36. Mom and Dad came back home from vacation a day earlier than expected. When coming into the house, 37. 妈妈变得很生气 because she found their dog was tired and hungry and the money for the dog food was gone. 38. She wondered what her sons did with the money they left. Dad got angry too when he saw the room was a mess. They turned to Daniel because they left him in charge. They shouted at him angrily and they wanted to punish him.
Daniel had planned to explain what had happened but his parents wouldn’t listen, so he said he hated his parents and he didn’t allow his brother, Eric, to explain for him because 39. 他认为他们不配知道真相。
40. Mother thought they might be too hard on Daniel, but Father said since Daniel had been rude to them, he felt like they had to punish him.
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36. 爸爸和妈妈比预期的早一天度假回家了。
37. Mom became /got angry.
38. 他们想知道他们的儿子把他们留下来的钱做什么用了。
39. He didn’t think they deserved to know the truth.
40. 妈妈认为他们可能对丹尼尔太苛刻了。