
     "When a customer enters my store, forget me.He is King," said John Wanamaker.This revolutionary
concept __1__ the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing
as we know it today.
     But convincing as that slogan was, in truth the shopper was cheated out of the crown.Although
manufacturing efficiency increased the __2__ of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on
advertisements to get most __3__ about products.Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an
audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a __4__ number of publications.Now
media choice has __5__ too, and consumers select what they want from a __6__ greater variety of
sources-especially with a few__7__ of a computer mouse.Thanks to the Internet, the consumer is finally
__8__ power.
     As our survey shows, customer __9__ has great implications for companies, because it is changing
the way the world shops.Many firms already claim to be "customer__10__" or "consumercentered".
Now their __11__ will be tested as never before.Taking advantage of shoppers' __12__ will no longer
be possible: people will tell others, even those without the Internet, that prices in the next town are
__13__ or that certain goods are inferior.The Internet is working wonders in__14__ standards.Good
and __15__ firms should benefit most.             
(     )1. A.changed    
(     )2. A.quality    
(     )3. A.bargain    
(     )4. A.limited    
(     )5. A.disappeared
(     )6. A.quite      
(     )7. A.clicks      
(     )8. A.losing      
(     )9. A.power      
(     )10. A.driven    
(     )11. A.information
(     )12. A.generosity
(     )13. A.higher    
(     )14. A.raising    
(     )15. A.nice      
B. maintained      
B. variety          
B. certificate      
B. minimum          
B. existed          
B. little          
B. typists          
B. catching        
B. quality          
B. criticized      
B. investment      
B. knowledge        
B. unreasonable    
B. lowering        
B. honest          
C. restored    
C. weight      
C. change      
C. sufficient  
C. exploded    
C. far          
C. changes      
C. controlling  
C. package      
C. helped      
C. claims      
C. curiosity    
C. unfair      
C. abandoning  
C. new          
D. rescued      
D. price        
D. information  
D. great        
D. survived      
D. very          
D. designs      
D. seizing      
D. quantity      
D. chased        
D. shops        
D. ignorance    
D. cheaper      
D. carrying      
D. old          
1-5: ABDAC  6-10: CADAA  111-15: CDDAB

     Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy  __1__scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on __2    him.  
     One fine day recently, he went 3 a walk in the countryside, but as  __4 _he has a book in his hand.
When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadn’t gone far_ 5 __he run into a big cow and fell
down. In the  fall, he had lost his glasses, without which he couldn’t see anything. He thought he had hit
his head __6___a fat   lady. “I’m sorry, Madam.” He said politely__7 __searching for his glasses. As
oon as he had___8__, he realized his mistake.
     Soon he was fixing his mind on his book___9__and paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely
been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, ___10__both his book and his glasses. This time 
he got very     angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the “cow” a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses,
he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horror.

(     )1.A. fish     
(     )2.A. there    
(     )3.A. more     
(     )4.A. happened 
(     )5A. on       
(     )6.A. swimmer  
(     )7.A. threw    
(     )8.A. deep     
(     )9.A. but      
(     )10.A. pushing  
(     )11.A. place    
(     )12.A. seeing   
(     )13.A. decided  
(     )14.A. while    
(     )15.A. turned   
(     )16.A. nervous  
(     )17.A. wrapped  
(     )18.A. save     
(     )19.A. on       
(     )20.A. boat     

B. boas        
B. it        
B. may         
B. went      
B. within       
B. guard     
B. looked    
B. cool      
B. so           
B. draggig     B. period       B. smiling      
B. went        
B. till        
B. looked       B. afraid       
B. left      
B. thank     
B. out       
B. blanket   

C. was         
C. whe         
C. muh          
C. arrivd       
C. in            
C. soldir       
C. jumd        
C. dirty         
C. and           
C. holdig       
C. secod       
C. lookig       
C. agred        
C. for           
C. hurrid       
C. excitd       
C. placd        
C. wrp          
C. away         C. camea      

D. birds         
D. that          
D. little        
D. came          
D. under         
D. player        
D. turned        
D. cold          
D. or            
D. catching      
D. moment        
D. shouting      
D. promised      
D. as            
D. stood         
D. angry         
D. threw         
D. help          
D. off           
D. screen      

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