're holding a party that's likely to be loud£¬invite everyone within earshot£®
It's much easier to solve any problem with neighbors if you have a friendly relationship with those around you£®Furthermore£¬you may realize that you have things in common and make a lifelong friend£®
Once you know your neighbors£¬then you'll also know if something seems out of place in the neighborhood£®Are strange people carrying expensive things out of one neighbor's house£¿Have several days passed since your elderly neighbor last collected his newspaper£¿The benefit of keeping an eye out for unusual behavior in the neighborhood is that others will do the same for you£®
It never hurts to follow the Golden Rule£ºDo to others what you would like them to do to you£®Treat your neighbors with respect£®Offer to drive an elderly neighbor to the grocery store£®Volunteer to collect mail while a neighbor is on vacation£®The more often you lend a helping hand£¬the more likely that your neighbors will do the same for you when you need a little help£®
Don't just limit your neighborly actions to your block or street£®Remember that everyone who lives in a community has the ability to help make it a better place£®Think about your passion and find a way to do it on a volunteer basis in your town£®Volunteer at the local library£®Enjoy working with kids£®Consider becoming a scout leader£®Whatever your passion is£¬there's sure to be a thing suitable for you to help in the local community£®