The richest man in the world can now also claim a degree from the college he dropped out of three decades ago. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates delivered the commencement (典礼) address at Harvard University on Thursday, and was awarded the L. L. D. honorary doctorate (博士头衔).

“Our speaker is known as the most influential entrepreneur(企业家) of the personal computer revolution. He was named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2004, 2005, 2006 and again in 2007, ” said Harvard’s president, Derek Bok. Then Bok spoke more directly to Gates: “Just think what you could have achieved if you had stayed another two years.”

Gates told the students, many of whom will soon be launching into full-time careers, that work isn’t the only thing of importance.

“Judge yourself not on the professional accomplishments but on how well you have addressed the world’s inequities, how you have treated people who have nothing to do with you,” he said.

In recent months, Gates has been giving a larger part of his time and energy to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on issues including global health and education. In 2008, he plans to make the foundation his chief responsibility.

But for the most part, the Microsoft co-founder stuck to the serious message about trying to make the world a better place. He urged the graduates not to get discouraged about seemingly intractable (棘手的) challenges of poverty and poor health.

As many as 30,000 people were expected to attend the outdoor commencement ceremony. Gates wasn’t the only high-profile speaker on the Cambridge campus this week. On Wednesday, former President Bill Clinton delivered Harvard’s Class Day speech. Gates and Clinton have collaborated (合作) on great efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic in developing countries. Recent past Harvard commencement speakers have included journalist Jim Lehrer in 2006, actor and writer John Lithgow in 2005 and United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2004.


45. We know from the text that Bill Gates__________.

A. got an important award from Harvard University

B. left the college for his career ahead of two years

C. addressed at Harvard University for the high-profile speaker

D. urged the graduates not to fight the AIDS in developing countries

46. What is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

A. it claims a degree from the college one dropped out of

B. it delivers the commencement address at Harvard University.

C. it fixes its eyes on issues about health and education throughout the world.

D. it collaborates on great efforts to attend the commencement ceremony

47. On this special day, Bill Gates has done all the following EXCEPT that _______.

A. he claimed a degree      B. he used much of his time and energy to his Foundation

C. he gave a speech.        D. he went to work with journalist Jim Lehrer

48. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.

A. A large number of some famous men went to Harvard University after success

B. Harvard University only brings up some journalists, actors and writers

C. General Kofi Annan acted as a professor at Harvard University after retirement

D. Jim Lehrer,John Lithgow and Kofi Annan are Gates’ brothers

I first met Sean one summer day. He carried a bag    36 with four clubs(球杆)  and some balls. He was a lot   37  than other kids of his age. I heard he was   38   from cancer. Still , he always seemed to be smiling whenever I would see him with his friends, trying to  39  as far as he did.

A year or so passed and I hadn’t   40  Sean .I had heard that his cancer was   41      him. Still, his friends said he was going to come here before long.

  42  enough , he was there the following week. I   43  that one of his friends was carrying Sean’s bag. I saw Sean was having a(n)  44  time trying to drive the ball. Sean hit his last ball as hard as his fragile body would   45  .It flew up to the green and was out of sight. One of his friends   46  Sean walk up to the green. It was a(n)  47 walk because the green was higher than the tee(发球区).

Suddenly I saw one boy pick up Sean’s ball and    48  it in the hole. Then he ran and   49  to look for his own ball.

When Sean finally got to the green, he looked   50  because he thought he hit it over .

Then he glanced in the hole. A smile   51  his face! The boys looked at each other and said , “You can’t tell me it’s a hole-in-one!”

“No, really ! Look !” he said . They all acted    52  and as I watched , I thought Sean looked like the   53   guy I had ever seen. I never saw Sean or his friends after that day.   54   it was then that I learned just what golf should be .

It’s not about what   55  you get or how far you drive. It is about caring for the friends you play with and enjoying the time you have with them.

1.                A.covered        B.filled           C.equipped D.connected


2.                A.smaller         B.taller           C.stronger  D.cleverer


3.                A.recovering      B.suffering        C.benefiting D.curing


4.                A.send             C.hit   D.walk


5.                A.promised       B.cared          C.heard    D.seen


6.                                  A.getting the best of    B.losing control of

C.taking advantage of                 D.getting rid of


7.                A.Effective        B.Active          C.Sure D.Lucky


8.                A.guessed        B.learned         C.hoped    D.noticed


9.                A.weak          B.awful           C.meaningful    D.comfortable


10.               A.allow          B.provide        C.bear  D.control


11.               A.let            B.suggested       C.helped    D.ordered


12.               A.quick          B.tough          C.energetic  D.unwise


13.               A.break          B.lift            C.move D.drop


14.               A.pretended      B.forgot          C.tried  D.disliked


15.               A.calm           B.astonished      C.disappointed   D.excited


16.      on         B.came out       C.took on   D.lit up


17.               A.doubtful        B.surprised       C.curious    D.delighted


18.               A.happiest        B.busiest         C.coolest    D.funniest


19.               A.And           B.Or            C.But   D.So


20.               A.ball            B.disease         C.friendship D.score





When my son was 11 years old, he got a small job helping out with a traveling carnival in our town. He didn't come home at lunch time, phoning  36  to tell me he was fine and had found a few days' work  37  out at an exhibit. However, after he finished work he  38  for supper as usual.

I asked him how he had  39  at lunch and he told me he had made some new  40  at the carnival, some young men who were twin brothers, and their mom and dad. They had  41  him a few dollars and invited him for lunch  42  for helping them set up their exhibit and wanted him to  43   the next day to help with other chores (杂务).

I was glad he had found new friends but a little  44  about the type of people who might be traveling in a carnival. "Oh, Mum, these are just  45  everyday people like anyone else. They  46   work at a carnival instead of in a store or something". "Come down tomorrow and  47  them yourself," he said.

So the next day I went to the carnival and to the exhibit he had  48  me to. The twin brothers   _49  out to be Siamese (连体的) twins, joined at the chest. He hadn't thought this  50  was noteworthy enough to mention. When I brought it to him, he said, "yes, I  51  that too. Do you know that their mum has to make all their clothes  52  it's so difficult to find anything to fit them? They're also really good  53  . Today, Joe, one on the fight, made me spaghetti (意大利面条) for lunch. "

What others see first in a person is not what a child considers  54  . Where I saw Siamese twins, he saw people having difficulty buying clothes that fit, and young men who were good cooks. It was a   _55  I have thought about many times over the years.

36. A. instead                B. even              C. also              D. besides

37. A. helping             B. helping                    C. taking             D. showing

38. A. did up                       B. gave up                    C. took up                    D. turned up

39. A. sought                       B. managed                  C. worked                    D. acted

40. A. clothes                       B. friends                            C. choices                     D. differences

41. A. paid                          B. charged                    C. lent                          D. owed

42. A. by chance                  B. in return                   C. by turns                   D. in advance

43. A. return                        B. promise                    C. consider                   D. decide

44. A. excited                      B. regretful                   C. worried                    D. optimistic

45. A. humorous                  B. obvious                    C. particular                 D. normal

46. A. just                           B. never                       C. hardly                      D. always

47. A. teach                         B. meet                        C. affect                       D. join

48. A. ordered                      B. directed                    C. forced                      D. persuaded

49. A. worked                      B. left                          C. came                        D. turned

50. A. expression                  B. change                            C. fact                          D. idea

51. A understood                  B. made                       C. noticed                     D. formed

52. A. before                       B. if                             C. after                        D. because

53. A. cooks                        B. doctors                     C. artists                       D. singers

54. A. necessary                   B. important                 C. impossible                D. unlucky

55. A. lesson                        B. festival                     C. task                         D. match



Freshmen, eager to get home for the Chinese New Year, queue up at the railway station for hours.Days later, they squeeze into a crowded train and dream of the home-cooked meals and love they'll enjoy once they arrive home.This, they say, makes all the trouble of getting home worthwhile.

However, many freshmen come to find that home is not exactly how they remembered it.Living away from their parents has exposed them to a new life of freedom – one that within hours of arriving some begin to miss.Household chores(家务活)and complaining parents are just a few of the things that can ruin students' winter fantasies.“My parents still treat me like I was in senior high,” Song Ying, a 19-year-old freshman at Shandong University, complained.“I get an earful from them every day.”

During her first term away from her Hubei home, Song missed everything – from her parents cooking to the city bus.She cried and ached to sleep in her own bed.So, upon finishing her exams, she fled home, thinking everything would be just as it used to be.But she was wrong.Now, she spends entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.She logs online to update friends' profile on SNS, skips meals and sleeps in – just like she did on campus.

Things have been even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi, a 19-year-old freshman at Beijing Jiaotong University.Instead of moving to a friend's house, though, he has decided to challenge his parents' rules for his right to be an adult at home.When they complained about the amount of time he spent in the toilet, Luo said he decided “enough is enough” and lost his temper.He feels guilty about his attitude, but he still argues that he is grown up enough to live by his own rules.“I just want to live my own way of living, wherever I am,” said Luo.

Recent graduates like Wang Kai know what Song and Luo are going through.But Wang, who graduated in 2008 and now works in Beijing, says students should value the time spent with their family and “just try to be nicer.” Wang says he acted the same way when he first returned home from college, but now, living 1,500 km away from his hometown in Hunan, he regrets his behavior.He realizes that his parents meant well.And, looking back, he says that “the way of living that we got used to on campus is not that healthy anyway”.

Parents, meanwhile, are more understanding than you might think.“Living on their own in a strange place can be hard –we've been there before,” said Luo's father.“We want to make sure that they are healthy and happy.Sometimes maybe we just worry too much.” As for the tension that's arisen between father and son, Luo senior laughed and said, “It's not a problem at all – he's my son; we work things out, always.”

1.Having read the passage, we can infer that home is now a(n) ___________for most freshmen.

         A.birdcage                       B.paradise

         C.temporary station in life house

2.Why are things even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi during the Chinese New Year?

         A.He has to spend entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.

         B.He has decided to go against his parents for his right to be an adult at home.

         C.He feels guilty about his attitude towards his parents.

         D.He has wasted much money his parents gave to him.

3.According to the text, there exists a main problem between parents and children that_______.

         A.parents want to bring their children under control as before.

         B.children look down upon what their parents always do.

         C.their way of life is apparently different now.

         D.they are always misunderstanding each other.

4.Who the text implies is mainly responsible for the bad parent-child relationship?

         A.parents changes               C.professors           D.freshmen

5.What does the underlined part in the 2nd paragraph probably mean?

         A.learn a lot                B.receive much punishment

         C.get a scolding             D.have a narrow escape


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