

【1】 How many d______ are there in China's history?

【2】 The e______ of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.

【3】 He is a t______ person but your behavior is more than he can bear.

【4】 The donation scandal involving Zhang Ziyi, a famous Chinese actress, cast a s______ on her fame.

【5】 The plane was flying at an a______ of 6,000 meters.

【6】 His father is a heart ______ (专家).

【7】 We don't like a______ (商人)who does some cheating in buying and selling goods.

【8】 It is said that French men are among the most ______ (浪漫的)people in the world.

【9】 He looked into the pool and saw a ______ (倒影)of himself.

【10】 Aging is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his ______ (智力的)faculties.



【1】 dynasties

【2】 expansion

【3】 tolerant

【4】 shadow

【5】 altitude

【6】 specialist

【7】 merchant

【8】 romantic

【9】 reflection

【10】 mental


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