An unusual group of musicians from the land of Mozart have just started a nine-day European tour.
The First Viennese Vegetable Orchestra (管弦乐队) from Austria contains eight musicians, one sound technician and one cook.
This mix of people may seem strange until you know the orchestra play instruments they have carved (雕刻) out of vegetables. At the end of the performance, the cook cuts up the instruments and makes a tasty vegetable soup for the audience.
It takes the band about half an hour to make a carrot flute (长笛). Other instruments include eggplant cymbals (茄子铙钹) and pumpkin (南瓜) drums. Microphones make the vegetable sounds loud enough for the audience to hear.
"The audience has the possibility of enjoying what they just heard," the band said. "We employ a real cook for the preparation of the soup so it is indeed tasty and very special."
34. Which of the following should be the best title of the passage?
A. A Special Orchestra B. Uses of Vegetables
C. A Special Meal D. Eatable Instruments
35. From this passage we can infer that ______.
A. all the musical instruments are made by a cook
B. vegetables can be excellent materials for musical instruments
C. the shapes and sizes of the vegetables decide what kind of instrument they will be made into
D. the cook makes the band famous and particular
36. The sound technician ______.
A. helps to make sounds
B. makes the instruments to be used at the concert
C. operates the electrical sound equipments to make the music loud enough
D. tests the quality of the musical instruments to be used by the orchestra
37. The passage intends to tell us that ______.
A. vegetables can be very useful materials B. common things can be made into things of fun
C. the orchestra has made a great discovery D. the band is popular with epicures (美食家)
34. A 综合归纳题:由全文内容可知这是一支特殊的管弦乐队,因为他们的乐器全部都是用蔬菜做成的。
35. C 归纳推断题:不同的蔬菜不同的形状,可以做成与之形状相对应的乐器。
36. C 词义猜测题:本题考查对单词的“sound technician”的理解。由文中可知它是“录音师、调音师”的意思。
37. B 总结归纳题:由全文得到启示,普通的东西可以制作成有趣的东西。