
According to legend, a young man while wandering the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he   21  his leather container so he could bring some   22  to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.
After a four-day journey he   23  the water to the old man who took a deep drink,   24  warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy   25 .
Later, the teacher let another student   26  the water. He spat it   27 , saying it was awful. It   28  had been no longer fresh and   29  unpleasant to drink because of the old leather container.
The student challenged his teacher: “Master, the water was smelly. Why did you   30  to like it?”
The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water. I tasted the   31 . The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be   32 .”
I think we understand this lesson best when we receive   33  gifts of love from young children.   34  it’s a tray or a bracelet, the   35  and proper response is   36  and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.
Gratitude doesn’t always come naturally.   37 , most children and many adults value only the thing given   38  the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and   39  our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude.   40 , gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.
A.presentedB.mailed C.deliveredD.showed
A.pretendedB.lovely C.abnormal D.natural
A.devotionB.comfort C.imagination D.appreciation
A.other thanB.rather than C.better than D.more than
A.persuade B.teachC.improveD.advise
A.In a word B.OtherwiseC.ThusD.After all


小题1:考查动词辨析。A.packed打包B. Filled装满,填满,灌满C.took拿,取;采取;D. Carried装载(沉重的物品),根据句意,因为水的味道非常甜美,于是他灌满了他的皮水壶。故选B
小题2:考查动词短语。bring sth back带...回去,bring in;引入,赚(钱)bring up教育,培育 bring away 带着...离开。句意这样就可以带一些回去,送给曾经是他老师的部落长老。
小题3:考查动词辨析。present to,意思是 “出现在 ”;“送给”;“把……呈现给”,句意是他把水呈献给老人而mail是指邮寄,deliver是指递送;投递;传送,均不合题意
小题4:考查动词辨析。 从下文thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water可推断老人应该是和蔼的微笑着。
小题5:根据语境,年轻人得到老人的感激,当然是怀着愉快的心情回到了村庄。heart 心,感情B.mind,智力,智慧, 意志,记忆C. Moment时刻D.occasion机会,时机;场合,故选A
小题7: 根据下文saying it was awful,水很难喝,故学生吐了出来。Spit out吐出…;唾。
小题8:根据句意,水显然已经因为陈旧的皮革容器而变得不再新鲜。A. Apparently显然地;似乎;显而易见B. Still仍然C. Sadly悲伤地D. Quickly快速地。故选择A
小题9:联系上下文。水已经变得不再新鲜,因此不好喝。故选D。A.however可是,然而B. Instead正相反 C. nevertheless 然而;尽管如此;不过;仍然D. Therefore因此。
小题10:句意;学生质疑他的老师:“师父,水是臭的,你为什么要假装喜欢它?”A. Changeg改变="B." pretend假装C. determine决定 D.agree同意,根据语境,B最合题意。
小题11:联系下文(重现) gifts of love from young children,可知正确答案是gift.句意为:你只品尝了水的味道,我却是在品尝礼物的味道。
小题12:考查形容词的比较级。句意:水仅仅是装载善与爱之行为的容器,而没有什么东西比善与爱更甜美了。”A. clearer更 干净B. fresher 更 新鲜C. sweeter更甜美D. purer更纯洁
小题13:根据常识,形容孩子应该用“天真无邪”,故选B。A. Simple简单的B. innocent天真无邪的C.worthless无价值的,不值钱的;卑微的D.meaningless无意义的。
小题14:从下文because we love the idea within the gift,所以,无论它是一个陶瓷托盘或通心粉手镯,我们都应该欣赏并感激。whether…or…:不管…还是…
小题15:考查形容词。收到别人送的礼物,我们自然而恰当的反应是欣赏,并表示感激。A. Pretended假装的B.lovely可爱的C.abnormal正常的,均不合题意。D.natural自然的为正确答案。
小题16:由and连接并列结构可知,空格和expressed thankfulness为并列关系,故选D. Appreciation欣赏,感激。
小题17:根据语境,此处表达:不幸的是,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身,A. Unfortunately不幸地是B.Frankly坦率地C.Strangely奇怪地D. Possibly可能地,故选A。
小题18:根据句意,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身,而不是它体现的情谊。故选B。A.other than不同于;非;除了(="but,expect)B.rather" than(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…;而不是C.better than比…更好D.more than不只是;很;超过;在…次以上。
小题19:A. persuade劝说,规劝B. Teach教育,教诲C. Improve提高,改善D.advise建议。根据句意:我们应该提醒自己,并教导我们的孩子,感情和对感激之情的表达是美丽而纯洁的。选择B答案。
小题20:A. In a word总之,一句话B. Otherwise否则,要不然C. Thus因此D. After all毕竟,终究。根据上下文的关系,句意为:毕竟,发自内心给与的礼物才是真正的礼物。故选D
Australia’s Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to perform euthanasia(安乐死)—that’s to say, doctors are permitted to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die. Word that the law was passed by the vote of 15 to 10 immediately flashed on the Internet and was picked up by John, the director of the Right to Die Society of Canada, who posted it on the group’s homepage online, saying, “This isn’t merely something that happened in Australia. It’s world history.”
The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law has left physicians and citizens trying to deal with its moral and practical influence. Some have breathed sighs of relief; but others, including churches, right to life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the law. But the tide is unlikely to turn back. In Australia--where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part—other states are going to consider making a similar law. In the U. S. and Canada, where the right to die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes (多米诺骨牌) to start falling.
Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death--probably by a deadly injection or pill--to end suffering. The patient must be diagnosed as incurably ill by two doctors. After a "cooling off" period of seven days, the patient can sign a certificate of request. After 48 hours the wish for death can be met. For Lloyd, a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally Ill Law means he can get on with living without the disturbing fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing condition. "I' m not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view, but what I was afraid of was how I'd go, because I've watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks," he says.
小题1:According to the text, which of the following statements is TURE?
A.Patients will ask their doctors for euthanasia if they are afraid of illness.
B.Australia, Canada and the US speak highly of the law of euthanasia.
C.All people in Australia don’t share the positive attitude to euthanasia
D.If a patient requests death, he should sign a certificate after 48 hours.
小题2:The underlined sentence in Para 2, “observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.” means that observers are prepared to learn the news that         .
A.some other countries pass similar laws
B.Australia has to put an end to euthanasia
C.people begin to change attitudes to euthanasia
D.different effects result from the game of dominoes
小题3:Which is NOT the reason for Australia to become the first country to pass the law of euthanasia?
A.Australia has advanced technology of extending life.
B. Australians realize suffering from a terrible disease is worse than death.
C.Australia is faced with a growing ageing population.
D.Australians find it easy to deal with the moral and practical influence.
小题4:It can be inferred from the text that          .
A.Australia passed the law of euthanasia by the vote of 15 to 10
B.John and his group are in favor of the law of euthanasia in Australia.
C.an adult patient can request euthanasia by a deadly injection or pill
D.Lloyd has seen many people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen.
小题5:What’s the author’s attitude to euthanasia?
A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt nervous. Late in the afternoon she gathered the    36  to approach her employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a    37 . The woman arrived home that evening to find a beautiful table   38  with their best dishes. Candles were softly burning. Her 39  had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had given him the information   40  , or··· did he just somehow know that she would not get the request  41 ?
She found him in the kitchen and    42     him the good news. They happily sat down to enjoy the wonderful    43    . Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered card which was her husband's 44  of writing. It read “Congratulations, darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.”  45  The supper, her husband went into the kitchen to   46 . She noticed that a second 47    had fallen from his pocket.   48  it up off the floor, she read, “Don't worry about not getting the raise! But you   49    it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you.”
Someone has said that the   50  of love is when you love without measure. What this man feels for his wife is total    51  and love, whether she succeeds or  52 . His love celebrates her victories and 53  her wounds. He stands with her, no matter what life throw in their direction..
Upon receiving the Nobel for 54 , Mother Teresa said, “What can you do to  55  to the world peace? Go home and love your family.” And love your friends. Love then without measure.
A.turned overB.turned downC.turned outD.turned on
A.bring upB.clean upC.cut upD.throw up
The Hand
Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class fun work to draw a picture of  36  for which they were thankful.
Most of the class might be  37   to be economically(经济上) poor, but still many would  38   a big holiday dinner with turkeys and other traditional goodies of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the   39   of most of her students’ art. And they really were.
But Douglas made a   40   kind of picture, for Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of pity and love,  41  and unhappy. As other children played at break, Douglas was likely to stand close by her side. One could only guess the pain Douglas felt  42   those sad eyes.
Yes, his picture was different. When he was  43  to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a  44  ---nothing else. Just an empty hand.
His picture brought out the heated  45  of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer because farmers  46   turkeys. Another suggested a police officer’s because the police protect and  47   people. And so the discussion went --- until the teacher   48   forgot the young artist.
  49 the children had gone on to do other work, she   50 Douglas’ desk, bent down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and said in a very low voice, “It’s yours, teacher.”
She recalled the  51    when she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there and how  52   she had said, “Take your hand, Douglas, and we’ll go outside.” or “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” or “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was most   53   for his teacher’s hand.
Brushing aside tears, she went on with her work.
In fact, people  54   not always say “Thanks”. But they would remember the hand that  55   .
A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything
A.suggestedB.imagined C.encouraged D.thought
A.have B.shareC.prefer D.ask
A.homework B.subjects C.classesD.thoughts
A.good B.encouraging C.different D.exciting
A.merry B.naughty C.weak D.lively
A.behind B.beside C.before D.around
A.ordered B.told C.forced D.spoken
A.gift B.person C.hand D.wonder
A.thought B.laughter C.eyes D.discussion
A.keep B.need C.buyD.sell
A.look at B.care for C.take awayD.drive off
A.always B.almost C.usuallyD.therefore
A.Before B.Because C.Since D.When
A.looked at B.pointed at C.turned to D.looked to
A.chances B.forms C.ways D.times
A.seldomB.often C.soon D.much
A.thankful B.calm C.pleased D.comfortable
A.couldB.must C.should D.might
A.moved onB.went out C.helped out D.reached out
A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had liked a beautiful   1  , and knowing her husband could   2   it, she told him that was all she wanted. On the morning of the   3  , her husband told her how   4   he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He   5   her a beautiful gift package (纸盒). She opened it and   6   a Bible.
7  , she raised her voice and said to her husband, “With all your money, you give me a Bible?” She was so   8   that she left him.
Many years passed and the lady was very   9   in business. She owned two large companies. She   10   her husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go to   11   him. But before she could, she   12  a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her. She needed to come back and   13   things.
When she arrived at his house, sadness   14   her heart. She saw the still new
15  , just as she had left it years before. With   16  , she opened it and began to turn the pages. A ring  17   from the Bible to the floor and a  18   could be seen. She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days. And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words “LUV U ALWAYS”.
19  your gift is not packaged the way you want it, it’s because it is better packaged the way it is! Always appreciate little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with the   20 .
A.take care ofB.pay forC.look forD.give away
A.If B.ButC.AlthoughD.So
The month of May is not only a graduation month in the US, but also a month when some families hold reunions.Have you ever considered why it is important that families get together in one place for a particular time? I believe the reason is honor.
Family reunions are a time we can take out of our busy schedules and spend quality time with our extended families(大家庭).It is a time when we can make our sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and others we love a priority (首要事情)in our life.
Some reunions take place over a picnic lunch and some last a whole weekend.They can be costly and are sometimes crazy.But the truth is, when people you love grow up and move away, getting together for a family reunion and holding that family bond together is so important.
Family reunions build a renewed closeness as we mix with our relatives.We sit and talk about old times and listen to the stories that our older and wiser relatives love to share.As the children run and play and get to know each other, we sit and revisit our childhood memories and enjoy the short time we have together.
The best part of a family reunion is the time spent simply being around the people you care about A reunion shows how important it is to take time for each other.When you receive a family reunion invitation, make it a priority in your life.It's a great chance to see your relatives once again, give them a big hug and enjoy the time you have with them.Life is too short not to!
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to attend a family reunion?B.What is a family reunion?
C.Tips for a family reunion.D.Make time to attend a family reunion.
小题2:"Family reunions" in the passage means that you____.
A.talk with your wife or husbandB.get together with your relatives
C.communicate with your childrenD.have a dinner with your parents
小题3:Family reunions can help you____.
A.solve your problemsB.kill time when you are bored
C.improve the relation with your relatives D.find more relatives who live far away
小题4:What does the underlined sentence "Life is too short not to" in the last paragraph mean?
A.Family reunions are very important.
B.Family reunions are common.
C.Our life is very short.
D.Attending family reunions is uneasy.
Professor Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto in Canada has invented a term to describe the way many North Americans interact(交流,沟通) these days. The term is “networked individualism”. This concept is not easy to understand because the words seem to have opposite meanings. How can we be individuals(个人,个体) and be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.
Here is what Professor Wellman means. Before the invention of the Internet and e-mail, our social networks included live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and friends. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real time.
A recent research study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced this person-to-person interaction. However, a lot of people interviewed for the Pew study say that’s a good thing. Why?
In the past, many people were worried that the Internet isolated (孤立)us and caused us to spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discovered that the opposite is true. The Internet connects us with more real people than expected—helpful people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important role in helping them make major life decisions.
Thanks to the computer, we are able to be alone and together with other people — at the same time!
小题1:The underlined phrase “networked individualism” probably means that by using computers people ________.
A.stick to their own ways no matter what other people say
B.have the rights and freedom to do things of their own interest
C.do things in their own ways and express opinions different from other people
D.are able to keep to themselves but at the same time reach out to other people
小题2:According to the Pew study, what do many people rely on to make major life decisions?
小题3:It can be inferred from the Pew study that _______.
A.people have been separated from each other by using computers
B.the Internet makes people waste a lot of time and feel very lonely
C.the Internet has become a tool for a new kind of social communication
D.a lot of people regard the person-to-person communication as a good thing
小题4:Which would be the best title for this passage?
A.We’re Alone on the Internet.
B.We’re Communicating on the Internet.
C.We’re Alone Together on the Internet.
D.We’re in the Imaginary World of the Internet
The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said, “You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.”
Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers.Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, “What am I doing with my life?” and they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack goals.
Goal-setting is a focusing of the will to move in a certain direction.Begin with a clear conception of what you want.Write down your goals and date them—putting them into words clarifies them.Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute—goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.
It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal.While losers visualize the penalties(不利)of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success.I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference.I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly.I had programmed myself, without realizing it, to stay off planes.
Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort;I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation.So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.
When the day arrived, I was eager to go.To everyone’s surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day.
小题1:According to the passage, if you want to be successful, the first thing for you to do is   ________.
A.find the right methodsB.be careful about everything
C.know your abilityD.have a clear goal
小题2:If you have a target, you will ________.
A.wander like a sleepwalker
B.know well what you are doing
C.do the same work every day
D.put it into words
小题3:The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that________.
A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel
B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal
C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying
D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Define Your Coal
B.Visualize Rewards of Success
C.Overcome the Fear of Air Travel
D.Sleepwalking Through Life
There’s been a lot of talk about white-and-blue collar workers, and you may have even heard of gold collar workers, but lately a new color of collar is making its way into China’s urban vernacular(土话)—green. Green collars say no when work is life and life is work. They choose to get out of the fast lane(车道), and explore new ways of living “green”.
Living green doesn’t mean someone is working as an environmentalist, biologist or scientist. Instead it is more of a lifestyle choice. A typical green collar is well educated like a white-collar but physically tough like a blue-collar, likely born in the 70s or 80s of the last century and living in one of China’s big cities, with a monthly income well above 5,000 yuan (about US $700).
The life of a green collar may go something like this; Turn off the mobile phone after work, eat only healthy food rich in vitamins, go on hikes every weekend, and like to help the underprivileged. 
Green collars even have their own club. In Beijing, the Green Collar Club is for people who share a “be happy, healthy and helpful” spirit. The club often holds charity parties and uses the donations for environmental protection and poverty relief(摆脱贫困)projects in China.
“They are successful in their careers, but do not miss the pleasures in life. They have a lot of money, but do not fall slave to it.” said Zuo Shiguang, one of the founding members of the club.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Differences between white-and-blue collars and green collars.
B.The increasing awareness of environmental protection.
C.New trends of life in China’s big cities.
D.The lifestyle of green collars.
小题2:Green collars will     after work.
A.prefer to be left alone
B.have fun with old friends
C.think nothing about work and more
D.do a lot of extra work at home
小题3:What ’s Zuo Shiguang’s attitude towards green collars?
小题4:The underlined part “the underprivileged” probably refers to those who are        .
A.in heavy polluted areas B.in faraway places
C.in a poor state of educationD.in unfavourable conditions

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