
9.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds (61)have been held (hold) everywhere since ancient times.Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.Today's festivals have many origins,some (62)religious(religion),some seasonal,and some for special people or events.
Some festivals are held to honour (63)the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,(64)whomight return either to help or to do harm.Festivals can also be held to honour famous people,(65)likeQu Yuan,Christopher Columbus and Mohandas Gandhi.Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events.People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter(66)andthe agricultural work is over.The most (67)energetic (energy) and important festivals are the (68)ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the (69)coming (come) of spring.Festivals let us enjoy life,be proud(70)of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

分析 本文讲述了不同节日的来历.从古代就有许多种的节日,它们会庆祝冬天的结束,春天的播种,秋天的收获.而今天的节日的起源有宗教方面的,季节方面的,还有一些为了纪念一些特别的人或者事件.最重要的节日是那些盼望冬天的结束,迎接春天来临的节日.

解答 61.have been held.考查谓语动词的时态和语态.根据时间状语 since ancient times可知谓语动词用一般过去时态,又因为谓语动词hold和主语Festivals and celebrations 是被动关系所以用一般过去时态的被动语态have been held.   
62.religious.考查派生词.和形容词  seasonal并列,用名词religion的形容词religious,表示"宗教的".  
63.the.考查定冠词.定冠词和形容词dead 连用,表示"死去的人".  
64.who.考查定语从句的关系词.代指先行词the ancestors(祖先们),做定语从句might return either to help or to do harm.的主语,用who.   
66.and.考查连词.their food is gathered for the winter和the agricultural work is over 都是主句People are grateful 的原因,所以二者之间是并列关系,因此用and连接.
67.energetic.考查派生词.和形容词important 并列,用energy的形容词energetic,表示"精力充沛的.    
68.ones.考查代词.代指festivals,做定语从句that look forward to the end of winter 的先行词用ones.   
69.coming.考查考查派生词.在定冠词the 后面用come 的名词coming,表示"春天的到来".       
70.of.考查介词.固定短语be proud of 表示"对…骄傲".

点评 考查语法填空.
例如:Many people speak English.speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的.
例如:English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者.

20.Sometimes people call each other"scared-cat",but have you ever thought about this expression?When a cat is frightened,its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense(紧张的),and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream.
Although the cat doesn't (36)C this,its body is getting ready for action.
If the danger continues,this animal will do one of the two things.It will (37)C itself,or it will run away as fast as it can.
(38)C,when people are excited,angry,scared,or aroused by other emotions,our bodies also go through many (39)B changes.Our hearts beat faster,and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert(警觉的) and ready to react.We,too,get ready to defend(防卫) ourselves (40)B run.
Human beings,(41)D,have a problem that animals never face.If we give way to our feelings and let them (42)C,we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger,or hit somebody and regretted it later?Have you ever shouted at a teacher,told someone you were lonely,or said you were in love,and then (43)A later you had kept your mouth shut?It isn't always (44)D to express your feelings freely.
Does this mean that it's smarter always to (45)C our feelings?No!If you (46)A feelings of anger,sadness,and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside,your body stays (47)B.Physical illnesses can develop.It can actually be (48)Bfor your health.
Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don't just (49)A.It's like you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them,but (50)C you'd smell them.And if you opened the cupboard,you'd(51)Dlittle fruit flies hovering (盘旋) all over them.They'd be rotten.
You can try to treat emotions (52)A they were bananas in the cupboard.You can (53)A they don't exist,but they'll still be (54)B.And at last you'll have to (55)B them.Just like those bananas.

42.A.take offB.take onC.take overD.take up
49.A.go awayB.go onC.go upD.go out
50.A.long beforeB.as usualC.before longD.right away
52.A.as ifB.just asC.just afterD.even though
55.A.eat upB.deal withC.throw awayD.send out
14.Children who spend more time outdoor may have a lower risk of becoming near-sighted,new research suggests.
   In the study,researchers looked at about 1,900 schoolchildren in China.The scientists found that the kids who had been instructed to spend more time outdoors over three years were 23 percent less likely to develop near-sightedness during this time than those who had not been instructed to spend more time outdoors.Moreover,among the kids who did become near-sighted during the study,the degree to which their eyesight worsened was slightly smaller among those who spent more time outdoors.
   In the study,the researchers selected six schools and required the children,whose average age was 7 at the start of the study,to attend one additional 60-minute class of outdoor activities during each school day for three years.The parents of these children were also encouraged to engage(使参加) their children in outdoor activities after school,especially during weekends and holidays.The other half of the children,from another six schools,continued their usual activity patterns.
   After three years,30.4 percent of the kids in the intervention(干预) group had become near-sighted,compared with 38.5 percent of the kids in the control group,the researchers found.
   The reduction in the risk of near-sightedness found in the study is important,because children who develop near-sightedness at a young age are most likely to develop worse myopia (the medical term for near-sightedness) later on,the researchers said.
It is not clear exactly why spending more time outside would benefit children's eyesight.However,some research has suggested that the higher levels of light intensity found outdoors may increase the release of the chemical dopamine from the retina(视网膜) of the eye,which is beneficial to eyesight.In turn,dopamine is known to inhibit the type of growth in the eye that is associated with myopia.
Based on the new results,the researchers recommend that children spend more time outdoors because of the potential benefits to their eyesight.However,it's important to protect kids'skin and eyes from UV light,which can be damaging.
28.What is the main idea of the passage?A
A.Parents should engage children in outdoor activities.
B.Kids who often play outside may have better eyesight.
C.Kids are unlikely to gain weight if they usually play outdoors.
D.Recently researchers have discovered a cure to near-sightedness.
29.How many schools are involved in the study in total?B
A.3                    B.6                        C.9                        D.12
30.The underlined word"inhibit"in the last but one paragraph meansA.
A.prevent       B.cause               C.encourage                D.preserve
31.Which of the following is true according to the passage?C
A.About 1,900 seven-year-old schoolchildren have participated in the study.
B.Parents of the children in the control group were also involved in the study.
C.When playing outside,children should protect their skin and eyes from the sun.
D.Based on the results,scientists found out why staying outside benefits eyesight.
1.At first,the earth's surface layer(层)was made up of huge blocks of hard,solid rocks.Then slowly,there rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces.Finally stones,pebble(卵石)and grains of sand were formed.Many sorts of plants and animals lived and died on the surface of the earth.Their remains mixed up with the stones,pebbles and formed soil.The outmost layer of the earth is soil.
There are many ways in which large pieces of rock break into smaller ones.Wind,water,heat and cold help to break up rocks.When winds blow grains of sand against a large rock for a long time,the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away.These leave holes and crack(裂缝)in the rock,which become bigger and finally the rock breaks up into smaller pieces.
The moving water of streams and rivers also help to break up rocks.As the water moves along,it carries with it small pieces of rock.These rub the larger ones.Thus,the larger rocks are worn down to smaller pieces.
The heat of the sun is also helpful to breaking up rocks.When the sun shines,the rocks become very hot.If these rocks are suddenly cooled,they may crack.Ice also plays a part in making soil.Water in the cracks can turn into ice in cold weather.As this happens,it becomes bigger and the cracks become wider,and finally break into smaller pieces.

71.According to the passage,soilA.
A.forms very slowly
B.is a mixture of stones,pebbles and sand
C.make up the layers of the earth
D.is becoming smaller and smaller
72.How many factors are mentioned in helping the forming of soil?B
A.Three.      B.Four.
C.Five.       D.More than five.
73.Which of the following speeds up the breaks of rocks most?C
A.Hot weather.
B.Cold water.
C.Sharp changes in temperature.
D.More dead plants in the cracks.
74.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.The remains of many plants of animals formed soil.
B.If a large rock never moves,it will never break up.
C.Even if a large rock never moves,it will break up.
D.Ice in the cracks helps to break up rocks
75.The best title for this passage should beA.
A.Soil from Rocks
B.Ways to Break up Rocks
C.Soil on the Earth
D  Soil,Outmost Layer of the Earth.
18.Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work.Writing the story for the film may take many weeks.Shooting (拍摄) the film often takes at least six months.Actors and camera men work from very early in the morning until late at night.Each scene has to be acted and reacted,filmed and refilmed,until it is just fine.Sometimes the same scene has to be acted many times.
The film studio is like a large factory,and the indoor stages are very big indeed.Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio.Churches,houses,and forests are all built of wood and cardboard.Several hundred people work together to make one film.Some of these people are the actors and actresses.The director of the film,however,is the most important person in a film studio.He decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act.
Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars are in it.Sometimes the film may be very poor.It is best to choose a film made by a good director.Some famous directors make their films very real; people feel that they themselves are among the people in the films.
6.The main idea of the first paragraph in the passage isD.
A.Writing the story for the film is difficult
B.Shooting the film takes a long time
C.Actors work very hard
D.Making a film is not easy
7.The director of a filmC.
A.says how only one scene should be filmed
B.tells the actors and actresses how they should not act
C.is the most important person in a film studio
D.all the above
8.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Writing the story for the film is a part of making a film.
B.The indoor stages in the film studio are very big.
C.All of the people in film making are actors and actresses.
D.Shooting the film often takes many months.
9.The underlined word"poor"meansD.
A.having no money        
B.not rich in imagination
C.pitiful for poor people    
D.not worth seeing
10.The best title for the passage is"D".
A.Writing the Story             
B.Actors and Actresses
C.A Director of the film          
D.Making a Film.

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