
Today we spent the morning going through our personal belongings .We were looking for items to __       for free at a local park. Not just any items but things people really       . Our aim was not to find things we no longer        but things we use every day that would be        to others.

We packed these things        boxes and added some small toys. We added a list of local addresses and phone numbers of local        agencies. Inside the boxes a simple letter was placed. It       : “Please take these items and know that your life is important.       are difficult but these days will pass. We share what we have believing that it will matter. Use the food to nurture your         ; use the blankets to stay warm. Be safe and know that the human        can overcome anything. Do not hold your head        for having a need to stay warm. Someday please do the same when you can.”

This kind        was not because the phone rang or for any reason. It was        because it was the right to do. We have often seen        people at the park where we left the belongings. I        that my wife had put her favorite green coat into one of the boxes. I asked if she was        about it and she just replied that it had a hood (兜帽) . Her answer told me why it is I who love her. She liked the coat but knew the hood could        someone from the rain.

Who knows where these gifts of sympathy will       ? How many uses can a blanket serve        what it was designed to do? We never go back and see what happens. It is unimportant. The right things will find the right people and that is all that       .

1.A. put off                B. put up   C. give away      D. give up

2.A. needed              B. collected       C. produced      D. searched

3.A. accepted              B. wanted C. carried D. bought

4.A. wonderful B. beautiful       C. hopeful          D. useful

5.A. around       B. upon     C. into       D. above

6.A. working      B. parking              C. delivering      D. helping

7.A. spoke         B. read                C. marked D. indicated

8.A. Ways B. Problems   C. Times    D. Situations

9.A. body  B. mind    C. brain     D. figure

10.A. imagination      B. spirit    C. health   D. wisdom

11.A. forward   B. aside    C. around D. down

12.A. attempt    B. manner         C. act         D. habit

13.A. suddenly B. simply C. strangely       D. usually

14.A. aimless     B. homeless      C. childless        D. friendless

15.A. believed  B. dreamed      C. approved      D. noticed

16.A. sure          B. sad        C. worried         D. anxious

17.A. separate  B. prevent        C. shelter  D. hold

18.A. affect       B. go C. use        D. help

19.A. other than        B. rather than C. more than     D. better than

20.A. attains      B. counts  C. moves   D. contains


























1.考查词组:A. put off 推迟,B. put up张贴,C. give away赠送,泄漏,D. give up放弃,我们在找一些东西可以在当地的公园免费的赠送,选C

2.考查动词:A. needed需要,B. collected收集,C. produced生产,D. searched搜寻,不是任何的东西,而是人们真正需要的,选A

3.考查动词:A. accepted接受,B. wanted想要,C. carried携带,D. bought买,我们的目标不是找我们不想要的东西,选B

4.考查形容词:A. wonderful精彩的,B. beautiful 美丽的,C. hopeful有希望的,D. useful有用的,而是我们每天都用的,对别人也是有用的东西,选D

5.考查介词:A. around在…周围,B. upon一…就,C. into进入,D. above在…上面,我把这些东西放进盒子里面,选C

6.考查动词:A working工作,B. parking停车,C. delivering送,发表,D. helping帮助,我加入了一些当地的地址和援助机构的地址,选D

7.考查动词:A. spoke说话,B. read读,C. marked标志,D. indicated暗示,在盒子里面有一封简单的信,信上写到…,用read,选B

8.考查名词:A. Ways方式,B. Problems问题,C. Times时间,D. Situations形势,从后面的句子but these days will pass.可知困难的时光会过去的,选C

9.考查名词:A. body身体,B. mind思维,C. brain大脑,D. figure数字,人影,用食物给身体增加营养,选A

10.考查名词:A. imagination想象力,B. spirit 精神,C. health健康,D. wisdom明智,人类的精神可以克服一切,选B

11.考查副词:A. forward向前,B. aside在…一边,C. around在周围,D. down向下,不要因为需要东西保暖而低下头,选D

12.考查名词:A. attempt尝试,试图,B. manner方式,方法,C. act行为,D. habit习惯,这个善举不是因为电话铃响了,或是其他什么原因,选C

13.考查副词: A. suddenly突然,B. simply简单地,C. strangely奇怪地,D. usually通常,只是因为应该这么做,选B

14.考查形容词:A. aimless漫无目标地,B. homeless无家可归的,C. childless没有孩子的,D. friendless没有朋友的,我们经常在公园里面看见无家可归的人,选B

15.考查动词:A. believed相信,B. dreamed 梦想,C. approved同意,D. noticed注意,我注意到我的妻子把她最喜欢的绿色的外套放在盒子里面,选D

16.考查形容词: A. sure确定,B. sad难过的,C. worried担心的,D. anxious焦虑的,我问她是否能够确定,选A

17.考查动词:A. separate分离,B. prevent阻止,C. shelter庇护,D. hold持有,她知道风帽可以保护人们不受雨淋,选C

18.考查动词:A. affect影响,B. go去,C. use用,D. help帮助,谁知道这些同情的礼物会去往什么地方,选B

19.考查词组:A. other than除了,B. rather than而不是,C. more than不仅仅,非常,D. better than好于,除了毯子本来的用途,他们还可以用作什么?选A

20.考查动词:A. attains获得,B. counts重要,数数,C. moves移动,D. contains装,容纳,适当的人得到适当的东西,这是最重要的,选B




There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. At present, we realize that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas away from any major concentration (集中)of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air pollution.
Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a “greenhouse effect” - raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be in water.
Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is preventing sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature - a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen though one recent government reports that the greenhouse effect is very possible. Perhaps, if we are lucky enough, the two tendencies will offset(抵消)each other and the world’s temperature will stay about the same as it is now. Driven by economic profits, people don’t think about the damage on our environment caused by the “advanced civilization”. Maybe the air pollution is the price the human beings have to pay for their development. But is it really worth?
72. As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution ________.
A. caused widespread damage in the countryside
B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States
C. had damaged effect on health
D. existed only in urban and industrial areas
73. As to the greenhouse effect, the author ________.
A. shares the same view with the scientists
B. is uncertain of its happening
C. rejects it as being ungrounded
D. thinks it will destroy the world soon
74. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that ________.
A. lowering the world’s temperature only a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster
B. raising the world’s temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth
C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade
D. the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come
75. This passage is mainly about ________.
A. the greenhouse effect
B. the burning of coal and oil
C. the potential effect of air pollution
D. the likelihood of a new ice age

Today, we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.
During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeare's play "The Comedy of Errors"(《错误的喜剧》)Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play "Macbeth"(《麦克白》), Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.
Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the city’s tradesmen. Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.
It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeare’s works have influenced the world culture. But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language. During his time, the English language was changing. Many new words from other languages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example, he created the noun forms of "critic", "mountaineer” and "eyeball". Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including "pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)"from "Othello"(《奥赛罗》), "full circle(绕圈子地)" from "King Lear"(《李尔王》), etc. The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into every major language in the world.
Shakespeare became a well-known writer during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.
【小题1】What can we infer from the passage?

A.Many of Shakespeare's works were influenced by earlier writings.
B.Shakespeare was hard­working when he was a student.
C.The experience of living in London helped a lot with Shakespeare's works.
D.Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works.
【小题2】Shakespeare might have learnt some information from ancient Roman works in      .
A."King Lear"B."The Comedy of Errors"C."Macbeth"D."Othello"
【小题3】Shakespeare's greatest influence should be on    .
A.the English languageB.paintingsC.televisionD.music and dance
【小题4】The passage is mainly about    .
A.an introduction to Shakespeare’s life and his works
B.the main features and styles of Shakespeare's plays
C.how culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture.
D.Shakespeare’s greatest influence on the world culture.

In the United States, engineering is a profession(职业) that has been historically under the control of men. Even today, it’s still true that few women become civil or chemical or mechanical engineers, but that’s something on www.EngineerGirl.org encouraging girls to change the present situation. Young women who visit the web site can find out about a great job choice they might not have considered.
"Women are not well represented in engineering and in engineering education programs and then of course, down the road, in the engineering workforce. So only about 20 percent of engineering undergraduate degrees(本科文凭) go to women, and then only about nine percent of working engineers are women."
Mary Mattis, the National Academy of Engineering, says "we know from the research that middle-school girls are at a critical point in their lives, and that it’s a time when we need to reach them, so this website aims to increase their awareness of interesting fields in engineering. On the other hand, it wants to make them understand what a wonderful productive and exciting job you can have as an engineer.”
Engineering is a demanding course of study—there is a lot of science and math, for many girls and even boys that can be challenging. But Ms. Mattis says that the EngineerGirl website stresses that engineering can also be fun and exciting.
"It’s about designing things. It’s about changing the world for people. It’s about making a difference. And, in addition, you can make a good living; you can be independent economically by becoming an engineer. All of those things are messages that girls need to get."
While most engineers go into traditional fields such as mechanical and electrical engineering, the EngineerGirl site also emphasizes engineering jobs which are related to other fields such as bio-engineering, sports engineering and --- believe it or not—chocolate engineering.
Even if you are not a girl in the target(目标) age group, there’s a lot of interesting information on the site, including biographies(自传)of some well-known women engineers.

Website(56)______ Girls to Learn Engineering
Present(57)_____ for the engineering profession in the USA
The majority of men take up the profession throughout(58) ______, while only a small number of women work as engineers.
(59)_____ of the website
▲To increase young women’s(60)_____of interesting fields in engineering.
▲To make them understand what productivity and (61)_____ the job of being engineers can bring them.
(62)___________ of being engineers
▲ It can be fun and exciting.
▲ It can(63)_____ the world for people.
▲ You can make a good living.
▲ You can get economic independence by (64) _____ an engineer.
Other fields concerning engineering
Various chances are talked about like bio-engineering and engineering (65) _____ to sports, and even chocolate.

 Nobody likes home economics (家政学). But restoring the program could help us in the fight against obesity and chronic (慢性的) diseases today.

The home economics movement was founded on the belief that housework and food preparation were important subjects that should be studied scientifically. The first classes occurred in the agricultural and technical colleges that were built in the 1860s. When most departments of universities rejected women, home economics was a back door into higher education.

Indeed, in the early 20th century, home economics was a serious subject When few people understood germ (微生物) theory and almost no one had heard of vitamins, home economics classes offered vital information about washing hands regularly, eating fruits and vegetables and not feeding coffee to babies.

However, today we remember only the fixed ideas about home economics, forgetting the movement’s most important lessons on healthy eating and cooking. Too many Americans simply don’t know how to cook. Our diets, consisting of highly processed foods made cheaply outside the home, have contributed to many serious health problems. In the last decade, many cities and states have tried to tax junk food heavily or to ban the use of food stamps (食品券) to buy soda. Clearly, many people are doubtful about any governmental steps to promote healthy eating. But what if the government put the tools of obesity prevention in the hands of children themselves by teaching them how to cook?

My first experience with home economics happened two decades ago when I was a seventh grader in a North Carolina public school. A year later, my father’s job took our family to Wales, where I attended a large school for a few months. It was the first time I had ever really cooked anything. I remember that it was fun, and with an instructor standing by, it wasn’t hard. Those lessons stuck with me when I first started cooking for my husband and myself after college and they still do. Teaching cooking in public schools can help solve some problems facing Americans t day. The history of home economics shows it’s possible.

1.Home economics______.

A. is a subject becoming more and more popular with Americans

B. is often used to help fight against obesity and chronic diseases

C. once offered women a. special approach to university education

D. was first taught in the agricultural and technical colleges in the early 1900s

2. The third paragraph mainly tells us______ .

A. the importance of regular hand washing

B. the health benefits of fruits and vegetables

C. the contents of home economics classes in the early 20th century

D. the significance of teaching home economics in the early 20th century

3. In the opinion of the author, how should we fight against childhood obesity?

A. Children should be taught how to cook.

B. A heavy tax should be put on junk food

C. Healthy eating should be promoted at school

D. Using food stamps to buy soda should be banned

4. What does the author imply in the last paragraph?

A. Her family moved frequently in her childhood.

R Cooking classes have a far-reaching influence on her later life.

C. To receive a better education, she went to a large school in Wales.

D. Teaching cooking is the key to solving Americans’ health problems.


Roy died at an old age with many memories. His life was full of both good and bad memories, but he  26  to remember mostly the good. The bad memories that broke his heart and that he  27 with friends, involved the big war-World War II. So many things about his war experience he remembered  28 great detail.

Roy survived the attack on Normandy-he was part of the second wave that landed. He 29 with him the memories of water mixed with the blood of fallen soldiers. He experienced 30 , sweat, blood, fire and salt water just to get to the beach. In terror-filled moments that would forever change his life and the history of our world, his life was robbed of innocence(天真)  31  the realities of war engulfed(吞噬)him.

Not too many months later, he found himself cold and  32 . Close to being completely 33 from air supplies(供给)because of the weather, Roy and his fellows hung on to what little hope they could have. Then Christmas morning came, the weather cleared long enough for supplies to be  34 and word to spread that other troops would soon be there.

Many of the young men who began with Roy did not make it home  35 . They gave their lives to fighting against the Nazi. Those who did survive would never be the same. Many of them were the most patriotic(爱国的)people you would  36 meet, but most of them  37 war. They had experienced it. They knew its final realities-things got blown up while people were killed, and robbed of their beloved ones.

It is Memorial Day in the United States today. We all pray for an end for the world’s need for young men and young women to be placed in harm’s way. We also need to remember those who paid the huge  38 of wars-costs not counted in dollars, but in lost lives, broken hearts, forgotten innocence, broken families, and terrible memories. And as we remember to  39 those who paid this awful price, we also remember in hopes to see an end to war itself.

Please, in their honor, don’t forget their sacrifices(牺牲). Please, for our world’s sake, don’t forget to pray for  40 .

1.                A.refused        B.chose          C.promised D.planned


2.                A.shared         B.lost            C.fought    D.valued


3.                A.at             B.in             C.for D.with


4.                A.took           B.got            C.brought   D.carried


5.                A.fear           B.disappointment   C.excitement    D.courage


6.                A.but            B.as             C.since     D.so


7.                A.sad            B.lonely          C.wounded D.hungry


8.                A.cut off         B.kept away       C.left behind    D.put down


9.                A.taken          B.sent           C.dropped  D.shipped


10.               A.healthy         B.strong          C.alive D.safe


11.               A.never          B.ever           C.already    D.yet


12.               A.hated          B.liked           C.experienced    D.missed


13.               A.money         B.efforts         C.attention D.costs


14.               A.find           B.help           C.honor     D.understand


15.               A.luck           B.life            C.peace     D.happiness



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