
As my father had been offered a job in London, our family moved there. 1.(lose) all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school. Luckily for me, I met Roy 2. was a popular boy, helping me to get to know people. Roy and I became good friends and we 3. (trust) each other. However, five years later, Roy’s father was knocked 4. by a car and it was his father’s death that changed him 5. (complete). He became silent and moody, losing interest in his work. Worse still, 3 months ago, I found Roy 6. (go) through the pockets of people’s coats. And then, small 7. (amount) of money started to disappear from students’ lockers. Last week, the 500 pounds 8. (raise) for a charity was stolen. I wondered 9. the thief was Roy so I decided to ask him about the theft. To my surprise, I found a lot of paper notes in Roy’s jacket. Should I keep 10.a secret or tell the truth?


Dearest darling girl,

Today is the beginning of the next stage in your life. We head off to your new home at Stanford. Where do I start in telling you how proud I feel to be called Mummy by you? We've laughed at how you burst into this world with a scowl on your face, how determined you have always been right from feeding yourself to making big decisions for your life. There were days during your illness that I wasn't sure you had the will to make it. Telling you that you needed to want to get better was the hardest and yet the greatest day. From that day you took responsibility and decided you wanted to beat anorexia(厌食症).

I don't think I've ever felt so proud of you as when you came home to say that you wanted to go to West Africa between school and university. You chose to go alone, and to raise the money yourself. You have such strength of character and determination. It is at times hard to believe that you are only 18. You experienced something in that month that few dare experience in a lifetime.

So, Viv, here are my words of wisdom to you as you start your next big adventure. The world is a beautiful place but often a few things can make it seem difficult. God's temple is made of love. It's man's temple that is built of stones. Open your heart to goodness and never ever let negative people or thoughts take hold of you. As Minor Myers put it, "Go into the world and do we’ll. But more importantly, go into the world and do good:'

It is true that with every passing day, I will grow older and weaker. A day may come when I will become forgetful. But even then, you with your bright smile, will light up my heart.

Your Alo

1.What can be learned from the first paragraph?

A. She was once a trouble maker. B. She's a freshman in Stanford.

C. She relies on her parents a lot. D. She was defeated by anorexia.

2.Why did Viv go to West Africa?

A. To do what others dare not. B. To show her determination.

C. To get money for school fees. D. To go on an adventure by herself.

3.What is Alo's advice for Viv?

A. To be a positive and kind person. B. To avoid the negative part of life.

C. To be cautious of cold-hearted people. D. To explore the beauty of the world.

4.How did the author feel when writing the letter?

A. Amused and thankful. B. Pleased and satisfied.

C. Cheerful and relieved. D. Concerned and anxious.

I had been following the yellowish-green markers for a “popular and easy” three-mile out-and-back hike. Immediately after the trailhead(山道的起点), the trail became very rocky and steep. But having read information about the hike, I knew within five minutes, I was supposed to reach the hike’s first overlook.

However, the overlook never arrived. Instead, I found myself lost in the woods. Pulling out my cellphone, I saw it read “no service”. I checked the last text message I’d sent to my mom. It read, “Conference ended…going for a small hike before my flight home this afternoon.” I put my phone away and kept moving and yelling, “Help! Is anybody out there?” Every so often, I’d stop to listen, but I never heard a reply.

I got out my phone again. The battery was running out fast as it searched for a signal. I struggled to find a place where I could get service. When I did, I called my mom. It went through! In a shaky voice, I said, “Mom?” And then the call dropped. More than 1,500 miles away, my mom instantly knew something was wrong. She called the Denver Police Department and was directed to the US Forest Service.

This was how I was introduced to John, an operator from the US Forest Service. Following John’s instruction on the phone, I finally escaped from the woods. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then my phone rang, and it was John, making sure I was still going in the right direction. “By the way,” he said, “we’ve had your mother on hold this whole time. We know once you get down the mountain, you will absolutely want to give her a call.”

1.What did the author do while finding the trail rocky and steep?

A. He yelled for help. B. He continued walking.

C. He returned to the start. D. He found the first overlook.

2.When did the author tell his mom about the hiking?

A. After he got lost. B. After John’s call.

C. After a conference. D. After the call dropped.

3.How did the author’s mom know he was in danger?

A. The author called and told her about it.

B. The author’s flight didn’t arrive on time.

C. She learned it from the US Forest Service.

D. She sensed something unusual on the phone.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The author’s mom was on line waiting.

B. John came to the woods for the author.

C. John lost touch with the author’s mom.

D. The author went in the wrong direction.

Ashley C.Ford, a New York City writer, recently appealed to her 66 000 Twitter followers. “A cool thing you can do today is to try to find out which of your local schools have kids with overdue(过期未付的)lunch accounts and pay them off.”

Children from the poorest families get free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch. But some struggle to pay even reduced prices. Some of the IOUs(借据)come from kids who simply forget their lunch money or parents who can afford to pay but neglect to keep prepaid accounts up to date.

People around the country have been inspired by Ashley C. Ford to donate money to pay off debts owed by parents that can follow kids throughout their school careers.

It really hit home for me,” said Kristina Arwood, who launched a campaign that raised $20,000 to pay lunch debts in her region. “I grew up on free and reduced-price lunches, but even that 40 cents was hard to get together with four kids. There were times I wouldn't eat because I didn't have money.”

The effort drew some criticism from people who said some of the money is owed by parents who can afford the $2.50 for lunch but let their accounts run into the red. But the response has been mostly positive.

“It's unrealistic to think donations are going to fix this problem for all school districts,” said Diane Pratt-Heavner, spokeswoman for the association.

Ford said her real aim was to inspire a bigger wave of community giving. She said, “It was just one idea; another school might need help with uniforms or tutoring. The point was to do something that helps people in your community.”

1.Kids with overdue lunch accounts may be those ________.

A. who refuse to bring their lunch money to school

B. whose parents are unwilling to pay the accounts in advance

C. whose family fail to pay for their meals even at reduced prices

D. who would have the debts follow them throughout their school years

2.Which of the following statements about the campaign launched by Ashley C.Ford is RIGHT?

A. It could solve the problem of school children failing to pay their meals.

B. It received wide support and criticism from some people as well.

C. It raised enough money to cover the IOUs in all school districts.

D. It also focused on helping kids with their school uniforms.

3.What did Kristina mean by saying "It really hit home for me" in Paragraph 4?

A. She was rather surprised at what the kids experienced.

B. She felt as if she were stricken by the kids' sufferings.

C. She felt touched because of her similar experiences in childhood.

D. Her family were suffering because of her donation to the campaign.

4.What is Ashley C. Ford's real aim to appeal to her Twitter followers to donate to the kids?

A. To ensure that the government get universal free meals for all students.

B. To arouse people's concern about those who need uniforms or tutoring.

C. To raise enough money to pay the lunch debts in all the schools.

D. To encourage more people to take action to help those in need.

The UNESCO has recognized the Chinese art of paper cutting on its Intangible Cultural Heritage List. But paper cutting is at the risk of disappearing.

Voyo Woo, a Chinese immigrant, who loves paper cutting, worked hard to celebrate the ancient art form. With a keen interest in paper cutting, Ms Woo held a paper cutting exhibition at a shopping center near Washington. “I really love it. I get so much fun by doing it. So I’m just kind of hoping that more people will learn about this art which is about to disappear. I think it’s time to take action. So I held it.”

Voyo Woo began to study paper cutting when she was a 14-year-old girl in southeastern China. Voyo Woo’s teacher gave her extra training after class because Voyo Woo discovered a special love for it. Later, her beautiful paper cuttings won second prize in a national painting competition. “Paper is the easiest material that you can find. You can just turn it into beautiful art. I think it is like magic to me.”

Ms Woo came to the US after she finished college in 2008. She has been invited to show the art at a wide collection of events. She also has shown her skill and works at famous museums like the Smithsonian Institution’s Freer and Sackler art galleries in Washington.

“I saw so many people coming to me and asking me. They were amazed. I think it’s important to introduce the art form to American people or anyone who is interested.”

Ms Woo placed examples of her art around her as she displayed paper cutting at the shopping center. Ann Russ, a shopper, was attracted by the nature of the work. She said it put her at ease. “I like to know about Chinese art, specifically because it’s almost relaxing to put that much effort into it,” Russ said.

1.The underlined word “keen” in paragraph 2 probably means .

A. strong B. strange

C. similar D. simple

2.Why did Ms Woo hold a paper cutting show?

A. To make money for her further education.

B. To keep and develop the ancient Chinese art.

C. To show off her perfect skill in paper cutting.

D. To explain paper cutting is a real art in China.

3.What can we know about Ms Woo according to the text?

A. She went to the US mainly to teach the art.

B. She will come back to China to study the art.

C. She once showed the art at several museums in Washington.

D. She once held a competition for American paper cutting lovers.

Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, and US president-elect Donald Trump met at Trump Tower in New York City on Jan,9th 2017, with Trump calling it a "great meeting" and Ma saying the meeting was "very productive"

"We had a great meeting, and a great, great entrepreneur(企业家), one of the best in the world, and he loves this country, and he loves China," Trump said. "Jack and I are going to do some great things."

The two met with reporters briefly after the meeting, and said they discussed plans to create 1 million US jobs by allowing US small and medium-sized businesses to sell to China through Alibaba's platforms.

"We're focused on small business," Ma told reporters. And he had complimentary words for Trump: "I think the president-elect is very smart, he's very open-minded to listen. I told him my ideas about how to improve trade, especially to improve small business, cross-border trade."

"We also think that the China and USA relationship should be strengthened — should be friendlier," Ma said. "The door is open for discussing the relationship and trade issues."

The meeting comes in tensions between China and the incoming Trump administration(政府). Trump has repeatedly criticized China for its economic policies and accused the country of "stealing jobs away" from the US.

Trump also has said he may raise tariffs(关税) on Chinese goods sold in the US.

1.When Jack Ma and Trump met at the beginning of this year, _________

A. Trump has taken office as a new president of USA.

B. Jack Ma and Trump took a friendly attitude towards each other.

C. they discussed plans to allow US businesses to sell to Asia.

D. Trump will do some great things through JingDong’s platforms.

2.The underlined word “complimentary” probably shows “_____”.

A. praise B. criticism

C. anger D. pride

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Before the meeting at Trump Tower, they two met with reporters briefly.

B. Jack Ma and Trump met at the background of good relations between China and Trump administration.

C. Their meeting focused on some big business and home trade.

D. Trump may raise tariffs on imported goods from China.

Whether you want to improve your writing skills as a creative writer or simply perfect your skills for schoolwork, you can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer.

1. Use active instead of passive voice.

In English, the most basic sentence structure is S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object. The passive voice usually requires more words and use of a “to be” verb form, which can suck the energy out of your writing. Learn to avoid these constructions as much as you can. 1. It conventionally uses the passive voice to put the emphasis on the results, rather than the researchers.

2. 2.

Finding the right verb or adjective can turn an uninspired sentence into one people will remember and quote for years to come. Look for words that are as specific as possible. Strong doesn't mean obscure, or more complicated. Don't say "utilize" when you could say "use." 3.

3. Cut the chaff.

4. You don't get points for saying in 50 words what could be said in 20, or for using multi-syllable words when a short one does just as well. It might feel good at first to pack a lot of ideas and details into a single sentence, but chances are that sentence is just going to be hard to read. If a phrase doesn't add anything valuable, just cut it. 5. If you notice that your writing is filled with "-ly" words, it might be time to take a deep breath and give your writing more focus.

A. Use strong words.

B. Show, don't tell.

C. Good writing is simple, clear and direct.

D. The main exception to this is science writing.

E. Cutting the chaff is best done at the editing stage.

F. "He sprinted" is not necessarily better than "he ran."

G. Don't write "screamed fearfully" -- "scream" already suggests fear.

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