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My classmate, Joseph, is at present in hospital
with a breaking leg. He was walking to school the other 76._________
day when a bicycle run into him. He never watches 77._________
where he is going, so he often gets into the trouble. 78._________
But he is having a nice time there. He has a comfortable 79__________
room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read. 80._________
Some friends of her go to see him every day, and they take 81._________
him lots of good books and fresh fruit. He is not lost any time 82._________
from school because he is busy study what he has 83._________
missed in class. The doctor says he is recovering fast than 84._________
expected and will be out of hospital a few weeks. 85._________
: 76.breaking ----broken 77. run --- ran 78. È¥µôthe 79. ¡Ì 80. patiently ¨Cpatient 81. her¡ªhis 82. lost-losing /is¡ªhas 83. study ¨Cstudying 84. fast ¨Cfaster 85. hospital ºó¼Óin»òwithin