
Perhaps you think you could easily add to your happiness with more money. Strange as it may seem, if you're unsatisfied, the issue is not a lack of means to meet your desires but a lack of desires—not that you cannot satisfy your tastes but that you don't have enough tastes.

Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities (能力) to enjoy life. Most people are already swamped(淹没) with things. They eat, wear, go and talk too much. They live in too big a house with too many rooms, yet their house of life is a hut.

Your house of life ought to be a mansion (豪宅) , a royal palace. Every new taste, every additional interest, every fresh enthusiasm adds a room. Here are several rooms your house of life should have.

Art should be a desire for you to develop simply because the world is full of beautiful things. If you only understood how to enjoy them and feed your spirit on them, they would make you as happy as to find plenty of ham and eggs when you're hungry.

Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, richly furnished room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment. To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person, for a rich person is not someone who has a library but who likes a library.

Music like Mozart's and Bach's shouldn't be absent. Real riches are of the spirit. And when you've brought that spirit up to where classical music feeds it and makes you a little drunk, you have increased your thrills and bettered them. And life is a matter of thrills.

Sports, without which you remain poor, mean a lot in life. No matter who you are, you would be more human, and your house of life would be better supported against the had days, if you could, and did, play a bit.

Whatever rooms you might add to your house of life, the secret of enjoying life is to keep adding.

1.The author intends to tell us that____________.

A. true happiness lies in achieving wealth by fair means

B. big houses are people's most valued possessions

C. big houses can in a sense bring richness of life

D. true happiness comes from spiritual riches

2.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably implies that__________.

A. however materially rich, they never seem to be satisfied

B. however materially rich, they remain spiritually poor

C. though their house is big, they prefer a simple life

D. though their house is big, it seems to be a cage

3.It can be learned from the passage that __________.

A. more money brings more happiness

B. art is needed to make your house beautiful

C. literature can enrich your spiritual life

D. sports contribute mainly to your physical fitness

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. House of Life B. Secret of Wealth

C. Rest and Refreshment D. Interest and Enthusiasm








1.D. 推断题:根据全文最后一句话Whatever rooms you might add to your house of life, the secret of enjoying life is to keep adding.可知,真正的快乐来自于精神的富有。故选D。

2.2】B. 推断题:根据第二自然段的前两句话Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities (能力) to enjoy life. Most people are already swamped(淹没) with things. They eat, wear, go and talk too much. 可知,划线句子的意思是他们物质上富足,精神上却很贫穷,故选B。

3.3】C. 细节题:根据第五自然段Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, richly furnished room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment. To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person, for a rich person is not someone who has a library but who likes a library. 可知文学可以丰富你的精神生活,故选C。

4.4】A. 主旨题:文章多次提到了房子,且这篇文章论证了精神富有与真正快乐之间的关系,所以这篇文章最好的题目是生活的房子,故选A。



(Q = Question; A = Answer)

Situation I

Q: If someone sits right next to me in an empty movie theater, is it rude to move?

A: Maybe, but nobody will fault you for it. Chances are that close sitter doesn't realize he disturbs you, so he may miss your annoyance. You undoubtedly aren't the first person he's met who needs enough room. Forgive his bad judgment, move quietly and enjoy the show.

Situation II

Q: If I use the bathroom at a store, do I need to buy something?

A: Consider frequency and urgency. Is this a one-time or an emergency? If so, you don't have to buy anything, but it would be kind if you did. However, if you regularly use the bathroom at this place, then you are a customer, and you should act like one.

Situation III

Q: If someone is talking loudly on the bus, is there a nice way to ask him to keep it down?

A: No. Try other means.1) Stare at him until he gets aware of it and quiets down. 2) Lift your finger in a silence motion(动作)and smile. 3) Put on earphones and ignore him.

Situation IV

Q: If I remember my friend's birthday a day late, should I apologize or just wish her a happy birthday like nothing happened?

A: This is the reason why the word belated was invented. "Happy belated birthday!" is short for: "Well, I know I forgot, but then I remembered. Forgive me and happy birthday."

Situation V

Q: Can I lie about seeing a text because I was too busy or lazy to respond(回复) to it?

A: Don't lie. Receiving a text does not mean you need to respond to it. Why waste a perfectly good lie when the truth will serve? "Yes," you can say if ever asked, "I saw it." No explanation is needed as to why you don't respond.

1.You will get annoyed in a theater when .

A. a person is too active

B. a person is too rude to you

C. a person talks too loudly

D. a person sits too close to you

2.How will you quiet someone down in a public place?

A. By making fun of him continuously.

B. By looking purposefully at him.

C. By talking to him directly.

D. By pointing angrily at him.

3.The underlined word "belated" in Situation IV probably means .

A. predicted B. returned C. cancelled D. delayed

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Modern ways to mind your manners.

B. Different ways to change others' manners.

C. Proper manners to offer help to others.

D. Good manners to talk to people.


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