
A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin (顽童)was walking around the shining car. "Is this your car, Paul?" he asked.

Paul answered, "Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was surprised. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you anything. Boy, I wish..."He hesitated (犹豫).

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.

"I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again; "Would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh, yes, I'd love that." After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, "Paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?"

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked.

He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled ( 残疾 ) brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.

"There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm going to give you one just like it. Then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that I've been trying to tell you about."

Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.

1.The street urchin was very surprised when______________ . 

A.Paul received an expensive car

B.Paul told him about the car

C.he saw the shining car

D.he was walking around the car

2.The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house______________ .

A.to show his neighbours the big car

B.to show he had a rich friend

C.to let his brother ride in the car

D.to tell his brother about his wish

3.We can infer from the story that______________.

A.Paul couldn't understand the urchin

B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother

C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother

D.the urchin's wish came true in the end

4.The best title of the story is__________ .

A.A Christmas Present

B.A Street Urchin

C.A Brother Like That

D.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride








1.B 细节题。根据第二段第2行"Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was surprised. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you anything可知当Paul告诉他这辆车是哥哥送给他的时候,他很惊讶。故B正确。

2.D 推理题。根据倒数第二段前三行There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm going to give you one just like it.可知小男孩这样做是想告诉他的兄弟他的愿望。故D正确。

3.B 推理题。由文章倒数第二段可知小男孩对自己的兄弟是非常热爱的。

4.C 主旨大意题。文章讲述了一个小男孩对弟弟的爱,希望自己能成为Paul的哥哥那样的人。故C符合。



    Collections were the inspiration(灵感) for a project at Thomas Tallis School, which formed part of the Imagine Children's Literature Festival last autumn. Each child (aged 12-13) beatified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it. The boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Hall's Ballroom. Some were left empty to encourage

    The subject chosen by Luren was an imaginative one. "It's a sort o f Cinderella (灰姑娘) story," she told me, inspired by a collection of letters from her cousin, ha the story these become love letters, burned by a creel stepmother. Lauren's best friend Charlotte is the stepmother. "I'm in Charlotte's story too," says Lauren, "and I get run over." Charlotte's tale was inspired by the girls' coin collection. "We've collected foreign coins for years since our families went on holiday to Tenerife." she explains. "That was before the Euro, so we put pesetas in." Lauren continues: "I fred a coin in the road, go to get it and get run over. I'm in hospital and then I die." Charlotte adds: "Or she might not die. I haven't decided yet."

     Millie Murray, who is a tea-novel author, thinks that setting the subject of collections was a useful inspiration to their creativity rather than a restriction(限制). "In the beginning I thought, 'Will the children be able to do it?'" she says. "But it's been fruitful. Some have their own collection, some have parents who do, and some have wlstten complete stories. It's made them think about something they wouldn't have otherwise, winch can only be a good thing."

59. What were the children asked to do in the project?

      A. To meet friends at Thomas Tallis School

      B. To write stories on the subject of collections.

      C. To encourage visitors to write their own stories.

      D. To have their friends for characters in the stories.                      

60. The underlined word "pesetas" in Paragraph 2 is a kind of _____.

      A. story       B. collection      C. inspiration     D. foreign coin      

61. From the stories by Lauren and Charlotte, we know that _____ .

      A. Charlotte hurt herself when getting a coin

      B. both of them developed their imagination

      C. both of tram will die in each other's stories

      D. Latwen's cousin posted her some love letters                            

62. Millie Murray thinks ________.

      A. collections could inspire writing creativity

      B. it was good for parents to have collections

      C. inspirations were very useful in writing stories

      D. setting collection subjects restricted inspirations                

My friend Karen and I were always together. Karen was only a few months older than I. I always thought she was so beautiful, with long hair and blue eyes. I loved Karen so much because she liked me for being the way I was. I could be myself and share my secrets with her and I never felt like I was being judged.

We had so much fun and were really quite silly. One time I asked my mom to make us the same dresses so we could pretend we were twins.

We continued as best friends throughout grade school. One day, Karen was going to another friend’s place and asked me to come along, but I couldn’t go because I had a babysitting job that afternoon. We walked together to the Becker’s home where I was to babysit and then she continued on her way without me. We had agreed that I would meet her at the corner when she returned and I finished my job.

At four o’clock I rushed to the corner so I wouldn’t be late for meeting Karen. Just as I arrived at the corner, I saw Karen crossing the street. In a second it happened. I saw Karen’s body fly up in the sky. A car had hit her!

Karen was on life support for a week before it was decided that they would allow her to go in peace. Karen’s parents wanted to donate her organs(器官)to the hospital, but there was nothing left healthy enough to be used because she was hit so hard.

I have never got so close to another person since Karen died. I do miss her! Do you cherish(珍惜)your friends? If you don’t, please do, as you may lose them one day.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.A horrible car accident

B.An unforgettable experience

C.My dearest friend—Karen

D.An unforgettable girl

2.When Karen was hit by a car, she was            .

A.on her way to a friend’s place

B.on her way to the Becker’s home

C.shouting to the writer who was so far from her

D.heading to the corner where she and the writer would meet

3.Why were Karen’s organs unable to be donated?

A.Because her parents refused to do that.

B.Because all of her organs were seriously damaged.

C.Because the doctors thought it was too cruel.

D.Because no patients needed organs in the hospital then.

4.What does the writer suggest we do?

A.Cherish our friends.

B.Accept the fact that people die.

C.Be careful when crossing the street.

D.Never be too close to someone.



When she was seven, we found out that Jenny had a few problems. Several ___36___ and many speech classes later, we found out that besides hearing, she also had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(幼儿类风湿性关节炎).

She could not put ___37___ on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe and when the pain became unbearable, I carried her.

All ___38___ grade school, and on into high school, Jenny suffered, yet never complained. She ___39___ a smile on her face, a song on her lips, and a(n) ___40___ and acceptance of others. I don’t remember her ever

___41___ self-pity. She ran when she could run. She played when she could play, and she danced when she could dance. And, when she could do ___42___ of these things, she took her medicine, and she waited until she ___43___.

Jenny never competed in a sport. She could not even take part in a gym class. Jenny continued to have one operation after another on her ___44___. Finally, her hearing improved to 60%, and she taught herself to ___45___ lips.

She was ___46___ popular and funny, attending every football game, and cheering the team on. She carried her pillow everywhere she went, so that she could ___47___ the pain, when she sat down. Then came her senior year. She would be considered for scholarships; however, school activities, especially ___48___, could often mean the ___49___ between receiving an award and losing out.

So Jenny came to a decision. She ___50___ the high school football coach to let her participate. She got her best friend to sign up with her. Finally the coach ___51___, saying, “If you miss one game, you are out!” So, Jenny became a member o the Garrett High School Football Team.

She carried bottles of water to her teammates. She did much preparation work for the team. She worked so actively that it ___52___ to be one of the best year for the Garrett High School Football Team, in its 25-year history.

When asked why he thought the team was winning all their games, even in the ___53___ of injury, one team member explained, “Well, when you’ve been knocked down, and you can’t seem to move, you ___54___ and see Jenny Lewis. It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty ___55___.”

36. A. trials                  B. examinations                   C. experiments              D. treatments

37. A. control        B. power                             C. strength                    D. pressure

38. A. through              B. across                      C. over                         D. above

39. A. expressed            B. wore                               C. took                         D. made

40. A. love                   B. admiration                C. envy                        D. desire

41. A. speaking             B. talking                            C. sharing                     D. voicing

42. A. nothing        B. all                                  C. none                        D. some

43. A. would                 B. could                              C. should               D. might

44. A. ears                    B. legs                                C. arms                        D. mouth

45. A. see                     B. learn                               C. read                         D. hear

46. A. never                  B. totally                      C. occasionally              D. seldom

47. A. struggle              B. lose                                C. stop                         D. ease

48. A. grades         B. relationships                    C. sports                D. communication

49. A. importance   B. difference                 C. chance                     D. choice

50. A. begged        B. demanded                        C. required                   D. managed

51. A. gave out             B. gave in                            C. held up                    D. held on

52. A. turned over  B. turned out                C. turned up                 D. turned in

53. A. sight                   B. fear                                C. risk                          D. face

54. A. looked down       B. looked in                         C. looked up                 D. looked out

55. A. different             B. worth                              C. difficult                   D. unimportant


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