
“Sorry” is the hardest word to say sometimes. _______ you know you’ve done something wrong, or something inappropriate, it takes courage to say sorry.

A. Only ifB. Even if

C. If onlyD. As if




试题分析:考查连词辨析。A. Only if只要;B. Even if即使;C. If only要是。。就好了;D. As if好象;句意:有时,对不起很难说出口,既使你知道自己做错了,这需要勇气来做的;根据句意选B项。

考点 : 考查连词辨析



It was a cold, wet day on June 6, when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to arrive, Wasana aimlessly at the pouring rain. Then his fell upon the hill that rose at the back of the classroom.

He noticed huge amounts of rainwater down the hill, and water was also bubbling at the base of a large rock on the hill. For a few , Wasana looked at the water, wondering __ it looked so familiar.

Then it him – the scene was surprisingly to the pictures he was shown during Disaster Management classes. a disaster was about to happen, Wasana waved at students, shouting “Run, run, don’t stay here! The rocks on the hill are going to on us!”

All the students and teachers ran to the open area that had been as an emergency gathering point. , they heard screams as the huge rock rolled down the hill, bringing sand, rock and mud. There was they could do as they watched the earth bury an entire school block.

Thanks to Wasana’s quick action and sharp , no one was hurt in the incident. The landslide two classrooms and caused heavy damage to six . “The financial damage is nothing compared to would have happened had there been children in the classrooms,” says the schoolmaster.

Wasana later received a Gold Star from the Foundation for Civilian Bravery, Sri Lanka. at the incident, he says, “I feel disaster management are important for everyone. We’ll never know when the will come in handy.”

1.A. stared B. nodded C. shoutedD. pointed

2.A. thoughtsB. eyesC. wordsD. voices

3.A. pullingB. jumpingC. slidingD. flowing

4.A. timesB. minutes C. hoursD. periods

5.A. howB. whereC. whyD. when

6.A. hitB. droveC. pushedD. stopped

7.A. strange B. rareC. terribleD. similar

8.A. RejectingB. Fearing C. ScaringD. Avoiding

9.A. angrily B. sadlyC. excitedlyD. wildly

10.A. beat B. move C. fall D. dive

11.A. put awayB. set aside C. brought forthD. taken apart

12.A. Just thenB. In shortC. In good time D. As a result

13.A. something B. much C. anything D. little

14.A. discoveryB. movementC. observationD. idea

15.A. destroyed B. toreC. injured D. overcame

16.A. another B. other C. others D. ones

17.A. those B. which C. that D. what

18.A. Looking back B. Looking around C. Looking throughD. Looking forward

19.A. exhibitionsB. lessons C. unitsD. examinations

20.A. conceptB. image C. knowledge D. situation


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