
--- The MP3 cost me about 2,000 yuan. 

--- Well, it was crazy of you to spend so much money_____you could buy a cheaper one.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
四个学校分别表示当……时候、除非、如果和因为,根据题意选A,嗯,你疯了,当你能买一个更便宜的的时候,你花这么多钱 。

  Singapore, Tues. Eight peoplethree of them were womendied after being trapped in an attic when fire gutted (损坏) their two-storey terrace house yesterday.

  In the tragedy, about thirty-six people were sleeping in the building when the fire, started by a short circuit, broke out. Most of them managed to rush out in time.

  One of the first to leave the building was Miss Poh, nineteen, a factory worker, who was awakened from her sleep by shouts of“Fire!”shortly after 3:10 am.

  She said,“I shouted to the other tenants to get out. By this time, the first-floor was in flames and I could hear people crying and screaming. Someone brought a ladder and placed it against the wall, but it only went up as far as the, first floor. There was no hope for those trapped in the attic.”

  One man who did escape from the attic told reporters that he could only save himself by going through the ventilation(通风) opening in the roof and climbing to an adjoining building.

  Chin Meng, twenty, a fitter, wept as he recalled how he had to leave his parents behind. He said,“When I tried to return for my parents, I was driven back by the thick smoke and the heat.”

  Shortly after the blaze was spotted, three fire engines raced to the scene and by 4 am had the fire under control.

  The MP for the area visited the scene and said,“The landlord was wrong to rent out rooms irresponsibly. He has not given due thought to the safety of his tenants.”

1.________ males were killed in the fire.

[  ]


2.The fire started ________.

[  ]

A.after Miss Poh awoke from her sleep

B.at about 3 am

C.in the daytime

D.quite some time after 3:10 am

3.The fire brigade took ________ to get the fire under control.

[  ]

A.about an hour
B.three hours
C.ten minutes
D.four hours

4.The MP for the area ________ the landlord.

[  ]

D.laughed at

5.In the 6th paragraph, the word“recalled” means ________.

[  ]

B.told again
C.thought of the past


  Singapore. Tues. Eight people-three of them women-died after being trapped(困陷) in an attic(顶楼) when fire gutted(通风) their two-storey terrace house yesterday.

  In the tragedy about thirty-six people were sleeping in the building when the fire, started by a short circuit, broke out. Most of them managed to rush out in time.

  One of the first to leave the building was Miss Poh, nineteen, a factory worker, who was awakened from her sleep by shouts of “Fire!” shortly after 3:10 am.

  She said, “I shouted to the other tenants to get out. By this time, the first floor was in flames and I could hear people crying and screaming. Someone brought a ladder and placed it against the wall, but it only went up as far as the first floor. There was no hope for those trapped in the attic.”

  One man who did escape from the attic told reporters that he could only save himself by going through the ventilation(通风) opening in the roof and climbing to an adjoining building.

  Chin Meng, twenty, a fitter, wept as he recalled how he had to leave his parents behind. He said, “When I tried to return for my parents, I was driven back by the thick smoke and the heat.”

  Shortly after the blaze was spotted, three fire engines raced to the scene and by 4 am had the fire under control. The MP for the area visited the scene and said, “The landlord was wrong to rent out rooms irresponsibly: He has not given due thought to the safety of his tenants.”

1.________ males were killed in the fire.

[  ]


2.The fire started ________.

[  ]

A.after Miss Poh awoke from her sleep

B.at about 3 am

C.in the daytime

D.quite some time after 3:10 am

3.The fire brigade took ________ to get the five under control.

[  ]

A.about an hour
B.three hours
C.ten minutes
D.four hours

4.The MP for the area ________ the landlord.

[  ]

D.laughed at

5.In the 6th paragraph, the word “recalled” means ________.

[  ]

B.told again
C.thought of the past

       On a November morning in New York, Alan Pakula climbed into his Volvo and began the l00-mile drive from Manhattan to his Long Island house. The well-known movie director (Sophie's Choice, All the President’s Men) had made the mp countless tunes without incident.

       As the 70-year-old Pakula neared Exit 49 on the Long Island Expressway just before noon, a vehicle ahead of him drove over a seven-foot steel bar on the road, kicking it into the air. Within seconds, the bar shot through Pakula's car, smashing into his-forehead and killing him almost instantly. Authorities never determined where the bar came from.

       News reports called it a "freak" accident, which puts it in the same kind as other tragedies to make headlines in recent years, a 22-year-old New Jersey woman was left with broken bones after mining sharply to avoid a deer; a 24-year-old Washington woman needed major reconstructive surgery after a wall unit fell off a truck and smashed into her face; a young couple were killed by a falling tree that crushed their SUV on a suburban New York parkway.

       Though the details of each are unique, these accidents share a common, unsettling theme: the way bidden dangers on, in, and around our roads claim innocent lives.

       It is estimated that there are at least 1.6 million car accidents a year involving trees, animals and vehicle debris (碎片). A Reader's Digest analysis of government data found that in 2007, such crashes caused over 800 deaths. Even scarier: These accidents are increasing. From 2002 to 2007, deaths tied to vehicle debris jumped 43 percent, from 298 a year to 427.Animal-car deaths rose 38 percent, from 152 to 210.

       That's just part of the story. With unexpected crashes just a part of the 6.3 million accidents, 2.9 million injuries and 42, 600 road deaths, they get limited notice compared to drunk driving. That means the root causes go ignored on the documents of the government.

1.Alan Pakula was killed due to _________.

      A.his old age                                     B.a metal debris           

       C.his broken Volvo                             D.careless driving

2.A "freak" accident usually refers to _________.

      A.the headline of a tragedy                B.the action to avoid wild animals

      C.a reconstructive surgery                 D.an unusual and unexpected event

3.We can infer from the text that drunk driving ________.

      A.leads to at least 1.6 million car accidents a year

      B.is the leading concern over road accidents

      C.gets limited notice by the state government

      D.is a worldwide problem never to be solved

4.The purpose of the author is __________.

       A.to explain the Cause to Alan Pakula's death

      B.to identify what the freak road accidents are

      C.to inform the public of some dangerous roads

      D.to call the government's attention to freak accidents

      Lights on thousands of miles of major roads in England could be dimmed(变暗)

  during quiet periods in a bid to save money and reduce carbon emissions from various


      The Highways Agency suggests reducing light levels on A-roads when traffic levels

  Are“ very low".  I:ocal transport minister Norman Baker said he supported the.Move on

  condition. that safety was not compromised.

      Research into when and where lights could be dimmed will begin in May,2012.

    Mr.Kawczynski, a MP(国会议员),asked Transport Minister Norman  Baker

  “what plans he has to change guidance on the,minimum amount of lighting required on A

  roads".  In reply,Mr. Baker wrote:“The Highways Agency has plans to reduce the

  level of lighting on A-roads when traffic levels are far below road capacity.  The agency

  has no plans to reduce the level of lighting on A-roads during the peak(高峰)periods

  that occur during the hours of darkness or to temporarily switch A-roads lighting off

  when traffic flows  are  low. “The  level  of  light.reduction will  be  based upon

  internationally agreed standards and made after discussion and_agreement with the UK’s

  Institution of Lighting Professionals.”

      Mr. Baker added:“It is right that lighting authorities consider,in the interests of

  cost-saving and the environment,whether lighting can be sensibly dimmed or turned off .

with proper safety brought into full consideration.”

    A Highways Agency spokesman said:"This is not about switching off lights on A-

roads.  Any changes to light level will be determined after discussion and agreement

with industry experts and will meet internationally agreed standards to ensure there will

be no influence on safety for road users.”

60.  What is the text mainly about?

    A.  A bid for cost-saving and the environment by cutting light levels.

    B.  A research on when and where to reduce the light levels.

    C.  A discussion about changing the standard of lighting.

    D.  A move on the safety of A-roads.

61.Lights on major roads in England could be dimmed_.

    A. in broad daylight、B.  during the peak periods

    C.  when traffic levels are very low   D.  when there is power failure

62.   According to Mr. Baker,the level of light reduction will_.

    A.  be determined after discussion and agreement with industry experts

    B.  be made only after discussion and agreement with the MP

    C.  surely have much influence on safety for road users

    D.  be based on internationaay agreed standards

63.   It can be inferred from the passage that

    A.  major roads in Britain may be less safer after reducing light levels

    B.  air pollution in Britain is becoming a big headache

    C.  Britain is suffering from heavy traffic

    D.  Britain is faced with a shortage of power

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