
My little son Logan had cerebral palsy(脑瘫). I should thank Tri-North Buiders, in which I was working, for 1him. Four years ago, Tri-North Buiders 2a daycare center called Little Buiders Day School. Little Buiders had 10 3 ranging in age from 6 weeks to 5 years, with three full-time teachers and a part-time teacher 4 there. All the four teachers helped Logan with his daily 5, including feeding, walking and playing.
6 Logan couldn’t speak, the teachers 7 with him through pictures. Logan was then 8 in all activities, such as art projects, plays, field trips, ect . Many things were centered 9Logan.
Later, when Logan recovered to be almost like a 10child and was preparing for his transition(过渡,转变)to the public school, the daycare workers worked with the school to ensure a(n)11transition. Not only was Logan12by the school, but the non-disabled children there were not surprised by Logan’s special 13, which made Little Builders a perfect place to help today’s children 14people like Logan.
I used to spend a lot of time in the daycare center. When Logan first began to learn to eat, he 15ate with me or his father around . It was not 16for me to carry Logan about while feeding him. I know that Logan would not be doing as 17 as he does now if not18Tri-North Buiders Company. In a world of making money at all 19, I think you should know about the company making a(n)20

  1. 1.
    1. A.
      keeping up with
    2. B.
      taking care of
    3. C.
      making use of
    4. D.
      keeping in touch with
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.
    1. A.
      helping out
    2. B.
      showing off
    3. C.
      staying up
    4. D.
      looking out
  5. 5.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  6. 6.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
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    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
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    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
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    1. A.
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    3. C.
    4. D.
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    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  12. 12.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
      think highly of
    2. B.
      prepare for
    3. C.
      get along with
    4. D.
      make fun of
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  18. 18.
    1. A.
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    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
试题分析:作者在文章中表达对Tri-North Buiders公司的护理中心的感谢,在护理中心老师的帮助下,作者的残疾孩子重归正常的学校。
1.考查词组:A. keeping up with跟上B. taking care of照料C. making use of      利用D. keeping in touch with和…保持联系,我要感谢Tri-North Buiders,为了照顾我的孩子。选B
2.考查动词:A. wanted 想要B. produced制造C. opened开放D. made制作,四年前Tri-North Buiders 开放了Little Buiders Day School.日常护理中心。选C
3.考查名词:A. teachers老师B. children孩子C. nurses护士D. cleaners清洁工,Little Buiders Day School. 的孩子年龄从6个星期到5岁不等。选B
4.考查词组:A. helping out帮助摆脱困境,B. showing off炫耀C. staying up熬夜D. looking out当心,有三个全职老师和一个兼职老师在那里帮忙。选A
5.考查名词:A. service服务B. interests兴趣,C. responsibilities责任D. activities活动,所有的四个老师帮助Logan的日常活动。选D
6.考查连词:A. Although虽然,B. Once一旦C. When当…时候,D. If如果,虽然Logan不能说话,但是老师通过图片和他交流。选A
7.考查动词:A. taught教,B. discussed讨论C. argued争吵D. communicated交流,解析同上,选D
8.考查动词:A. included包括,B. refused拒绝C. prevented阻止,D. examined检查,Logan可以参与所有的活动。选A
9.考查介词:A. beside,在…旁边,B. around在…周围 C. in在…里面D. towards朝向,be centered around以…为中心。选B
10.考查形容词:A. wise明智的,B. naughty调皮的,C. normal正常的,D. tall高的,后来,当Logan恢复到象一个正常的孩子。选C
11.考查形容词:A. useful有用的,B. successful成功的,C. perfect完美的D. important重要的,护理中心的工人和学校沟通,确保成功的转移。选B
12.考查动词:A. introduced介绍B. changed改变,C. accepted接受D. cheered欢呼,不仅学校接受了Logan,正常的孩子对Logan的特殊需求也不惊讶。选C
13.考查名词:A. ideas主意,B. words话语,C. noises噪音,D. needs需要,解析同上。选D
14.考查词组:A. think highly of高度评价,B. prepare for为什么做准备,C. get along with相处,D. make fun of嘲笑,这使护理中心成为使今天的孩子和象Logan这样的孩子相处的完美的地方。选C
15.考查副词:A. never从不B. sometimes有时C. hardly 几乎不,D. only只有,当Logan开始吃饭的时候,他只和我和他你爸爸一起吃。选D
16.考查形容词:A. strange奇怪的,B. common普通的,C. fair公平的D. necessary必要的,对我来说,喂Logan的时候带着他一点不奇怪。选A
17.考查副词:A. carefully仔细的,B. quietly安静地C. well好的D. hard困难地,我知道如果不是因为Tri-North Buiders Company.Logan今天不会做的这么好。选C
18.考查介词:if not for…如果不是因为…,选D
19.考查名词:A. ways方法B. costs费用,C. means方式D. sides边,at all costs不惜代价,选B
20.考查名词:A. difference差异B. decision决定C. agreement协议D. plan计划,我觉得你们应该了解这个有影响的公司。Make a difference有影响。选A
点评:作者在文章中表达对Tri-North Buiders公司的护理中心的感谢,在护理中心老师的帮助下,作者的残疾孩子重归正常的学校。本文主要是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,即从语篇的角度综合测试阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用。考生做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所添的词在短语或句子内是否可行。因此,在做题时最好将全文通读一下,了解了全文的意思以后再作答。

A great man married a woman and they had a little lovely girl.

When the little girl was growing up, the man usually hugged her and said, “I love you, little girl.” The Little girl would say, “I’m not a little girl any more.” Then the man would laugh, “But to me, you’ll always be my little girl.”

The little girl later left her home and went into the world. No matter where she was, the man would call her and say, “I love you, little girl.”

One day the little girl received an unexpected phone call. The great man became ill. He couldn’t talk, smile, walk, hug or dance.

So she went to the side of the great man. He looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not. She sat next to the great man, and drew her arms around his useless shoulders(肩膀). Her head on his chest(胸膛), she thought of many good memories. She felt sad as she couldn’t hear the words of love that had comforted her.

And then she heard from within the man, the beat of heart. The magic happened. She heard what she wanted to hear. His heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say… I love you, little girl… I love you, little girl.

1.When the little girl said, “I’m not a little girl any more.” , the great man ______.

A. felt sad          B. was happy                 C. was angry                            D. couldn’t stand

2.What did the man do after the little girl left her home?

A. He left her wife.

B. He learned to sing and dance

C. He left his home and went into the world.

D. He would call her and showed his love to her.

3.The little girl went to her father because ______.

A. he became ill

B. she missed her parents

C. she made lot of money outside

D. she didn’t get his father’s calls

4.What can we learn from what the girl had done after seeing his father?

A. She knew his father would die soon.

B. She felt sorry for leaving his father.

C. She loved her father deeply too.

D. She was sure his father would be well soon.


Burn rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate was $ 75,000 a month. Four months after my company was set up, I had only a quarter of the starting capital left in the bank.

    Looking for guidance, I went to talk to my friend, Arthur Walworth about my new venture. “Times of great change always bring out the risk-takers,” he said. “And they leave winners and losers. My grandfather invested a lot of money in a project of Thomas Edison’s that ended up in failure. ”

    I was lost in thought at the notion (an idea or belief about something) of a Thomas Edison project ending in failure. Damn. It could happen to anybody! I must continue.

    At that time CD-ROM sales had bombed, so investors were fleeing from the field. I didn’t turn away from mine entirely, but instead linked it to the Internet.

    My plan was to offer consumers descriptions of home-design products by using a special software and let them modify the designs. Then we can enable them to get online professional and constructional help to have their houses built, decorated and furnished according to their own choice.

    To realize my plan I needed investors, so I continued to meet regularly with venture capitalists. One said I had a great idea. But I needed to test it. Get the money somewhere. To get this money from a venture capitalist is going to cost my wife and my children! He turned down my request.

    Wife? Children? I hardly remembered them.

    I was working nonstop --- struggling to turn the key in the lock, to find the right way ahead. The pressure was terrible. It was just at this time that my parents and sisters stepped up. Two hundred thousand dollars. A lot of money to them, invested in this crazy son and brother without a moment’s hesitation. Dad and Mom had driven out from Chicago and seen the passion in my little office and the trouble at home.

   With their help my company survived and has been prospering ever since.

1.When the author’s company started operation, he had _______ .

A. $ 450,000    B. $ 400,000   C.$ 350,000     D. $ 300,000

2.Arthur implies that to start a business in times of change, people have to _______ .

A. rely on famous people all be time

B. invest as much money as possible

C. face the risks of possible failure

D. think about nothing but success

3.The author’s company was engaged in _______

A. furniture design and production

B. online home-design service

C. traditional home designing

D. home decoration business

4.Faced with a very unfavorable market situation, the author decided  _______.

A. to improve his service         B. to start a new business

C. to withdraw his money        D. to reduce his investment


完形填空 (满分20分)

Wings of Angel

I used to hate myself because I wasn’t “normal”. Everyone else could pay on the monkey bars

and ride on a bicycle, but not  41 . I had a severe spinal cord disorder(脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much  42  than others.

I hated going to school and I hated people  43  at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing  44  and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the  45  and seeing my ugly hunchback.(驼背)

My friends found me  46  because I didn’t let others get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life  47  Angela appeared.

That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school--- a spot where no one would   48   me. That’s when I first heard her voice.

“Hi. Can I sit down?”

I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.

“What are you looking at?” she asked.


“What are they doing?”

“No  49   .”

“I bet they’re playing games and making friends. Don’t you think so?”

That was how our  50  started and it didn’t stop. We talked about everything under the sun---the ants, the clouds, my little niche(处境)---until it was sunset.

Then suddenly, she saw my  51  . She just started.

My heart  52 . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would  53  me now.

She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know  54   your back is hunched.”

I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be  55 . I begged in my heart for her to  56 , but she just kept on going. “I know what you’ve got in there. Do you?”

“No,” I answer  57 .

She bent and whispered in my ears.

“Your back is hunched because you’ve got a pair of wings from the angels.”

I was  58 . I looked into her eyes and her  59  touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to  60  myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind-hearted friend.

1.                A.them          B.it              C.me  D.her


2.                A.sadder         B.shorter         C.weaker   D.slower


3.                A.looking         B.smiling         C.aiming    D.glaring


4.                A.still            B.alone          C.straight   D.together


5.                A.street          B.sun            C.corner   D.mirror


6.                A.distant         B.stubborn        C.hopeless  D.unfortunate


7.                A.after           B.before         C.since D.until


8.                A.disturb         B.seek           C.interrupt  D.ignore


9.                A.wonder        B.idea           C.sign  D.action


10.               A.connection      B.competition     C.conversation   D.comprehension


11.               A.face           B.back           C.eyes  D.shoulders


12.               A.sank           B.beat           C.broke D.ached


13.               A.care for        B.rely on         C.look down upon D.put up with


14.               A.that           B.how           C.whether   D.why


15.               A.accused        B.arrested        C.punished  D.sentenced


16.               A.relax          B.leave          C.stop  D.pause


17.               A.shyly          B.weakly         C.proudly   D.firmly


18.               A.astonished      B.ashamed        C.annoyed   D.amused


19.               A.wisdom        B.generosity      C.honesty   D.kindness


20.               A.control         B.like            C.comfort   D.enjoy



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