
The message is very important, so it is supposed ______as soon as possible.

  1. A.
    to be sent
  2. B.
    to send
  3. C.
    being sent
  4. D.
分析:考查词组:be supposed to do应当做…,因为the message和send是被动关系,所以是不定式的被动,句意:这个信息很重要,应该尽快被送出去。选A。考点:考查词组


  Alarm System to Help ShenzhouV Avoid Debris

  ShenzhouV, due to become China’s first manned spaceship when it was sent up last autumn, was fitted with an alarm system to avoid collisions in space.The alarm system kept the spacecraft away from the orbit of space debris(碎片)by automatically changing its propulsion(推进力)and speed.To ensure the smooth launch and return of ShenzhouV, the center was keeping a close watch over the 9,131 pieces of space debris to screen those that were most likely to get in the way of the spaceship.They were making calculations and then putting forward suggestions as to how to avoid collisions.

  Space experts said the exact launch date was hard to be decided because so many factors are involved, such as the activities of the sun, the temperature, radiation, and the situation in space.

  Space debris means artificial objects or fragments cast off in the space.With the development of the space industry, the amount of debris has been increasing and now poses potential danger to spaceships, especially manned craft.Since the former Soviet Union sent the first craft into space in 1957, over 26,000 objects have been sent into space by human kind.

  There search into space debris that might destroy manned spacecraft is greatly significant to China, even though it did not cart until 2000 and is very much behind that in the United States and other countries.

  China has put into operation an optical telescope(光学望远镜)with a diameter of 25 centimetres and will”soon”send up one with a diameter of 65 centimetres.

  The largest optical telescope in the United States has a diameter of 3.64 meters.China will continue to invest more in research into space debris to reach the international level.


Which of the following is TRUE of the ShenzhouV Spaceship?

[  ]


It is a satellite used for the weather forecast.


It is China’s fifth manned spaceship


Chinese astronauts flew a spaceship in space for the first time


The launch date of the Shenzhou V spaceship had been decided then.


The underlined word”collisions”here means ________.

[  ]










The optical telescope in the message is used to ________.

[  ]


watch space debris


study the solar system


watch the orbits of satellites


guide the flight of the ShenzhouV spaceship


When launching ShenzhouV Spaceship, space experts had to consider the following factors except ________.

[  ]


orbits of some space debris


the mental states of the astronauts


the activities of the sun


the space radiation

STRANGERS parties go wild these days. The main idea of them is to never let the people know who their matches are until the last minute. These are some popular practices that are storming the world’s youth on this V-day.

Speed dating

It’s exactly what the name implies. Complete with a timer, a whistle and 50 willing singles, speed dating is not the traditional dinner and a movie type of first date. Singles pay US $35 for three minutes with more than two dozen future dates. They ask questions and try to get to know each other. At the sound of a whistle, they do the same thing all over again―25 times in all.

Lock and key party

Women are given a lock and men are given a key, upon arriving at the party. Each key and lock has several matches. One can hunt for his/her later-to-be sweetheart in various groups, and try out the key or lock. Each time a lock and key match the pair are entered into a ballot (票数) for top prizes!

Dinner in the dark

Waiters wearing night vision glasses guide the guests through the pitch-black dining room. They are seated at the table and familiarized with the wine glass and plate. Food is handled with the fingers. People will not see the food they are eating or the guests at their table until the dessert course. At that moment, dining partners will appear.

Message party

Have A Cocktail, Leave A Message! When you arrive, you get a tag with a number and a pad of post-it notes. If you see someone you like, write a message on the message board. But wait… You’ve got a message… Go and collect it! You can make new friends and win lots of gifts. The more messages you leave on the bulletin board, the more chances you have of winning prizes.

What do you think the similarities of these parties are?

   A. All the parties have very strict rules for their members.

   B. If you want to go to any of the parties, you have to buy a ticket.

   C. All the parties are aimed at strangers who want to be lovers.

   D. All the parties are suitable not only for the young but for the old.

In which party does a participant have to be careful with the time?

A. Speed dating.    B. Lock and key party.    

C. Dinner in the dark.      D. Message party.

If you go to the Dinner in the dark, ____________.

    A. you have to wear night vision glasses       

B. you have to eat with your hands

    C. guests eat all the courses in the darkness

    D. your dining partners will help you choose the food

How many of the parties offer gifts or prizes?

   A. 1.                  B. 2. C. 3.               D. 4.

STRANGERS parties go wild these days. The main idea of them is to never let the people know who their matches are until the last minute. These are some popular practices that are storming the world’s youth on this V-day.
Speed dating
It’s exactly what the name implies. Complete with a timer, a whistle and 50 willing singles, speed dating is not the traditional dinner and a movie type of first date. Singles pay US $35 for three minutes with more than two dozen future dates. They ask questions and try to get to know each other. At the sound of a whistle, they do the same thing all over again―25 times in all.
Lock and key party
Women are given a lock and men are given a key, upon arriving at the party. Each key and lock has several matches. One can hunt for his/her later-to-be sweetheart in various groups, and try out the key or lock. Each time a lock and key match the pair are entered into a ballot (票数) for top prizes!
Dinner in the dark
Waiters wearing night vision glasses guide the guests through the pitch-black dining room. They are seated at the table and familiarized with the wine glass and plate. Food is handled with the fingers. People will not see the food they are eating or the guests at their table until the dessert course. At that moment, dining partners will appear.
Message party
Have A Cocktail, Leave A Message! When you arrive, you get a tag with a number and a pad of post-it notes. If you see someone you like, write a message on the message board. But wait… You’ve got a message… Go and collect it! You can make new friends and win lots of gifts. The more messages you leave on the bulletin board, the more chances you have of winning prizes.
【小题1】What do you think the similarities of these parties are?

A.All the parties have very strict rules for their members.
B.If you want to go to any of the parties, you have to buy a ticket.
C.All the parties are aimed at strangers who want to be lovers.
D.All the parties are suitable not only for the young but for the old.
【小题2】In which party does a participant have to be careful with the time?
A.Speed dating.B.Lock and key party.
C.Dinner in the dark.D.Message party.
【小题3】If you go to the Dinner in the dark, ____________.
A.you have to wear night vision glasses
B.you have to eat with your hands
C.guests eat all the courses in the darkness
D.your dining partners will help you choose the food
【小题4】 How many of the parties offer gifts or prizes?

STRANGERS parties go wild these days. The main idea of them is to never let the people know who their matches are until the last minute. These are some popular practices that are storming the world’s youth on this V-day.
Speed dating
It’s exactly what the name implies. Complete with a timer, a whistle and 50 willing singles, speed dating is not the traditional dinner and a movie type of first date. Singles pay US $35 for three minutes with more than two dozen future dates. They ask questions and try to get to know each other. At the sound of a whistle, they do the same thing all over again―25 times in all.
Lock and key party
Women are given a lock and men are given a key, upon arriving at the party. Each key and lock has several matches. One can hunt for his/her later-to-be sweetheart in various groups, and try out the key or lock. Each time a lock and key match the pair are entered into a ballot (票数) for top prizes!
Dinner in the dark
Waiters wearing night vision glasses guide the guests through the pitch-black dining room. They are seated at the table and familiarized with the wine glass and plate. Food is handled with the fingers. People will not see the food they are eating or the guests at their table until the dessert course. At that moment, dining partners will appear.
Message party
Have A Cocktail, Leave A Message! When you arrive, you get a tag with a number and a pad of post-it notes. If you see someone you like, write a message on the message board. But wait… You’ve got a message… Go and collect it! You can make new friends and win lots of gifts. The more messages you leave on the bulletin board, the more chances you have of winning prizes.
【小题1】What do you think the similarities of these parties are?

A.All the parties have very strict rules for their members.
B.If you want to go to any of the parties, you have to buy a ticket.
C.All the parties are aimed at strangers who want to be lovers.
D.All the parties are suitable not only for the young but for the old.
【小题2】 In which party does a participant have to be careful with the time?
A.Speed dating.B.Lock and key party.
C.Dinner in the dark.D.Message party.
【小题3】If you go to the Dinner in the dark, ________.
A.you have to wear night vision glasses
B.you have to eat with your hands
C.guests eat all the courses in the darkness
D.your dining partners will help you choose the food
【小题4】 How many of the parties offer gifts or prizes?

根据所给首字母或中文意思,用单词的适当形式填空 (每个1分, 共20分.)
【小题1】He was c__________(好奇的) to know what was going on in the neighborhood.
【小题2】The law applies to all EU countries; Britain is no e__________ (例外).
【小题3】It was pouring. The hunter got inside a hollow tree for s__________ (庇护).
【小题4】 This new pay-TV channel sends s__________ (信号) via satellite to cable companies.
【小题5】They o__________(提供) him a very good job, but he turned it down.
【小题6】The entire s__________ (员工) has done an outstanding job this year.
【小题7】A good diet is e__________ (必不可少的) for everyone.
【小题8】His dog became his closest c__________(同伴).
【小题9】She a__________ (申请) for a job with the local newspaper yesterday.
【小题10】She keeps a bottle of gin h__________ (隐藏的) behind a stack of books.
【小题11】I want to do research on Mark Twain. Is there a b__________ (传记) about him?
【小题12】 He had a v__________(生动的) picture of her in his mind.
【小题13】 Sorry to d_________ (打扰) you, but I have an urgent message.
【小题14】He finally won his f__________(自由) after twenty years in jail.
【小题15】Our o__________(起初的) plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain.
【小题16】Many endangered species now face e__________ (灭绝)
【小题17】This kind of apples is more expensive because they are i__________(进口)from abroad.
【小题18】The hotel is not modern, but it does have the a__________ (优势) of being close to the city.
【小题19】Jordan, a talented leader, led his team to v__________(胜利) .
【小题20】She s_________ (得分) an average of 95 in the last test.

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