Ladies and gentlemen£¬
Welcome to our English Corner£®This Corner was set up three years before£®Every Sunday morning£¬students from different schools and some foreigners often took part£®Gather around here£¬we practise spoken English by talking about everything we are interested£®We also exchange my experience in English study£®We all have a good time here£®Thousands of people have been here when it was set up£®
We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activity here£®It is a really supplement to our English class and it is welcomed by students£¬their parents and teachers£®They all think it is of helpful£®If you want to know much about the corner£¬you may talk to the students here£®
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½â´ð Ladies and gentlemen£¬
Welcome to our English Corner£®This Corner was set up three years before£®Every Sunday morning£¬students from different schools and some foreigners often tookpart£®Gather around here£¬we practise spoken English by talking about everything we are interested¡Ä£®We also exchange my experience in English study£®We all have a good time here£®Thousands of people have been here when it was set up£®
We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activity here£®It is areally supplement to our English class and it is welcomed by students£¬their parents and teachers£®They all think it is of helpful£®If you want to know much about the corner£¬you may talk to the students here£®
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2£®took¸ÄΪtake£®¿¼²é¶¯´ÊµÄʱ̬£®´Ë´¦µÄʱ¼ä×´ÓïΪ"Every Sunday morning"£¬Ã¿¸öÐÇÆÚÌìµÄÔ糿£¬±íʾ¾³£ÐÔ¡¢Ï°¹ßÐÔ»ò¹æÂÉÐԵĶ¯×÷£¬ÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£®took¸ÄΪtake£®
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