
16.Two men are under arrest for stealing clothes from a warehouse in Bristol.The two men(51)broke(break) into the warehouse late yesterday evening,attacked the guard,tied(52)himup,and then stole a collection of expensive designer outfits(53)which/thatwas worth over£40,000.(54)Apasser-by saw lights on the warehouse and rang the police,but the two men managed(55)to escape(escape) through a back door and then drove off with the(56)stolen(steal) clothes.However,one of the men was later caught and arrested at his home,and the police caught the second man just hours later(57)hiding(hide) at a friend's house.Both men have now been charged(58)withrobbery and will appear before a judge in court on Monday.(59)If/Oncethey are found guilty,the two men will go to prison for a number of years.The guard who(60)was attacked(attack) has now been released from hospital.

分析 本文讲述了一个偷窃事件.两人是因为布里斯托尔的一个仓库偷衣服被捕.两人闯进仓库昨日深夜,攻击警卫,然后偷偷收集昂贵的名牌服装,价值超过40000£.路人打电话报警,但两人设法从后门逃走.但是后来其中一人在自己的家中被捕,仅仅数小时后,躲在一个朋友家里的第二人被捕.两人现在已经被指控抢劫并将在星期一出现在法庭上.被攻击的卫兵已经出院了.

解答 51.broke.考查谓语动词的时态.根据时间状语 late yesterday evening可知谓语动词用过去式broke. 
52.him.考查人称代词.根据attacked the guard可知本句是说把警卫绑起来,所以用 him代指他. 
53.which/that.考查关系词.定语从句was worth over£40,000的先行词是a collection,所以用which/that做关系代词,做从句的主语. 
54.A.考查冠词.第一次提到 passer-by (路人)用不定冠词.
55.to escape.修饰非谓语动词.managed后用动词不定式做宾语.所以用 to escape. 
56.stolen.考查非谓语动词.steal做 clothes的定语,而且二者之间是被动关系,所以用stolen表示"被偷的衣服".
57.hiding.考查非谓语动词. 根据the police caught the second man just hours later和 hide at a friend's house可知后句是the second man 的定语,二者之间是主动关系,所以用hiding,表示"捉住正藏在朋友家的另一个贼".
58.with.考查固定短语. charge sb with sth.表示"因某事控告某人"
59.If/Once.考查引导词.they are found guilty是the two men will go to prison for a number of years.的条件,所以用 If/Once,表示"如果他们有罪,这两个男人会入狱几年". 
60.was attacked.考查谓语动词.分析The guard(主语) who(60)(attack)(定语从句) has now been released (主句的谓语)from hospital(状语)的结构可知句义是"被攻击的卫兵已经出院了",所以定语从句的谓语动词用一般过去时态的被动语态,所以答案是was attacked.

点评 考查语法填空.做此类题,句式分析是解题的关键,只有找到句子的成分,才能正确理解句子的意思,从而得到正确答案.

4.假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文句子,请你修改你同桌写的以下句子. 句中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
71.That I feel like doing most now is going out for a drive.That改为What
72.Elvis Presley said to be the king of rock and roll.said前加was
73.I will help you after you will have finished washing up.删除第二个will
74.I believe that one has got many chances of finding an interesting job abroad than at home nowadays.many改为more
75.If they have not invited me to the party,I would not be here.have改为had
76.You mustn't bring any food for the party.There will be enough.mustn't 改为needn't
77.I remember I used to going camping with my parents during my childhood.going改为go
78.She says that she feels feverish,so she can't attend the class.正确
79.Experts advocate that each person play their parts.parts改为part
80.People often use body language on a purpose.去掉a.
8.I would like to suggest that for sixty minutes each evening,right after the early evening news,all television broadcasting be banned by law.
Let us take a serious look at what the results might be if such a suggestion were accepted.Families might use the time for a real family hour.They might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another.It is well known that many of our problems-everything,in fact,from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of mental illnesses-are caused at least in part by the failure to communicate.We do not tell each other what is disturbing us.The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another.By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems,we might get to know each other better,and to like each other better.
On evenings when such talk is unnecessary,families could rediscover more active entertainments.Freed from TV,forced to find their own activities,they might take a ride together to watch the sunset.Or they might take a walk together and see the neighborhood with fresh,new eyes.
With free time and no TV,children and adults might rediscover reading.There i s more entertainment in a good book than in a month of typical TV programming.Educators report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence,even at the college level.Writing is often learned from reading.A more cultured new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
At first glance,the idea of an hour without TV seems radical (激进的).What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter?How will we spend the time?But it's not radical at all.It has been only twenty-five years since television came to control our free time.Those of us thirty-five and older can remember childhoods without television,spent partly with radio-which at least involved the listener's imagination-but also with reading,learning,talking,playing games and inventing new activities.It wasn't that difficult,honest.The truth is that we had a ball.

28.The author's suggestion can helpA.
A.people solve emotional problems
B.draw people's attention to the evening news
C.college students get along well with others
D.develop strong neighborhood relationships
29.According to the text,good booksB.
A.offer as much knowledge as TV does   
B.are more entertaining than TV
C.should be made into films            
D.cannot be found easily
30.In the author's opinion,life without TVC.
A.is not good for children's imagination  
B.will be accepted by more people
C.used to be a lot of fun   
D.is not worth living
31.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.The future of television     
B.Turning off TV:a quiet hour
C.Saying goodbye to television   
D.Effects of television on humans.

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