
9.Where can you find a nice place to relax on holiday for both you and your children?Well,I suggest you try the beautiful and green Isle of Wight (IOW).The Isle of Wight is one of the main attractions of many tourism businesses.
Here is some information on a few of the attractions on the IOW.
Dinosaur Isle
This park is located in Sandown,a seaside town on the southeast coast.It's a large,lovely museum,both fun and educational.Here you can see a large fossil (化石) collection of all kinds of dinosaurs,as well as a gift shop.You can walk into the past,learning about the history and the development of the civilization of dinosaurs that lived 120 million year ago.
Robin Hill Country Park
This attraction is set in the beautiful countryside,and is suitable for children's parties and games.It has five new gardens,and offers great opportunities to see and take pictures of the rare red squirrels.
The West of the Wight
The Marine Aquarium,the Archaeology Exhibition and the Model Railway are the great attractions here.They offer another opportunity to combine entertainment with learning.This is a great place to see ancient boats crossing the narrow strait between the island and the mainland.
The Wight Bus Museum
This museum is run comp letely by unpaid volunteers.It has a vehicle collection stored in a former grain warehouse (仓库).Most of the vehicles in the museum date back to around the 1910's.
With all these choices,what are you waiting for?IOW Tourism welcomes you!

25.Where can you visit the dinosaur museum?C
A.On the northeast coast.
B.In the west of the isle.
C.In a seaside town.
D.In the beautiful countryside.
26.Which attractions feature the combination of fun and education?D
A.Dinosaur Isle and Robin Hill Country Park.
B.The Wight Bus Museum and the West of the Wight.
C.The Wight Bus Museum and Robin Hill Country Park.
D.Dinosaur Isle and the West of the Wight.
27.It can be learned from the passage thatB.
A.on Dinosaur Isle we can learn about all kinds of an imals
B.those running the Wight Bus Museum work for free
C.there are five new gardens on Dinosaur Isle
D.the Wight Bus Museum can be visited free of charge.

分析 本文介绍了英国的IOW Tourism,主要介绍了它的其中的四个旅游胜地.恐龙岛、罗宾山国家公园、怀特岛的西部及怀特的汽车博物馆.分别介绍了它们各自的特色.希望读者前去观赏.

解答 25.C 细节理解题.根据Dinosaur Isle部分的Thepark is located in Sandown,a seaside town on the southeast coast和You canwalk into the past and then the future,learning about the history and thedevelopment of the civilization of dinosaurs that lived 120 million years ago.可知,这个公园位于Sandown,在东南沿海的一个海滨小镇.你可以走进过去和未来,了解1亿2000万年前恐龙文明的历史和发展.所以在一个海滨小镇上可以参观恐龙博物馆,故选C.
26.D 细节理解题.根据Dinosaur Isle部分的It's a large,lovely museum,both fun andeducational.这是一个又大又可爱的博物馆,既有趣又有教育意义.和The West of the Wight部分的They offer another opportunity to combine fun withlearning.他们提供了另一个机会,把娱乐和学习结合起来.可知把趣味与教育相结合的景点是恐龙岛和怀特岛西部,故选D.
27.B 细节理解题.根据This museum is run completely by unpaid volunteers.可知这个博物馆完全由无偿的志愿者经营.所以经营怀特汽车博物馆的人是没有报酬的,故选B.

点评 本文是一个广告布告类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

4.Inspiring young minds!
TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children's publishing,bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month.
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21.Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?C
A.It entertains young parents.
B.It provides serious advertisements.
C.It combines fun with complex concepts.
D.It publishes popular science fictions.
22.How much should you pay if you make a 12-mouth subscription to TOKNOW with gift pack from China?D
23.Subscribers of TOKNOW would getA.
A.full refund within 28 days
B.free birthday presents
C.membership of the TOKNOW club
D.chances to meet the experts in person.
14.Staying with family members or receiving professional care?Seniors in Harbin have a new choice to enrich their life in retirement(退休),as harbin.dbw.cn reported.
The seniors can take a bus to a day-care nursing home every day between 8am and 5pm,just like others go to work,and go back home to be with their families in the evening.
In the nursing home,they will receive professional care,have lunch,take part in activities such as calligraphy(书法) and singing,and take university courses designed for them.
According to a research,there were 1.75million seniors by the end of 2015.Less than 10percent choose to stay in the nursing home while most live at home.Loneliness and shortage of care are the major problems facing the stay-at-home seniors.
"After my mother passed away,I struggled to take good care of my father,"said Zhou,an office worker.
Those who have retired parents agree that their parents spend a boring and lonely day at home,watching TV all day and filling their stomach with food.The situation becomes worse in winter when elders are unable to go out due to the cold.
However,the cost of such nursing homes is different from person to person but stands at around 2,000 yuan ($290).Another problem is the shortage of facilities (设施).Even if two seniors share a room in the nursing home,the city still lacks(缺少) at least 100,000 such rooms.

44.In the day-care nursing home,the seniors canD.
A.go to work          
B.stay with their families
C.attend university
D.get professional care
45.What is the main problem for seniors staying at home?B
A.A lot of seniors choose to live at home.
B.They are lonely and short of care at home.
C.Their children won't take care of them.
D.They are unable to go out especially in winter.
46.What information can be inferred from the passage?B
A.People have no trouble attending their retired parents.
B.The day-care nursing home is getting popular among seniors.
C.The price of staying in the nursing home remains the same.
D.Two seniors must share one room in the day-care nursing home.
2.Children and young people tend to have certain role models-people they want to be like when they grow(36)C.Though (37)Achildren would have wished to copy their mother,father or a (n)   (38)Brelative,gradually these role models are thought of as famous people or popular (39)B.People have different opinions about (40)Cpopular stars or other famous people are good role models for children.Charming models,such as Katie Price,are often (41)Band thought highly of by young girls.This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers.They wish to (42)Atheir children to have the concept (概念) that success is achieved through hard work and (43)Crather than an attractive looking.
Most people tend to grow up to be those (44)Dare close to home-their parents or family friends.Some decide to be like their favorite teacher.A child who loves to(45)Dmay want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van Gogh; Someone who loves to(46)Amight imagine themselves as a famous writer; if a child enjoys dancing,he or she(47)Bwell admire a famous dancer,but this is not the (48)D.A lot of dance students wish to be like their( 49)Ateacher.
Therefore,the job of a teacher is (50)Cjust providing knowledge of a given subject.They should be able to (51)Ctheir students'trust and (52)Athem well.Helping youngsters to learn from models,to learn how to accept (53)Dwith grace(优雅) and losing with respect,is central to any parent's or teacher's job.Manners are very important and a dance teacher can (54)Ahis or her position and influence to   (55)Cgood behaviors to youngsters.

37.A.at firstB.at lastC.at leastD.at most
50.A.better thanB.less thanC.more thanD.rather than
52.A.communicate withB.keep up withC.come up withD.catch up with
54.A.make use ofB.lose control ofC.take charge ofD.get rid of

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